Caffeine and Surgery

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" My nightmares are usually about losing you "  -Peeta Mellark(Mockingjay)

My pager beeped making me check it.

911 Room 300

That's Corey's room. My heart sunk to my stomach as I ran through the halls to his room. My head made up a million different problems that could occur making me feel sick.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in the room wasn't Corey or the nurses. There was a smell. A familiar smell, but one that didn't belong in a patients room.

A nurse was calling my name as she did CPR. She was running out of energy and I could tell so I ran over to start the code.

"Charge panels to 200!" I yelled as the staff did that. I made sure the gel was on the panels and rubbed them together, "Not again you dork. I'm not letting you die and I don't get why your heart wants too damnit."

I looked at everyone in the room. "Okay. Clear!" I yelled and placed the panels on his chest ready to shock him. It was easier to watch his hearr monitor then have to spend time to check for a pulse like last time.

The line on the monitor suddenly showed rhythm. His heart was beating again. That's when I could smell it again.

That same smell was stronger near him. My eyes searched for an answer and yet the smell, it was impossible to describe.

It was almost metallic. Like metal in a way...

I went to set the panels on the crash cart and noticed that my scrubs had a line of blood across the end of the shirt. About the height of his bed.

That's when I noticed the blood soaking into his matress and sheets. They were starting to drip with blood.

I scrambled for something to stop the bleeding. The nurse who was standing next to me a moment ago was wheeling away the crash cart. "What are you doing? Come and help me!"

She ignored me. "I need gauze. Get me some now!" I panicked at another nurse in the room before he left as well. "Where are you going he could bleed out!"

I turned him on his side to find where the bleeding was. There had to be a source. I tore the gown apart as fast as I could to find where the cut was.

Except there wasn't one. I searched and searched, yet the more I did the more blood seeped out of his skin.

"Impossible. This isn't possible," I whispered. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" I cried out for people.

No one was coming. Corey kept bleeding and bleeding.

Then his stats started falling. With the blink of an eye they were too low. His blood pressure almost non existant, and then his heart went again.

There was the sound of the heart monitor and that constant beep. It was almost deafing and seemed to keep getting louder and louder reminding me he was dead.

He was dead. My eyes started to tear up and My heart kept racing. It almost felt like I might have a heart attack.

For some reason I kept searching for a reason he was bleeding. I couldn't find one and ended up slumped over his body, it almost seemed like I could feel it get slightly colder with each passing minute.

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