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"Oh... when is Coco Pommel going to get back?" Rarity groaned as she paced around the hotel room, her tone full of worry. She had noticed that the hem of one of her dresses was somehow lacking the proper pattern not ten minutes ago, so she had sent her out in search of some new thread to repair it. What had her worried though was that her taxi was supposed to come pick her up really soon.
She cursed herself for leaving all of her extra supplies back in Ponyville. She had figured that since all of her ensembles were done, it was unnecessary to bring extra supplies and materials that would just weigh her down. It had been quite a hassle trying to fold her dresses in such a way that would allow for them to look great coming out of the suitcase, but she'd managed it. Glancing over her shoulder, her gaze fell upon the rack where all of her dresses hung neatly, the one that needed repairs laying over a nearby chair.
With an exasperated sigh, Rarity glanced out the window, watching as all of the ponies below went about their day, unaware of her plight. Pressing her muzzle up against the cool glass, she scanned the crowd, hoping to spot her new assistant's familiar coat and mane. After a couple of minutes, she gave up with a sigh of defeat and sat back on her haunches, staring down at the floor. A few moments later, she heard a rapid, heavy knocking at the door.
"Oh, thank Celestia; that must be Coco!" Rarity said, perking up. She rose to her hooves, and with a pep in her step, she quickly trotted over to the door and pulled it open with her magic. "Coco, thank you so much for getting the thre..." she trailed off, cocking her head to the side in confusion. Coco Pommel was nowhere to be seen. In fact, there was nopony standing there at all.
Wondering who had knocked on the door, Rarity slowly stepped forward and walked out into the hallway. She looked to the left, her gaze sweeping through the narrow hallway. Nopony was in sight and all of the doors were shut tight. Just before she was about to turn her head to look the other way, somepony heavy jumped on her back, making her legs buckle and collapse under the weight. She fell to the floor with a gasp, and as she opened her mouth to cry out, an ill-tasting, rough rag was forced into her mouth by a clawed hand. Another rag was tied around her head, securing the first one inside.
Rarity started to panic. Someone was attacking her, and she couldn't do anything about it except try in vain to scream through the gag. Even though the weight on top of her was making it hard to breathe, she started kicking as hard as she could, her hooves hitting nothing but empty air and the carpet. She tried to rip her head away from her captor's grasp, but their clawed hand kept her muzzle firmly pinned to the carpeted floor.
A moment later, her head was lifted off the ground for a moment as yet another rag was tied around her eyes, completely cutting off her vision. Now blind, and unable to speak, she flailed around desperately in an attempt to escape, but her attacker's weight kept her pinned on the ground. She desperately tried to think of a way out of this, but she was completely caught off guard, and the attacker had her completely at his mercy.
Then she remembered that she could use magic. Clenching her eyes shut, her horn flared with magic as she tried to cast the first spell that popped into her mind, but someone flicked the tip of it, disrupting the spell and breaking her concentration. Letting out a muffled gasp of pain and shock, she tried to cast another spell, hopefully something that would save her, but she felt something cold and hard slide down her horn, locking at the base a moment later.
Suddenly, her connection to magic was completely severed. The familiar power that had been at the back of her mind her entire life was now gone, leaving her totally helpless in her captor's grasp. As she felt someone else jump on her hooves, she struggled feebly to free herself, but it was no use. Her legs were roughly pushed together and secured with a long piece of scratchy rope, its length being wrapped around her midsection a few times to ensure she couldn't escape.
"Pick her up; we need to get back to our room before anyone finds us!" Rarity heard a deep, gruff voice say. The stranger on top of her stood up, and she was lifted a moment later by those same sharp claws. Unable to move, speak, or see, all she could do was listen and feel.
All the air in her lungs was suddenly expelled as her side was slammed against someone's shoulder. Struggling to fill her lungs with air, she felt one clawed hand go right in between her hind legs and latch onto one of her butt cheeks, spreading them and leaving her private bits on display for anyone and everyone to see. She tried to flick her tail down to give her a small modicum of modesty, but it was grabbed and held against her side.
