Screams of the Children

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I went to my station, reacting only by memory. Each day was the same, no reason to think anymore. It only lead to thoughts and plans about my future. I coughed again. SCREECH! I ducked as a boy ripped up his machine, and threw it. He went on a rampage, stomping and throwing cloth bolts. I kept working throughout the shouting and destruction. I knew what would come from this tirade. Looking around the room I was able to find something else to focus on. A little girl sitting next to me was trying her hardest to emulate my work.
She struggled to copy the nimbleness and experience my fingers did easily. She found me looking at her and she looked bad down. I showed her a small and easy trick to get her started and return to my own work. In the background screams and yells filled the room. Yet all the older workers say and continued working. A girl not much older than my age of 14, was aiding the boy by rallying up others. I shook my head, she must be new as well.
All the young workers started to cry in small groups.

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