Mystery Girl

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"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I stumbled back off the bridge. The scream came from the woods. It scared the hell out of me. "Come back here you emo bitch!!" Emo, I hated that word. I watched as this terrified girl ran from the woods and spotted me. "Please help me." She said to me in between sobs. I motioned for her to stand behind me as four jocks stumbled from the woods. Their eyes instantly met mine. "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. This should be interesting I thought as they began to walk towards us. "Well well well look here boys two little freaks." Said one of the jocks. "Yeah Derick two freaks." Said another. "Look guys we don't want any trouble. Why don't you guys just leave and we will do the same." I said not taking my eyes away from them. Derick began to laugh mocking me. I felt my jaw tighten up. "I have a better idea." He began. "Just give us that little bitch behind you and leave you'll never have to see us again." Don't get me wrong the thought was tempting but when I looked into those bright green tear filled eyes I knew I couldn't do that to her. "Look I don't know anything about this girl." I started to talk as I noticed Matt's car pull up. "But there are four of you and one of her. I won't let you take her. I don't know what she has done but you'll have to kill me to get to her." I said with a crooked grin.

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