She let out a whimper as she bounced with every step, her side starting to hurt more and more. She knew that if they kept this up, she'd be left with a nicely sized bruise on her side. Hoping it wouldn't show through her hopefully still-impeccable coat, she was just about to try and roll over onto her other side when they suddenly turned, walked a few more steps, then slammed a door behind them.
Rarity let out a muffled gasp as she was thrown to the floor. Hearing someone walk up to her, she started trembling in fear when she heard them stop above her. She lay there in silence, wondering what was going to happen next when the gag was ripped out of her mouth. Rarity felt somepony's magic surround her, and before she knew it, she was yanked upright and thrown into a wooden chair.
As the beginnings of a shriek formed at the back of Rarity's throat, a voice swiftly cut her off. "Before you start screaming for help, I'll just go ahead and tell you that this room is soundproofed. You can yell and scream all you want, but we're the only ones that can hear you."
Her heart beating a mile a minute, Rarity tried to look through her blindfold, but she couldn't see a thing; everything was pitch black to her. Not knowing what else to say, she licked her dry lips and stammered, "Wh–who are you, and why ar... are you doing this to me?" Rarity couldn't stop shaking, and she looked around aimlessly as she nervously waited for someone to answer her.
Instead of an answer, she once again felt somepony wrap her in a magical field. They didn't lift her up like she expected, instead, they yanked her tail forward, exposing her marehood to the whole room. They curved it around to the underside of the chair and pinned it there, then undid the bindings around her hooves. Unfortunately, that didn't last long, since she next felt all of her legs being tied to the chair, all four of them now facing out toward the wall opposite her and leaving her completely spread out.
She sniffled, squirming as much as her bonds allowed. Pinned to the chair, her breathing quickened when she felt something small yet incredibly soft gently caress the bottom of her right fore leg. Letting out an involuntary giggle, Rarity tried to pull away from it, but again the ropes prevented her from moving. As the object continued to caress her hoof, she heard someone speak up, this time a mare.
"It doesn't matter who we are, and you are here because you have something that belongs to our boss. We were able to... recover your lockbox from the bank, but we aren't able to open it... I'm sure you know why." the unknown mare said in a thick Manehatten accent.
"Wh–what? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Rarity cried out. The object that was teasing her hoof was yanked away at her last word.
"Oh, I'm quite sure that you do..." Rarity felt the mare's breath tease her left ear, making it twitch. "You see, the boss told us to kidnap you, whose, and I quote, 'coat is as white as the northern snow and mane the wavy lavender of the Dark Sea in Saddle Arabia.' So yeah, unless you've got a twin sister, then you're the one we want."
"But I'm not–"
The mare cut her off before Rarity could voice herself. "But seeing the real thing up close looks like the boss made an understatement," she said, chuckling softly. Rarity felt a soft hoof run through her mane before she instinctively tried to pull away. "You see, this lockbox here..." Something cold and hard was suddenly dropped on Rarity's legs, causing her to flinch. "Can only be opened by a specific unicorn's magical signature, and seeing that we have the right pony..." The same soft object from before suddenly teased the back of her ear, sending a shiver down Rarity's spine. "We would be forever grateful if you could open it for us. It would make things so much easier on you, and we could let you go on your way as if nothing happened... Does this sound fair to you?"
"Yes!" Rarity exclaimed, giving a soft sigh of relief when the magic-blocking ring was removed from her head. Fully intent on doing whatever was necessary to secure her freedom, she fed magic into her horn as she searched for anything she could swing at her captors, only to have someone flick its tip a second later, again disrupting her magic.
"Just as a friendly warning..." A deep and gravelly male's voice spoke up from her other side, making her jump in surprise. "If you try anything funny with your magic, we might decide you don't need that horn anymore."
