Part 2: What happened?

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Note: I do not own Junjou Romantica! This is just a FanFic.
Do I seriously always have to add this? (≧∇≦)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy :)

Usagi Pov:

Misaki, wake up..
I want to see your beautiful emerald eyes again. Please! It has been three days... Wake up..

Tears were forming in my eyes again while I'm holding onto my Misaki's hand. We're in the hospital.
It has been three days since he had collapsed. Dr. Kusama has been taking care of him. I recognised him as Hiroki's boyfriend and I feel more comfortable with him taking care of Misaki because I kind off know him and he is with Hiroki so he doesn't have any intentions to touch my Misaki.

Wake up please, I'm going to need to refill on Misaki soon. And.. who will take care of Suzuki-chan! Who will cook the delicious food that you always make? Please.. I love you Misaki!

I look up when I hear that the door is getting opened. I'ts Takahiro.
"Ahh, Usagi-san! Is there some news on his health?" He asked. I have never seen him looking so worried and sad. "Not really.." My voice trembled and the huge voice crack made it sound even worse. Not that I care, I just want my Misaki to wake up. "Dr. Kusama said that the reason why he had collapsed is unknown, they couldn't find anything while they were examining him." I answered.
Takahiro nodded his head and walked towards me. "Usagi-san, Nanami has seemed to notice something about you and Misaki.." He started. My eyes widened. He doesn't mean that she noticed that we're in a relationship right? Misaki wanted to tell it to Takahiro himself..
"You haven't left the hospital since Misaki is here right?" I nodded at his question. I know what is comming next.. Takahiro sighed and looked uncomfortable. Then he looked me right in the eyes. "This may sound weird if it is not true but, Usagi.. Do you love Misaki?" I sighed. There's no other option than to answer thruthfully. "Yes I do, we have been lovers for 4 years. Misaki wanted to tell you himself but he always changed the subject or stopped talking when he was about to admit it. I'm sorry.."
Takahiro seemed surprised but his expression changed quickly.
"I'm glad that he is in safe arms. It's weird to find out that he is gay but atleast he is together with someone I know and trust.." He smiled.
"Takahiro.." I said happily. "Thank you." Misaki suddenly moved. He lifted his arms as he whispered my name.  "U-Usagi.." It sounded really weak but it was loud enough for me and Takahiro to hear it. We both jumped up at the same time shouting his name.
"MISAKI?!" He seemed to react because his heartbeat on the monitor started to move faster for a few seconds. Takahiro pushed on the button to get Dr. Kusama who arrived soon after. He noticed that Misaki was moving and he smiled at us. "He's waking up."

My Misaki wil be able to talk to me again..

We sat there for a few more minutes looking at my Misaki slowly waking up. His eyelids started to tremble. Why is it taking so long.. Wake up already so that I can hold you again. Then I can take you home and refill on my Misaki.
I couldn't wait anymore and held his hand. At the moment my hands touched his the boy opened his emerald eyes. "Misaki.." I smiled while fighting against tears of joy and happiness.
"Baka Usagi-san." My Misaki answered...

Welll that's it for the second chapter! I hope that it's long enough.. This chapter was Usagi Pov only because Misaki was being lazy (_)

Misaki: I was not..

Me: ghehe, just kiddingg. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next chapter! Chiaoo :)

Junjou Romantica FanFic: Don't leave me.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora