Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up a few hours later, wrapped in Tyler's warm embrace. My back was against his bare chest and his breath tickled the back of my neck. I smiled; I hadn't realized that I wanted this so much until now. I traced the tattoos on his forearms with my fingertips. He tensed up and shook with silent laughter. I giggled and moved farther up his arm. Tyler pressed a warm kiss on my neck and nestled his face into my hair. I turned to find his lips and he met mine easily with a soft, gentle kiss.

"You enjoy tickling me in the morning?" Tyler asked playfully.

"Mhm," I giggled.

"I don't like being tickled in the morning, so you're going to have to feel my wrath," he replied, his arms circling around me. He had laughter in his eyes and a smirk on his face. 

"Oh, really? That sounds fun, but I'm busy, Tay and I promised the boys breakfast," I said, sliding out of his arms and leaping out of the bed.

"Breakfast in bed?" Tyler asked wryly.

"No," I snorted, "They have to get their asses up and come down to the kitchen to eat. Wanna help me cook?"

"Sure thing, darlin'," Tyler climbed out of bed and I sucked in a breath as I caught a glimpse of his body. Tyler saw me staring and smirked, "Am I going to distract you from your cooking?"

"Maybe," I muttered.

"Well, we wouldn't want you to burn anything," Tyler said, pulling a shirt over his head, "Oh, and by the way, I like that shirt on you."

"Thanks, it's yours," I smiled and headed downstairs. I opened the fridge and the pantry and began pulling out eggs, bacon, cheese, bread, butter and cinnamon.

"Need any help?" Tyler asked, leaning against the counter.

"Frying pans, bowls, and utensils. Oh, and will you please set the table for five?" I asked, feeling in my element. Momma had taught me how to cook as I was growing up and her French toast was one of my favorite recipes to make. Tyler brought me what I asked for and began setting the table. I turned on the stove and started with the eggs, crackling some into a frying pan and others into a bowl. I added milk and cinnamon to the bowl and cheese to the pan and began mixing. Tyler hoisted himself up onto the counter and watched me as I cooked.

"Do you need any help? I feel bad that you're cooking in my kitchen, I just don't want to mess up your system," he gave me a crooked smile.

"You can help with the scrambled eggs; those are pretty hard to mess up," I replied without taking my eyes off of the browning pieces of French Toast in the second frying pan.

"Yes, Iron Chef Andi darlin'," Tyler saluted me and got down from the counter. He traced his hand along the hem of my shirt as he moved around me and I shivered at his touch.

"Stir like this?" Tyler asked huskily.

"Hmm?" I looked up and he kissed me. This kiss was not careful and soft like the ones he had given me earlier; Tyler's lips were rough and hot against mine. He pushed me back into the counter and pinned me there with his hips. My fingers traced up and down his chest, memorizing every line. My head was swimming with the heat of his kiss and I found myself desiring more from him than I thought I should. I found the hem of his t-shirt and ripped it up over his head. Tyler traced my lips with his tongue teasingly. When I parted my lips to let him in, he chuckled darkly and pulled back a little. "Eager, aren't you, darlin'?"

"Shut up and kiss me," I pulled him back to me and kissed him again. I slid my tongue into his mouth, eliciting a moan from him. He tasted so darn good. His fingers played with the neckline of my shirt and I was growing impatient. 'For goodness's sake, Tyler, just take it off,' I thought. I pulled the shirt off myself and threw it on the floor. He chuckled and lifted me up and placed me on the countertop. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my fingers tangled in his hair. His lips moved down my jaw to my neck where he began to suck and pull at the skin. "Fuck," I moaned as I felt him leaving a mark.

"'Fuck' is right! It smells like you are burning breakfast," Jordie said as he walked into the kitchen. I gasped and Tyler quickly bent to grab a shirt for me. He pulled me down from the counter, handed the shirt to me, and stood in front of me until I put it on. Then he turned to the burning food as Jordie let out a low whistle, then called, "Hey! Jamie! Your plan ended up working out!"

Jamie's voice echoed from farther in the house as he came pounding down that stairs to find Tyler and I cleaning up our burnt French toast and overcooked eggs, "Whataya mean? What did I miss?" Jamie stumbled into the kitchen, out of breath.

"They were making out, and look, Ty still isn't wearing a shirt," Jordie smirked. My cheeks flushed and out of the corner of my eye I saw Tyler smirk, too.

"Still isn't wearing a shirt? Are you telling me that Andi wasn't wearing a shirt when you walked in?" Jamie asked, his expression mirroring his brother's.

"What's going on?" Tay asked.

"They're a thing," Jamie said.

"It's not official-" I said as Tyler said, "Yep, it's official." We looked at each other and started laughing. "Will you be my girlfriend, darlin'?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, I will," I replied with a grin. He kissed me quickly and we smiled at each other, laughing.

Jamie and Tay fist bumped, "Finally," Tay muttered.

"I know, right?" Jamie replied.

"I'm starving," Jordie complained, "And you lovebirds burned our breakfast."

"McDonalds is right down the road," Tyler suggested; that was what we had had for breakfast after the first night we'd met.

"Sounds good to me," I replied.

"Are y'all still buying? You promised breakfast in return for staying here," Jordie interjected.

"Yeah, yeah," Tay waved her hand and rolled her eyes, "We'll buy y'all breakfast."

Tyler took my hand, "Let's go, darlin'." And we did.

Author's Note

Hey, y'all! I hope you enjoyed Wicked, Young Thing. Yes, this is the last chapter, so please let me know what you thought!! Thank you for all of your support; I really appreciate it! ❤️ I would also love it if y'all checked out my other stories (if you like hockey and romance, then you might consider reading The Road to the Cup). Again, thank y'all so, so, so much; I hope you enjoyed the story.

Wicked, Young Thing - T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now