Before Rarity could even think to respond, she felt two thick pieces of cold metal surround her horn, right around the middle. She fed more magic into her horn to see if she still could, and to her relief the familiar power was still there, giving her some small measure of relief. While that gave her some sense of security, she was still nervous, since now she had no idea what it was they had put around her horn.
Letting her horn's magic dim out, she timidly asked, "Wha... w–what did you put on my horn?"
This time the mare answered her. "It's an instrument of torture that our beloved Princess Celestia banned several hundred years ago. You see, the purpose of this fine creation was to 'encourage' unicorns to cooperate, because if they didn't talk... Snip snip, and off goes their horn!" She gave a slightly demented chuckle, once again tickling Rarity's ear with her hot breath.
"Okay, okay, I promise I'll do as you ask, just don't cut my horn off, please!" Rarity begged, focusing her magic around the lockbox laying on her legs. She levitated it up into the air, letting out a sigh of relief as the ring was removed from her horn. Thinking this was going to be a simple matter, she tried to open the box but was surprised to find that she couldn't. As worry started to consume her, she tried to rip it apart with everything she had. Alas, all was for naught as the box stubbornly remained closed.
"Um, so... listen, about this box..." Rarity chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry to tell you that I can't open this, so since I can't help you, um... could you please let me go? I have a very fine fashion show to attend, and I really need to fix up one of my dresses before I go. I promise I won't alert the authorities because I'm sure this is all just a simple misunderstanding, right? Also, I– ahh!" she cried out as her head was yanked back.
"Oh, trust me, this is no misunderstanding..." the male's deep voice breathed into her ear. "Ain't that right, miss?"
"Truer words have never been spoken," the unknown mare replied with a chuckle. "Alright you, I'll give it to you straight. I want you to know that we aren't heartless creatures. That horn-cutting instrument was just a scare tactic meant to motivate you to open your lockbox. Apparently, since that wasn't good enough, we now have to resort to more... delicate measures." Rarity felt a soft object tickle the underside of her muzzle for just a brief moment. "So I'm gonna give you one last chance: will you open the lockbox for us?"
"I... I can't!" Rarity said desperately. "I've tried everything I could, I promise!" A sinking feeling filled her as she realized that they didn't believe her.
"You know we can't let you go until you've opened your lockbox for us, you welp!" the deep voice barked from behind her, making her flinch. "This is your last chance! Open the box now, or we'll make you do it!"
"I'm sorry, I c–can't!" Rarity said, her horn lighting up again as she lifted the lockbox back up. "I don't know what you're all talking about! You have the wrong pony!" She threw the lockbox down on the floor in defeat and struggled to free herself from her bonds. Lighting her horn again, she ripped off her blindfold and finally got a glimpse of her captors and the room they were in.
They were in a suite, a much nicer one than she had been staying in. It was at least four times as large, and beautiful paintings lined the walls. There were three menacing-looking figures in total, one male unicorn, a male griffon, and surprisingly, a zebra mare. She stared at them in shock for a few seconds, and just as she was just about to focus her magic on her bonds to free herself, the other unicorn's horn began glowing and he levitated the inhibitor ring over to her.
"No, please, don't put that back on me!" Rarity cried, thrashing around harder as she tried to escape. The griffon walked behind her and placed a firm, clawed hand on the back of her neck, holding her still as the ring was slowly placed back upon her horn.
"Heh, too bad you didn't do as we asked, missy..." the griffon drawled from behind her. He chuckled as he pressed down on the ring around her horn, ensuring it was a snug fit. "You sure you don't want to open it?" he asked softly, his voice deep and menacing.
"I told you already, I tried and it didn't work!" Rarity pleaded, staring back at the griffon. A moment later she let out a small 'eep' when she felt something soft graze her left hind leg. Her head whipping around, she looked down and saw that the unicorn was levitating a stiff red feather, teasing the underside of her hoof with it. She couldn't help but let out a small giggle as it ran all across her hoof.
