Does beauty define who you are?

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Many people think that beauty is a visual thing, like you looks at a boy or girl and they look beautiful to our standard but I wanna challenge that? Why it is old people tend to claim that they love their partner, when there are not physical beautiful? The reason is because they didn’t love their partner because they looked sexy, they loved their wives because they of, they truly love that person.

Beauty comes from the inside; the beauty that we see is corrupted by the earth. If someone said that you’re not beautiful, then don’t listen to them because they’re just stupid. Everyone in the earth is beautiful and no one is ugly. Don’t let WORDS put you down because words are just letter from the alphabet. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this means that someone is beautiful, depending on the person who is looking. There’s always a person out there trying to put you down, because they want to crush you because they are normally low, themselves.

We live in a society that places a high degree of importance on physical appearance. Television, movies, magazines and billboards all display attractive people. We see men and women (more women) running to plastic surgeons, having many different kinds of procedures done simply to make your their appearance better. Men and women simply, injecting Botox into their faces. Do we have to do all those things to FIT-IN? Do we have to change ourselves, the way God created us to be different? Why are we not happy in our own skin? Why can’t we accept who we are? Despite what anyone thinks? Can we just be who God created us to be?

But should beauty really be that important for a woman? Is beauty something that a Christian woman should strive for? What makes a woman truly beautiful? A woman can and should be beautiful—God designed her to be that way. Her skin, hair and other features were created to be soft and appealing, and her body was fashioned to be attractive and beautiful to men. A woman was designed to be attractive, and most women want to be beautiful. However, the physical side of beauty is just a small part of what makes a woman truly beautiful. A woman isn’t beautiful because of the makeup, hair or even appearance. When you meet someone special you know that they are special. Beauty shouldn’t be a visual thing -that everyone can see but the beauty of a person doesn’t come from the outside but come from the inside of a person. I know it sounds really cheesy?

 Beauty is something that we all have to look at in life. Beauty defines who you are. The way you perceive beauty and what you chose to put e.g. make up or change yourself e.g. sex change, defines who you really are.

You could be beautiful outside by not inside and it is a good thing that you should always being beautiful inside to make this being a good person. Sometimes we should always smile and just be proud who we are what we believe in. Do something to make other people smile to make you even more beautiful inside.   

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