Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

After Briana left to get ready for work, Colin got on the computer and continued researching coaching at the college level. He was really excited about an opening at the University of Texas in Austin. He called his former coaches and asked if they would give him letters of reference, which they agreed to do. He looked at all of the requirements for the application and was excited at the prospect.

When he opened his email, he noticed another message from Shawn. All it said was "Call me, 911." He really didn't think there was anything left to say to her. He had no interest in getting involved with her again, or hearing about her latest conquest, so he deleted it.

While he was taking a shower before work, he couldn't help but think back to his afternoon with Briana.

Damn, she was hot.

He figured years of pent-up sexual tension probably hadn't hurt in making their first time together amazing. Lord knew he'd wanted her in high school. Bad. She hadn't been ready then and he'd respected her and her wishes, but it had been difficult.

She was better than he'd ever imagined in his fantasies, and there had been plenty of those throughout the years. He turned the temperature of the water down and tried to cool himself off.

Once he was dressed and ready, he headed to the store to meet his dad for inventory. When he pulled up, his dad's car was already there, so he went inside to meet him. He found him in the back storeroom.

"Hey, Pop," he greeted his father. "You been here long?"

His dad looked up from his inventory sheet and gave him a broad grin. "Hey, Colin. Not too long. Your mother made sure I sat down for dinner before she let me leave the house. She's worried that I'm not eating healthy enough. She made me eat steamed vegetables," he said with a grimace.

Colin chuckled. His dad hated eating healthy. He was a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

"Where do you want me to start?" he asked.

His dad turned to him, dropping the clipboard to his side and looking seriously at his son. "Your mother and I had a long talk about you over supper," he said.

Colin blinked over the unexpected turn in the conversation. The mirror image of his own, and felt his heart ache at the sadness in them.

"What about?"
His father put his hand on Colin's shoulder and squeezed. "Look, Colin, we know how much getting injured has affected the plans you had for your life. We're so sorry that things turned out this way. Initially I thought that when you came back here, things would fall in to place... that you'd learn about the store and eventually take over. But it's obvious that you're not happy. I know that you love me and your mother, and that you want to help us and make us happy. But son, you settling for less than your dreams won't make us happy. Would I have been happy if your dream had been to run the store and pass it along to your children? Heck yeah. But that's my dream, not yours."

Colin throat tightened. He looked down and tried to get a handle on his emotions.

"Thanks, Pop. That means a lot to me. I don't want to disappoint you, and I know you're ready to retire. I want that for you. You work so hard. It's time for you to enjoy your life with Mom."

His father's face burst with pride. "You're a wonderful son Colin, more so than your mother and I ever could have imagined. We don't want you to put our wants ahead of your own. There are other people in our family who can run the store. Your cousin Steve has always expressed an interest. Maybe I'll give him a call," his dad said. "We want you to do something that is going to give you a full and happy life."

Colin pulled his dad in for a hug, holding on a little longer than normal. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "Actually, they're hiring assistant coaches at UT. I was thinking about applying."

His father grinned again. "That sounds perfect. Now, we'd better get to work. These items aren't going to count themselves."

Colin was in dry storage when Rich came shuffling in through the door.

"What're you doing here, man?" Colin asked him.

"There's nothing going on tonight. This town is dead, so I thought you might be able to use an extra set of hands for inventory," Rich answered with a shrug.

"Sounds good." Colin pulled a page out and handed it to Rich. "There are pens and another clipboard on the desk. Thanks."

While they worked, Colin asked Rich how things had gone after he'd left the evening before.

"Nothin' much happened," Rich replied. "I made sure that Pete and Kara were okay. She sobered up pretty quickly. She was fawning over Pete, amazed that he'd stood up for her and taken a punch like that. Shit, I was pretty amazed myself. Who knew Pete had it in him. Anyway, Pete said he would make sure Kara got home safely, and they left. Kent was hanging out in the corner, drinking himself into a stupor, and growling at any chick who tried to talk to him. I think Bree messed him up pretty badly."

"Yeah, she said that she told him that she didn't want to see him anymore. But she said they only dated casually, I don't know why he was so upset."

"I guess he was more into her than she was into him," Rich speculated. "He'll be okay. There was no shortage of girls willing to help him get over Bree, that's for sure."

"As long as he stays away from Bree, I don't care what he does," Colin said mildly.

"Are you guys back on then?"

"I hope so. I think she is beginning to trust me again."

"That's great, man. I hope it works out. You two were always great together."

"Thanks," Colin said with a smile. "What about you? Any prospects on the horizon?"

"Well, I know it's probably playing with fire, but I can't stop thinking about Roni."

"Kent's sister?" Colin asked with a shake of his head. "I don't think that's a good idea, Bro."

"I know, I know. And to be honest, she doesn't seem the least bit interested," Rich stated with a wounded look on his face. "I talked to her for a bit yesterday, just to get to know her a little, and, man, she wasn't giving me the time of day. It was like pulling teeth trying to get her to open up about herself. Usually girls like to spill everything, but not this girl. Maybe that's what I like about her."

"Just be careful, man. Kent already tried to warn you off. I know you're always up for a challenge, but you may want to let this one go."

Rich shrugged, then gave Colin a cocky grin. "Look who's passing out dating advice. One night with Bree and you're an expert."

Colin chuckled and punched him good-naturedly on the arm. "Get to work."

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