"I have been home."

"I haven't seen you there for days."

"I'm sorry. I have dance practice then I teach classes and I have other things to do around the studio."

He's so annoying. I shouldn't be apologizing. This is my job. He should accept that. I accept his job. I love how our jobs keep us from seeing each other right now. I'm sure he doesn't. Who knows what he would do to me if I was with him right now. I'm sure I know what he wants. He mumbled, "I know. It would be nice to see my girlfriend."

"I'm sure you'll see me soon enough."

I know exactly why he wants to see me. He usually doesn't really want anything to do with me unless it's sex. I don't want to have sex with him. He asked, "Are you teaching any classes tomorrow?"

Ugh! I know this means he's going to be home tomorrow night. I knew he was going to have a day off soon. I just didn't expect it to be tomorrow. I know exactly what's going to happen. I really don't think I can deal with it happening again this week. "I don't know yet. I might have a couple private lessons. I'll have to check."

"Alright. I'll see you later."

I can't help but roll my eyes as he hung up before I could say anything. I can't wait till I'm away from him. I don't think I can handle it too much anymore. It's emotionally draining. It's almost like I don't have anymore more emotions left. Well at least towards him or anything involved with him. I only stay here so much so I don't have to see him. I honestly have some money where I can hire someone to help out around here. I just don't right now so I can stay away from him till I'm for sure that I have the money to stay away from him. He can keep everything except for my clothes. He can have everything else. I might even start looking at apartments soon. I just want anyway. I know no one else will help me. Even all of my family likes him. Probably because our families are friends. They won't believe anything I say about him. Everyone around here loves him. He's one of the most respected doctors around. I'm sure he wouldn't be if they all knew how he really was. I know he dates a lot of nurses. They all think he's so dreamy. He's not. He's the biggest asshole once they get to know him. None of them really stay around too long though. Well maybe except for this last one. She can take him for all I care. I would gladly move out and let her move in if he gave me some of my money back. I know that will never happen though. My thoughts got interrupted by the bell on the front door ringing. I really don't know who it could be. I know all the girls went home and I don't have anymore classes here today and I don't do private lessons today. I got up and walked out to the front desk. I noticed a lady older than I was. I'm not very old though. She had a little girl with her. Maybe 6 or 7. I smiled, "Can I help you with anything?"

She nodded, "Yes. We just moved here and my daughter wanted to get into a dance class. I was wondering if you were still enrolling here. I know it's past the enrollment time but us moving was really sudden."

I nodded, "Does she have any experience?"

"Yes. She been dancing since she was 4."

"Alright. I'll just get you some papers to fill out."

She smiled, "Thank you so much. Most places wouldn't have done this."

I smiled, "It's no problem. I would be upset if I was told I had to wait a year to dance too."

I found the papers for classes and handed them to her with a pen. I mumbled, "I'll be right back."

I walked back to my office and grabbed my phone. I know this can take a little bit for things to be filled out. I don't want to completely rush to get ready for this date and I don't want Harry to wait around for me. I texted him, "I'm sorry I may be running a little late. I'm helping a girl sign up for classes."

Before I could set my phone back down it vibrated. I noticed his name there. I opened the text, "It's fine, love. I understand."

I can't help but smile a little. I'm happy he's not upset about it. I'm happy he understands that I have a job. I'm sure he has one too. I'm just not even sure what it is. I could always ask him tonight. I mean I don't really know anything about him other than the fact that he's 19. He defiantly already knows how to treat a girl better than Adam ever did. Even before Adam and I moved in together he went crazy every time I ran a little late. Everything always had to be on his time, the way he thought everything should be.

I set my phone down before walking back out to the front desk. I saw the women still filling out the papers. I'm not going to rush her. I sat down and started organizing a few things that I've been needing to. I can always finish it tomorrow when I'm trying not to be around Adam. It shouldn't be too hard. I always have things to do here. She handed me the papers, "When are your classes for her age group?"

"Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-6."

"Do you have a competition team here?"

"Not this season but I do plan on having one next season."

She smiled, shaking my hand, "Thank you very much. I'll see you Tuesday then."

I nodded as they left. I can't believe it's Friday already. I guess that's why Harry asked me out for a date for today. I put the papers away. I can always deal with them tomorrow. I know I have the older girls here tomorrow for their class before their competition. I don't go with them though. It's the other girl, Kate, that goes. She knows how things are with Adam. I'm happy she hasn't said anything to anyone about it all. She only knows somethings though. I'm not sure what she would so if she knew it all. I can't wait till I can get away from Adam so I can just hire her full time and I can actually have a life. I do love working here but I do also want to do other things. She wants to work here more too. She's asked me about it all before.

I walked back to my office. I know I need to hurry up and get ready. I don't want to keep Harry waiting too long.

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