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When I awake from Johnny's simulation, I see Pierce lifting the clear glass off of my body. With an excited expression he asks, "You find him?" "Yeah, but he's scary as fuck...." I say honestly. "Hehe, Nice."

I walk about the ship looking for Kinzie. Finally I see her sitting in a grey beanbag chair with her laptop. "Kinzie, I need that robot. Now." Like an annoying, smartass bitch, she replies, "Actually, it's power armor," "KINZIE, I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS. Just hurry up and hook me up, ok?"

*****(Just boarded Zinyak's ship)*****

I jump from the opening of our ship and I land with a loud thud onto Zinyak's. "Hey, Kinzie. Is there a GPS on this thing? I need to find Gat, yanno?" After a brief few seconds, Kinzie's voice blares into my ear. "First, do you remember how to use it?" She asks. "Do I remember....Pfft." I say, not really remembering how to use it.. "That's not really an answer," Kinzie states.

"Yanno what? Don't worry about it, I'll find Johnny." I say extremely annoyed at Kinzie. I run around looking for Johnny's pod, shooting everyone and everything in my way. "Keep an eye out for more Zin. They're on the offensive now." "They weren't on the offensive before?" I ask surprised.

"Zinyak's not dumb. I doubt we've made a single move so far without him knowing about it," She explains,"I don't think we woulda made it this far if Zinyak didn't think he could handle us," She adds. "Thanks for the pep talk, Kinzie." I remark.

I walk around for about 10 minutes just killing Zin and looking for the pod. Suddenly, I come to a big metal door. Since I'm in a powerful ro--- power armor--- I figure I can kick in the door. I kick the door as hard as I can make the armor kick, but to no avail. "Dammit.... Door's locked,"I complain. "Hold up, I might be able to override it," the nerd states. Being the impatient woman I was, I just started firing rockets at the door. Luckily, it works & the door falls to pieces.

I enter a large, empty metal room with a balcony with a pod in it. I jetpack myself up there to an empty Johnny pod. "Dammit, Johnny... Kinzie it's empty." Kinzie responds shortly after, "Ya think he'll be okay?"

I thought a minute and realized potential in Johnny. "Kinzie, Johnny can handle himself. If Matt Miller can survive, I'm pretty sure Johnny can too." Sure enough, Matt's annoying British voice blares into my ear, "Hey! I'll have you know - OW!!! Kinzie, why did you-" "Just grab Johnny and bring him back, okay?" Kinzie sounds pretty damn annoyed.

"All soldiers on high alert. Special Prisoner Three has escaped and is moving throughout the database. This is a kill order." Ugh, Zinyak.... Asshole >_< "Shit, he's running around? I doubt we'll be able to - HOLY MOTHER MARY'S TITS!!!" There is an endless trail of dead Zin scattered all over the place. "Kinzie, I think I know where Johnny went...." I start following the trail hoping to find Johnny somewhere. Oh fuck. When I escaped from my pod, I was naked....I thought in horror of what I would see when I found Johnny.

"You seem pretty far deep in the base. Where you at?" Kinzie asks. "One of those pod rooms. I still can't get over at how many people are in there." "I know whatcha mean. I've seen countless tunnels full of them." "Kinzie, that's a lot of fucking people. 'N if we take down Zinyak & the whole Zin Empire, we could save all of those people." Kinzie pauses a moment and then says nonchalantly, "Not that they have a home to go back to anyway."

I hear Zinyak's stupid British alien voice burst through the ship's speakers, stating, "Special Prisoner 3 located in Processing Chamber #9". "Shit. Kinzie, where's Processing Chamber #9?" 'I dunno. Probably behind that giant door." I start shooting rockets at the door but nothing works. "Dammit! Looks like they put a shield up," Kinzie says in a pissed off tone, "Probably to contain Johnny. Gimme a sec to figure something out."

"Fuck that! I'm destroying everything in this goddamn room!" Kinzie says relieved, " Oh Yeah. That'll draw their attention." "Good," I say smiling. I begin to shoot at every piece of alien technology that seems important. "Oh Shit" is all I can say as 3 giant balls fall from the ceiling, revealing giant robots. They point green lasers at me, as if they were SpecOps pointing lasers at their target. Suddenly, it shoots extremely destructive rockets at me, causing me to fall out of the mech suit. "Of course, they just had to destroy my robot!!!" I yell out of annoyed anger. I hear Kinzie sigh and reply, "Just start killing everything on foot, and if you'll gimme a sec, I'll try to deactivate that shield."

While she says that, I run around trying not to get shot by the green laser-rockets and bullets being thrown at me. "Kinzie can you hurry?" "I'm trying, stop complaining,"she replies. I continue to run around, until I duck behind a bright, orange box for cover. Why is this box so fucking bright?, I thought. I notice a little countdown clock that was already on 10. "Oh fuck! It's an explo-" BOOM I'm immediately thrown back, while all the Zin in front of me are either dead or hiding in terror.

"Ooowwwwww....." I say standing, trying not to let this headrush make me fall flat on my ass again. I check my body for burns or cuts. All that is injured is my spacesuit, with a minor rip in the knee.

"Kinzie. Is the shield down?" I ask hopefully. "Yes! The explosion musta took it down." A wave of relief grows over me as I walk through the door.

I Owe You // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now