"You like this?" the unicorn asked as he lay down right in front of her, holding the feather at eye level. He brought up another feather and tickled her just beneath her left ear. She tried to stop laughing, but both of the sensations were too much for her to handle.
"Heh– No, I–haha, stop!" Rarity choked out.
"Well, if you don't like it, then why are you laughing?" the unicorn asked with a sly grin, never once breaking his tempo. He made the one tickling her hoof draw slow circles right in the center while the one up at her ear made crosses, always coming from a new direction to keep her from anticipating it.
Rarity hated herself for not being able keep her composure. Before, when only one feather was teasing her, she was barely able to contain herself, but two was far too much for her. She struggled to pull her head away to find some reprieve, but the firm claws gripping the back of her neck didn't give her an inch. Rarity whimpered as she felt his claws dig into her neck ever-so-slightly, and she forced herself go limp in her captor's grasp, hoping that he'd relent. Thankfully, he did. His grasp loosened but still carried an unspoken warning that she had better behave.
"Hey, good thing I like the way you laugh, little one," the griffon sultrily said into Rarity's ear, his breath tickling the little hairs on the inside of it. "I think it makes you cuter..." He leaned in closer and ran a single claw up from her haunch all the way up to her left shoulder, making Rarity laugh all the more harder from his stimulation, all while keeping his other claw latched firmly around her neck. "You like this, don't you?" he asked with a small snarl.
Rarity couldn't risk turning her head, since if she tried her neck might have been punctured by the griffon's sharp claws. She squirmed against her bonds, trying to pull her hooves away from the unicorn laying before her. Knowing he had a completely unobstructed view of her marehood, she wiggled her hips and tried to angle them away, but again she was foiled by the binds.
"Ah, don't like me looking, huh?" the unicorn asked with a chuckle, giving Rarity a sly smile as he looked up at her from between her legs. "I think that deserves another feather, wouldn't you agree?" He flicked his eyes up at the zebra standing beside Rarity, waiting for her to answer him.
"Mmm... yes, I couldn't agree more!" she exclaimed as she walked behind him. She opened a plain-looking wooden box and pulled out another red feather, identical to the other ones. "Here you are!" she said, holding it out for the unicorn. He levitated it out of her hoof and brought it up Rarity's face, tickling her nose with it.
"Haha! Stop, ple–ha! You're going to... Hehehe, make m–achoo!" Rarity said before sneezing.
The stallion quickly pulled the feather away, bringing it down to her hooves. "So... which one should I tickle now..." He kissed each one of her hooves gently, the feeling of his soft, delicate lips making her squirm even more. With every kiss, he let the new feather brush across the center of each hoof, save for the one that already had a feather teasing and tickling it. "Eenie... meenie... miney... moe... tickle a pony until she moans like a ho..." Rarity grimaced at that, but it wasn't like they cared about offending her. The tickling was driving her insane and her mouth was starting to hurt from smiling for so long.
"So... do you want to open your box for us, missy?" the unicorn asked, his hot breath running over Rarity's exposed marehood, making her let out a soft moan in between her laughs. He stilled all of the feathers save for the one up by her ear and used his magic to pull the inhibitor ring off her horn. Before placing the lockbox on top of her legs again, the unicorn flicked the tip of the feather inside her ear, tickling the small, sensitive hairs inside it.
"I've told you already, I ca-can't!" Rarity cried out, wiggling and squirming as much as her bonds allowed. She strained to pull her tail up to cover herself but found that was tied just as firmly as her legs were; yanking and pulling on it only caused her pain.
"Heh, fine then... Just remember, we gave you plenty of chances..." the unicorn said ominously, followed by a menacing chuckle. As Rarity's brow furrowed in concern, his horn lit up again and the ring was again fastened around her horn. He lifted the feathers up to Rarity's exposed hooves and twirled the tip of each one in small circles, all in perfect sync with each other.
Rarity burst out laughing. She had no idea her hooves were so sensitive; no wonder Rainbow Dash hated having her hooves touched.
