"Is everything fine between you and Shruthi?" asked Suma while sitting on sofa.

"Yeah" replied Krishna confusedly.

"What happened before you coming to Mumbai, Krishna? Is it only for your studies or is there any other reason."

"Why are you asking all this, Suma?"

"Just tell me honestly. I will explain everything after that."

"That....That I was so possessive about her back then and when I saw her with her friend's brother I kissed her forcefully. My mother saw me kissing her." said Krishna embarrassed while scratching his neck.

"Then what happened?"

"She scolded me and my parents decided not to let us stay in same place until I finish my studies and settle in life. That's how I came to Mumbai 8 years back. Now tell me why are you asking me all these, I know there must be something otherwise you wouldn't be asking me these many personal questions that too which involves Shruthi."

"Hmm.....Are you sure that she is happy after marriage?"

"She is very shy and somewhat distant with me but I'm sure she will be fine."

"Actually shyness is not the main reason for her being distant to you."

"I didn't get you, Suma"

Suma then told him about the discussion which she had with Shruthi that morning, not all the things they discussed but few things which she felt that Krishna should be aware of. Krishna was shocked to know all those things about Shruthi.

"But my mom must have told her because of my behavior as she was very innocent." told Krishna after hearing the Shruthi's reason of being distant with him.

"Yeah, your mother's words strongly registered in her mind and whenever you tried get close to her she was feeling guilty that she is breaking her words and also scared to tell you to stay away from her."

"I never thought that she was going through all these. So that was why she was so scared when never I tried to get close to her " stated Krishna shocked.

"Yeah, she never had any other friends and making friendship with kids always made her unaware of marriage , husband & wife relationship"

"I can't believe this, I don't know how to make her feel relaxed and comfortable around me, Suma" says Krishna as he is so confused at that moment on what to do and what not to do with Shruthi.

"Just give her some space Krishna. Don't push her into anything and also at the same time don't stop showing your love to her but you just have to be very understanding. she is very naive and is like a kid at heart . I had a talk with her too, she will come around but till then be patient with her. For now, don't let her know that I told you all these things as she might stop sharing her fears with me."


"I just wanted to clear the air between you two. I hope you both can start the married life soon. " said Suma smiling and Krishna too smiled in reply.

Later Suma, took Sunny with her and left to her flat. Krishna was shocked hearing all these from Suma. He knew that Shruthi is naive but never thought that her irresponsiveness is not because of her shyness but because of his mother's words.

He started to feel guilty as he was always bothered about his feelings but never once tried to know her feelings after marriage. He always knew that he was somewhat rough with her but he couldn't help it as that is his nature and since childhood he always considered Shruthi as his own which made him behave with her like he owns her life. He decided to be patient with Shruthi to accept him as her husband completely and not by forcing her.

His innocent BiWi {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now