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CHAPTER ONE | The 13th Vice Captain

For Jyuushiro Ukitake, it was something rushed. He has never heard a wind of the recruitment for his new vice captain and just yesterday, he was informed that the captain commander has chosen one for him. Perhaps it was because his coughs have been terrible lately and he was too sick the other week to even care about the announcements.

His new vice captain is arriving today and sadly, he is not happy about it. Truthfully, he wanted someone from his own squad to assist him. It will take more effort to get a new one to adjust with the everyday chores in the 13th division. He took a glance at his 3rd seats, Kiyone Kotetsu and Sentaro Kotsubaki that are walking behind him. He sure wanted one of them to be his vice captain. But he can't go against the captain commander's decision of course...

"I heard the new vice captain is arriving today, taicho..." Kotetsu asked softly.

Jyuushiro twitched a bit at that question he so longed to avoid.

"Yes." He simply answered and to avoid it all together he added, "It's a wonderful morning, isn't it. Ah...remind me to take a walk later today."

"Hai, taicho." Kotsubaki answered curtly.

From then on, all is silent as they walk towards the main receiving room of the 13th Division. Jyuushiro feels responsible for this to happen. He is very mindful of his condition and if he isn't sick, the captain commander might have given him the honor of choosing his own vice captain. 'Ah...but there is no sense in crying over spilled milk...' he thought to himself as he entered the room.

Jyuushiro seated himself at the far middle end of the room and waited. Kotetsu and Kotsubaki seated on both his sides. For a moment, there is silence until a black butterfly arrived and sent word that the new vice captain is at the gates.

"Go and fetch your new vice captain, Kotetsu." Jyuushiro ordered with a rueful smile.

"Hai, taicho." Kotetsu stood up, bowed and went on her way. She is partly disheartened that she was not chosen as the new vice captain. But of course, she is yet to achieve her bankai and it's not suprise why the captain commander did not choose her as well. She has not experienced fierce combats with hollows and other enemies. It is to no question that Captain Ukitake's vice captain should be experienced in the mind and as well as physically prepared for battle.

When she arrived at the gates, she saw a woman almost as tall as her captain. Her back was to her so she was not able to see her face yet. The woman possess long rave locks that stretches to her buttocks and fair complexion. She slowly approached the woman. "Are you the new vice captain?" She asked.

Setsuna turned to see a young woman with short orange hair. "Ohayo. I'm not sure if I got the right gate...but since you're asking. I think I made it. Yes, I'm the new vice captain assigned to the 13th division. I'm Oe Setsuna. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu." She greeted.

Kotetsu was surprised that the woman is very pretty despite the worn out shinigami uniform. "Ah...hai. I'm Kiyone Kotetsu, the 3rd seat of this division. It's nice to meet you, Oe-fukotaicho." She bowed curtly.

"Nice to meet you too, Kotetsu-chan." Setsuna answered.

"Please follow me. Ukitake-taicho is waiting in the main receiving room." Kotetsu turned and walked towards the room followed by the new comer. As they walked silently, the taller shinigami started talking.

"So, is he still coughing endlessly?"

"I beg your pardon, Oe-fukotaicho?" Kotetsu stopped and turned to face the vice captain.

"Jyuushiro - your captain...and my captain" Setsuna answered, correcting herself. "Is he still barking like a dog?"

Kotetsu was confused if she's to laugh or not because her new vice captain is showing concern more than humor in her eyes. "I...well...its getting worst recently."

"I see..." Setsuna answered with a sigh. She is very sad to know that. Looking up, she forced a smile. "Have you served him his tea already?"

Kotetsu shook her head slowly.

Setsuna took a pouch from her bag and gave it to the young girl. "Please put a spoonful in the kettle." She instruct and saw the doubt in Kotetsu's eyes. She smiled. "Ah...it's good to know that he has loyal subjects... Don't worry. It's something I've tested for so long. I am formerly from the 4th squad, you see..."

Kotetsu smiled wider at this. 'I see now why she was chosen...' she thought. "It's not far, vice captain." She took the pouch and hid it in her sleeve leading the way. "The captain is waiting."

Two shadows arrived in front of the main room's shoji door. Jyuushiro's eyes shot open.

"Oe Setsuna, reporting for duty. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu." Setsuna bowed to everyone as she presented herself in front of her captain. It's been so long since she last saw him. She frowned at how tired Jyuushiro Ukitake looks. 'He has work himself out too much...' she sighed. "Will we be standing here all day, taicho?" She smiled playfully.

Hearing that voice rendered Jyuushiro immobile. It's been so long, he thought. He stood up and accidentally knocked down a few scrolls beside him. Kotsubaki caught the scrolls. "Thank you, Kotsubaki-san." He fixed himself and smiled as best he can. "Let us take a walk in the gardens, Oe-san." Jyuushiro turned to Kotsubaki. "Please carry on with the daily routine." he ordered.

"Of course, taicho." Kotsubaki answered and watched as the captain and the vice captain left for the gardens. "The way he reacted... He must know Oe-fukotaicho from before..." He mused.

"Yes... I also noticed how close they are when Oe-fukotaicho called the captain by his first name casually." Kotetsu nodded as she stood by Kotsubaki.

"There is only one way to find out..." Kotsubaki grinned and looked at Kotetsu. "Go ask Kyoraku-taicho and I'll take care of your chores."

"H-hai!" Kotetsu grinned back and rushed out of the gates to the 8th Division. Finding out about their captain's past sure is interesting. 'The way he reacted a while ago...there must be something between those two...' her grin widened at the thought. 'Kyoraku-taicho will be a big help.'

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