A Dirty Little Murder.

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"Bye hunny, i'll miss you!" Mom yelled as i got out of the car. She is so embarrassing sometimes. I mean, I'm fifteen years old! None of the other kids going on this trip has their mom yelling pet names out at them.

i waved good-bye to my mom as she drove off, grabbed my bags and went over to Sam.

"Wipe that smirk off your face." I said.

"Oh, come on Linds; at least you have a mother." Sam always pulled that one.

"Sam!" i whined.

She laughed. Sam's mom died when she was little. So she's grown up with her dad, older brother, and little sister.

"i know, i know! Dad, Jake, and Karen are great. Besides, that's why i have your mom."

We walked over to the buses. Seven in the morning, and the freshman class of Trainor High School in Connecticut was off to Maine for an 'ecology school' trip for a week.

i'm excited for this because i get to share a room with Sam, my best friend. We get a room-key and a roommate. Originally, i was supposed to share a room with some other girl, but my mom called the school about it.

The bus ride is about five hours long. All i have to say about it is, it should be interesting...

Sam and i sat down near the back away from all the teachers. Sam pulled out her cell phone and started texting.

"What are you doing?" i whispered.

"Texting Seth."

"You know we weren't supposed to bring our phones! Your precious boyfriend can wait a week to talk to you!" Seth was a sophomore, a popular one at that. Sometimes, i think she doesn't completely trust him.

"Linds, you know it's important!" She tried to convince me after i took her phone away.

Sam pouted for the rest of the time, so i talked to Brandon across the aisle. But i could tell he wasn't completely focused on me, his eyes were fixed on Sam.

A lot of boys like Sam. She has curly blonde hair that she sometimes straightens, and bright blue eyes. I do get jealous sometimes.

I'm just a plain old brunette with hazel eyes. Nothing special to any of the guys.

"Sam, could you quit pouting! You'll be able to see him again in a week!" She was getting annoying. I couldn't go all week with her like this.

"Fine. How much longer do we have anyways?" i wasn't sure but i figured it was still quite a while. I just let the question slip by unanswered.

"Let's do something fun." Sam said.

"Like what? There's nothing to do on this dumb bus." i was still watching Brandon sneak glances over at Sam.

"Hmmm... we could play truth or dare." She had a sneaky glare in her eye, and i didn't know what to think of it.

"On a bus? I dunno..."

"Please? It'll be fun, i promise. Unless you can think of something better." She had me on that one. We both knew I was a horrible generator of ideas.

"i suppose."

"Yay! So, truth or dare?"

"Truth." i had to play it safe.

"Why do you like Brandon?" Ugh. Always the same question. Every. Time.

"Shush. He's sitting over there. i don't want him to hear us. You always ask me that question anyways. He's funny, he's smart, he's cute..."

"i get the point." She always interrupts me at that too. Sometimes i just don't understand her.

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