"So, are you going to open the box for us or not?" the unicorn asked again, eyeing Rarity's marehood. It looked like she was bucking her hips back and forth with every laugh she gave, much like she wanted to be rutted. As dirty thoughts started to fill his mind, he gently blew on it, smiling as he saw her lower lips twitch slightly as a result. Applying more pressure to the feathers teasing her hooves, he brought up one more feather and ran it right up between her lower lips just once, making her let out an unintentional moan in between her giggles and laughs.
"I ca... hahaha, I can't–hehe! Stop, p–please!" Rarity tried rocking the chair, hoping to get just a moment's reprieve from being tickled. It was no use though, for the chair was firmly secured to the floor.
"Hm... You think we should take things up a notch?" the griffon asked with a chuckle, dragging a single claw across Rarity's lower belly, making her laugh all the harder. "It seems like she isn't getting the message."
"I agree," the unicorn said, letting his hot breath run over Rarity's pussy again. "So, missy, I'll have you know that I can find many ticklish spots on a mare. There are spots and areas on your body that I'm sure you didn't even know of, and I'm gonna show you exactly where every... single... one... is..." Not even giving Rarity a chance to respond, all of the feathers rose from the box, their ends held up in the unicorn's pale green aura.
Rarity watched with bated breath as they all slowly wove their way through the air towards her, taking up places all around her body. She felt the tips of each one brush against her, unmoving, spread all over. In addition to the ones that were idly resting against her hooves, there was a feather for both of her ears, her chin, her arm pits, the base of her neck, her horn, and right where her tail met her body. And just as the last one touched her coat, they all suddenly jumped to life.
It was completely overwhelming, and Rarity found herself laughing harder than ever before. The feather up at her horn ran itself up and down, then twirled around the tip before repeating the process over and over again, while the one at her belly traced random patterns, never remaining in the same place for more than a few seconds. As for her ears, the unicorn held them up and open with a small bit of magic so that she couldn't flick the feathers away, and they ran wild, making her feel sensations she'd never experienced before. Much like her horn, their tips ran up and down the insides of her ears, gracefully brushing against the sensitive hairs inside. The only difference was that once they reached the bottom, they twirled around to the bases and drew tiny circles all the way up the backside.
The feathers at each of her leg pits were a bit more enthusiastic. Instead of using just their tips, each of the four feathers gently rubbed their entire length all across Rarity's most sensitive spots, and as much as she tried to escape their assault, she quickly found that the more she struggled, the worse it got. So, with that fact in mind, she let herself go limp, as much as her current predicament allowed. Her uproarious laughs filled the room nonstop, echoing throughout the fine suite.
The feathery tickling torture went on for several minutes, but for Rarity, it felt like hours had gone by. She had closed her eyes a couple minutes before, and she had laughed so hard that tears of mirth were streaming down her face, tickling her cheeks on the way down. She so desperately wanted to wipe them away but was completely unable to move. As the feathers in her ears made a particularly delightful twirl, she felt somepony's lips softly graze against hers. Shocked, Rarity opened her eyes wide to discover the zebra teasing her lips with her tongue. As the other mare played with her lips, Rarity could not stop her fits of laughter. Suddenly, the zebra mashed her lips against Rarity's and plunged her tongue inside her mouth, pinning Rarity's tongue to the bottom of her mouth as she forcefully explored it.
Rarity couldn't help but moan into the zebra's mouth as her own was tenderly invaded. Overwhelmed by the feathery onslaught, she couldn't concentrate enough to put up much of a struggle, so she just gave up, and against her will, started to enjoy the feeling. A few moments later, the zebra pulled back, flicking her tongue one last time against Rarity's lips on the way out. A thin strand of their mixed saliva hung between their lips until it was broken by another one of Rarity's fits of laughter.
"So, enjoying yourself?" the zebra asked mockingly, laying a small kiss on the side of Rarity's exposed neck. She ran a hoof along Rarity's hot, swollen pussy and held it up before Rarity, its tip glistening with her sweet-smelling arousal. "Is somepony getting turned on from all of this?" She chuckled as Rarity's eyes went wide.
