Night in the hotel

Start from the beginning

"How was your day Sophie?" I asked.

"It was ok" She replied.

"Ok that's not good. So what happened Sophie that you feel your day was not great" I asked amused.

"I... I was just inside the house and didn't go to the garden so I think I feel it was not that refreshing" She answered.

"Ok.. then let's go out Sophie" I proposed.

She jerked and stared at me surprised.

"Sure If you insist" She answered realizing I was not joking.

"That's great" I answered smiling.

"Mr. Wilson... can I go meet my Mom in the hospital today" She asked with light in her eyes.

"Yes.. you can but not today.." I said but when I saw her saddened look I continued "And Sophie I will not be here for a week so you can do whatever you like" .

She smiled for the first time since she came to my house. After we were done I took her to my hotel and to the best suite available.

When I locked the door I saw she was gazing at the room in wonder. I caught her by her waist from behind.

"Sophie I want you now" I whispered kissing her neck.

"But Mr. Wilson you said we will roam around" She answered.

"We will after I am back right now I want to be in you" I kissed her back.

" I will join you after shower" She said

"Ok do it but be quick I don't want to wait longer".

She left to refresh herself. Meanwhile, I refreshed myself in the other bathroom.

Sophie's POV

I really don't understand this man. All he is after is sex and nothing else. He brought me all the way in this expensive hotel to be in bed. 

I was glad since the last two weeks he didn't touch me but now, here in this hotel he wants to have his rights. I took a shower and wrapped myself in the towel since I didn't have any clothes. As I stepped outside I found someone wrap me in arms from back. I was startled but then I realized it was Mr. Wilson.

"You took so long Sophie you are such a tease" He murmured kissing my shoulder blades.

"I came quickly as much as I could Mr. Wilson" I replied shivering with his touch.

"It's Nicholas to you love" He answered by turning my face to him.

"But..." I said but he cut me off by keeping his finger on my lips and cupping my face.

"Say Nicholas love.. say my name" he asked again.

"Nic.. Nicholas" I stuttered.

"That wasn't hard was it love?" he said.

I just nodded. Suddenly he unwrapped my towel and left me naked for his eyes. He eyed me from top to bottom and then he hugged me.

"You are so beautiful love. I love it that I was your first" He said hugging me tightly.

Then he lift my thighs so I was straddling him and then I felt his member poking my belly and I realized even he was naked like me. He pushed me on the bed and started laying kisses.

"Sophie .. you are so beautiful and mine" he kept whispering while laying wet kisses.

When he was done with his foreplay he positioned himself near my core and entered me gently. This was the first time he was gentle while having sex with me. He was sliding in and out with rhythm and soon I felt like I was going to explode and soon I found myself having orgasm. Soon he followed me.

"Thank you, Sophie.. this was the best I got till date" He whispered kissing my forehead. I felt him get up and then he went out.

I was thankful that I was left alone to gather myself from the shameful deed. Tears rolled out from my eyes but I wiped them. Suddenly I saw him entering again.

"Sophie would you like to watch a movie with me" He asked. I just nodded.

"What movie would you like to watch" He asked

"Whatever you feel like watching. I am not into movies" I answered. The truth was I could not afford a TV forget about watching movie. Last two months I was struggling to put food in mine and my mother's mouth. When feeding yourself becomes a quite effort you won't have time for luxuries.

"Let's watch titanic then" he said.

He kept the movie and curled next to me in the bed. We were watching and then I felt him groping my breast I looked at him but he seemed to be looking at the screen I tried removing his hand when he moved me in his lap. 

"Love let's make love again I want you now " He said kissing me in the crook of my neck.

Again he repeated the act and this time again I felt humiliated. Soon he spooned me from behind me while holding me by the waist. I was too exhausted to stay awake and I too fell into oblivion.

In the morning he woke me up and he drove me home and then he rushed with his things and left for his trip. I was glad that he left and now at least I can feel some freedom. I had planned to savor my days with this new freedom.

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