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Rowan's POV

It's been an hour and we're stuck in traffic on the free way .

" ok so if we got stuck on a mountain would u want it to be summer or winter " asks Corey from the back I scrunch my eyebrows and adjust my seatbelt so I can look at him

"What type of question is that " I ask him and see that B is asleep

"Just a thought" he shrugs

" I would want it to be winter " says Peyton looking through the rear mirror at Corey

I think about for a second are u insane .

"Are you crazy " I ask him and see him smile
"Crazy for you " he says in hushed voice but I still heard him but decided to let it pass

"Now why would I be crazy row " he says and I see that he's taking an exit off the freeway

"You would want to be stuck on a mountain in the winter ? Where u could freeze to death or starve to death " I ask and see his smile fade

"Never mind summer " he says and looks at the mirror again

"What about you Corey " he asks and I turn in my seat so that I'm facing Corey

" I would want it to be spring " he says with a smile

"Hey that wasn't on of the options " I say and scrunch my eyebrows together

"Oops " he says and laughs

" hey pey who was that girl u were with in New York " asks Corey and I can tell that Peyton tensed up

"Maddy? She's an old friend bestfriend actually" he says and I feel my stomach hurt because he used the bestfriend label . That always means something more than its actual meaning .

"Oh then why were u guys kissing" he asks and I see Peyton grip harder on the steering wheel

"Stop with the questions Corey lets just enjoy the ride " he responds and I send Corey a smile because he has guilt written on his face

After I turn back around I see that were in a parking lot and instantly smile at myself

" God I love this place " I say as Peyton parks the the truck

" you've been here before ?" Asks Peyton as he puts on his sweater

" yeah funny story I came here when Uriah got a movie deal we celebrated here it was amazing it's been a couple months since then though" I say and unbuckle my seat belt

"You obviously had fun with him " he says and hops off the truck slamming the door behind him

"Deep breathe row boat you'll be fine come on" says B and I see that she already woke up

"Yeah let's have fun " says Corey and I shoot him a smile and get out of the truck

"Huckleberry cheer up will you " I hear B say as I walk with Corey to the escalator

"Hey Rowan " he ask as we step on it

"What's up " I say as I turn to him

" Do u love Uriah ?" He asks

" Uriah will always hold a place in my heart he was my longest relationship and what I felt for him isn't going to go away that easy I've loved 2 boys in my life and right now i'd like to keep it that way , that's why I don't want to move on to Peyton I think friends is all I want to be for now " I say and look up at Peyton to see that him and B are arguing about something so he probably didn't hear me

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