Rarity had no idea that she had already gotten so worked up from this, but the zebra's glistening hoof was proof enough. As she watched, the zebra licked her hoof clean, moaning all the while.
"Mmm... Such a tasty little mare we have here," she said teasingly, placing her hoof back on the floor. She nodded down at the unicorn, who, at her signal, lifted another feather and brought it up to her marehood, this one pure white. As Rarity's breath quickened, she watched as he ran it up and down her inner thighs, making them twitch on their own. She squirmed in her seat as the feather ran closer and closer to her private bits, and as it finally brushed against her moist slit, she couldn't help but let out another moan.
"My, my, my... Somepony is getting really turned on from this, isn't she?" the unicorn asked as he spread her swollen lips with the feather, coating it in her juices. He held it up to his mouth and licked it before returning it to her pussy. As all of the other feathers picked up their pace, he ran the tip of the feather between her puffy lips, teasing her labia with it before making it dance across her exposed clit.
"You uncouth–haha, barbarian!" Rarity exclaimed between laughs.
Letting go of her neck, the griffon walked around her, wanting to get in on the action. With a mischievous grin, he opened a wing and started massaging her erect teats, making her buck her hips forward from his ministrations. While he did that, he used the small hairs on the tip of his tail to tickle the back of her neck, keeping her in a constant state of euphoria.
All through this, the zebra was standing back, enjoying the scene before her. After watching Rarity squirm and moan from her underlings' actions, she walked forward, grabbed a quill, dipped it into an ink pot and held it up to one of Rarity's hooves. Making sure that was wasn't disturbing the feather already teasing that hoof, the zebra quickly wrote a few words on her and sat back, laying the used quill aside.
"I'll tell you what," the zebra said as her tail flicked about behind her. "If you can tell me what I just wrote on your left hind hoof, we'll let you go right now. If not, we're going to have to resort to more... extreme methods." She sat back with a smirk, knowing full well that there was no way that Rarity could have paid enough attention to feel what she wrote.
"I... I don't–ha! I don't know!" Rarity cried out. "Hahah–please stop touching me down there!"
The zebra sighed. "Listen, I know we've said this already, but since I'm a nice mare, I'm gonna give you one last chance to open this box, otherwise..." she trailed off as she walked around, placing her muzzle right next to Rarity's ear. "We're going to rape you."
Rarity's eyes went wide at the zebra's words. "No, please, anyth–ahaha, anything but that! There's really no way for, haha, for me to open the lockb–ahaha!"
"Fine, suit yourself," the zebra said, nodding at the griffon. She watched him as he stepped forward, his cock already at full mast and bouncing between his hind legs. He made the unicorn slide to the side so that he had full, unrestricted access to Rarity's love canal, and then he rose up, placing his clawed hands on Rarity's shoulders as he prepared to enter her.
As Rarity got a faceful of the feathers on the griffon's chest, she looked down and saw his length for the first time. It stood at an impressive eleven or so inches and had little nubs all along the length. In any other sort of situation, Rarity might have been willing to try a griffon, but without having any choice in the matter it certainly wasn't the case here.
Without giving her any warning, the griffon thrust forward, spreading Rarity's labia and entering her. The two of them moaned together, Rarity burying her head into the griffon's shoulder out of instinct. In a surprising gesture of courtesy, he gave her a few moments to adjust to his rather thick endowment, then shoved another few inches inside her, making small rocking motions with his hips all the while. After a few more particularly rough thrusts, the griffon was fully seated within her, his balls resting against her pert ass.
The griffon panted next to Rarity's ear; it had been quite a while since he'd last gotten laid, and he was planning to make the best of it. With a sly grin, he pulled almost all the way out of her and kicked a small, metal pedal at the base of one of the chair's legs. Little did Rarity know was that the chair could swing back, so without giving her a moment's reprieve, the griffon pushed off, sending the chair backwards and ramming himself all the way back in all in one go.
Now on her back with her hooves still firmly tied to the chair, Rarity moaned into the griffon's chest as he fell down with her, keeping himself inside her. He pulled himself back up a little, gave Rarity's left ear a small nibble, then continued fucking her, this time a little harder than before. None of the feathers had stopped teasing and tickling her through this; it was as if they were locked in place.
Seeing Rarity get fucked like she was nothing more than a mere plaything to the griffon turned the zebra on like nothing else, so with a chuckle, she walked over and sat down on Rarity's face, positioning her moist pussy right where her mouth was. "If you want to get out of this in one piece, I highly suggest you make me cum. Oh, and I wouldn't mind if you paid a little attention to my ass, either," she said, moaning softly as she ground her hips into Rarity's face. The feeling of Rarity's soft lips against her pussy felt good, but it wasn't nearly enough.
"Did you not hear me?" she snarled, grinding her hips into Rarity's mouth even harder. "Please me!"
Reluctantly, Rarity decided to oblige. Even though she didn't want to be a part of this, her body was betraying her mind. Her pussy was soaked with her arousal, and she couldn't help but let out a combination of moans and laughs as she was both fucked and tickled at the same time. She didn't want to admit it, but when the griffon started fucking her with long, deep strokes, she felt her orgasm start building deep inside her. The taste of the mare on top of her pushed her along even more, and as she unwillingly plunged her tongue in between her puffy lips, Rarity's orgasm suddenly washed over her, and when the zebra's tail brushed against her erect teats, she came harder than ever before.
Rarity moaned as loud as she could into the mare's pussy, making her moan in response. Her pussy clamped down on the griffon's dick as it rippled along his length, and a moment later, her insides felt warm as he came inside her. The griffon groaned and shoved his dick as far inside of her as he could, making sure every last drop remained inside.
"Fuuuck, that was hot," the unicorn moaned as he watched his friend pull out of the used mare, his softening cock shining with a cocktail of their mixed juices. After setting up a spell to keep the feathers going without his direction, he had focused all of his magic on massaging his throbbing stallionhood, and now that Rarity's pussy was free, he stood up, more than ready for his turn. "Sloppy seconds, eh? Can't really complain!" he said as he slapped the tip of his dick against Rarity's creamed marehood.
He spread her lower lips apart with his cock, smiling as he heard her moan into the zebra's pussy. A moment later, he positioned himself at Rarity's entrance and shoved himself in nearly all the way, making her try to squirm away from him. Just like the griffon, he started rocking his hips back and forth as he worked the rest of his length inside. As soon as he hilted himself inside her, his balls slapping against her ass, he fed more magic into his horn and cast a pair of tickling spells, this time focusing right on her sensitive cutie marks.
Rarity squealed into the mare's pussy, flailing her tongue around as fast as she could. Her pussy involuntarily clenched around the stallion's length in an attempt to keep it inside her, making his experience all the more pleasurable. Rarity fought against her body's needs and desires, but ultimately failed; the taste of pussy in her mouth, coupled with feeling the zebra's anus run along her horn was all too arousing for her to handle. Feeling the stallion's medial ring graze against her G-spot, she cried out again, this time making the zebra riding her face cum.
The zebra squirted several bursts of marecum right into Rarity's mouth, and lying on her back like she was, she had no other choice but to swallow it down. As the zebra rode out her orgasm, she ground her hips even harder against Rarity's mouth. When it finally ended, she didn't get up. In fact, she kept grinding her hips
"I bet you like getting fucked and tickled, don't you, you little slut?" the unicorn asked as he continued pumping in and out of Rarity. He spread her butt cheeks apart with his hooves and slid closer to her, now fucking her even deeper and harder than before. Flicking his tail in between his legs, he teased Rarity's anus with it as he ran it up and down between her spread cheeks. "How good does it feel to have your hooves tickled while I give you a nice dicking?" he taunted as he felt himself near the edge. He pushed his tickling spells to their highest level, making Rarity cum again just seconds later.
Like before, Rarity moaned into the other mare's pussy as she came. The stallion's movements became more erratic as she rode out her second orgasm, and a few moments later, she felt him unload inside her with a loud grunt. Her insides felt warmer and warmer with each spurt of cum, and though she would never admit it to anyone, some part of her loved the feeling of being dominated. But that wasn't the part that really confused her; no, what really got to her was the fact that she'd gotten off from being tickled. Not in a thousand years would she have ever guessed that she had a thing for that, and a few moments later, her orgasm faded away, her hind legs quivering from the aftershocks of her pleasure.
With a satisfied sigh, the stallion pulled out with a wet squelch, shooting a couple of smaller bursts of cum across Rarity's ass. "Damn... You were great, my ticklish slut," he moaned, wiping his glistening dick across her butt cheeks. Just as he sat back, he heard his boss cry out in ecstasy as she came for the second time.
This time, instead of mashing her lips against her face, the zebra lifted her hips a little and released all over Rarity's face and muzzle, moaning with each burst of cum. When she was finally done, she stood up on shaky legs, flicking her mane out of her face. "Whew... So what do you say, missy? Want to open the lockbox now or do you want more?"
Rarity stared up at the zebra looking down at her, panting as she tried to catch her breath. The tickling spells were still going, and it was only her sheer exhaustion that prevented her from laughing. She was thoroughly worn out, and she knew she couldn't take much more. Squirming against her bonds, Rarity let out a soft sob, tears of grief running down her face, mixing with the mare's cooling cum. As sobs started to wrack her body, the tickling sensations slowly disappeared.
"So..." the unicorn said slowly as he pulled all of the feathers away, sitting down next to Rarity's head. Dropping the lockbox in between them, he asked, "You gonna open this for us or not?" He slid the magic-blocking ring off of her horn and tossed it aside.
As Rarity's sobs increased in intensity, the door to the room was suddenly thrown open, causing her captors to look toward it. A white pegasus wearing an expensive-looking suit marched inside with another pony in tow. Before he got a glimpse of the scene before him, he yanked the other pony inside and closed the door behind them.
The stallion cleared his throat. "Well, it took longer than I would have liked, but we've found our mare," he said. His accent was smooth and precise, each word carefully enunciated. He turned around and used a wing to nudge the newcomer forward, a white mare with a purple mane, eerily similar in appearance to Rarity.
The new unicorn was trembling from head to tail, and when she laid her eyes on the situation before her, she let out a gasp and shrank away in fear.
"Okay, okay, I'll open my lockbox!" the new mare cried out in terror. "Just don't torture me, please!" Her horn flared with magic as she seized the lockbox, tore it open, and held it up for the pegasus beside her.
However, he was paying her no attention, simply staring in shock at the scene before him. After a few seconds, his jaw tightened and his expression became cold. "What have you done to her?" he demanded, in a voice like steel.
He glanced toward the trembling unicorn beside him and quickly grabbed the box before tucking it under a wing. He paid her no mind as she scrambled away out of the room; she had no more purpose. "I told you to find our mark and convince her to open the lockbox. I did not, at any point, tell you to do anything like this!" Shaking his head in disgust, he beckoned towards the door with a wing. "Come on, let's get out of here before that other dumb mare alerts the cops." He waited until he was the last one other than Rarity in the room, gave her a smirk, then slammed the door behind him, leaving Rarity alone with her thoughts.
Rarity waited a few minutes, wondering if her ordeal was truly over. When nobody returned, she was just barely able to light her horn to free herself. When the last rope fell away, Rarity climbed to her hooves and stumbled over to the bed, where she collapsed onto it and buried her face in the pillow as the full effect of what happened to her sank in. As she started to cry her heart out, she knew that she could never replace what she'd lost... her dignity.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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