Chapter One

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Four Years Later...

Chapter One

Briana hated Wednesday nights. Twenty-five cent wings meant that not only was the Bar & Grill packed all evening, but that the fryers were absolutely disgusting. Although she loved good wings as much as the next person, it was her job to clean the fryers, so she dreaded her shift anytime she was scheduled for a Wednesday night.

She watched as Kara locked up behind the last customer, and then went behind the bar to turn up the music.

Other than the cleaning, Briana loved closing time. That's when the employees got together to chit-chat about their customers, made plans for what they were going to do after shift, and finally had the chance to enjoy their night.

The night manager, Pam, was pretty cool. She stayed in the back, counting the money and making sure everything balanced out, and then put it in the envelope to make the drop at the bank on her way home.

As long as they didn't leave until everything was spotless, she didn't give them a hard time about hanging out.

Briana joined Kara and Pete, one of the bar backs, over by the bar once she set the fryer to drain.

"What a night," Pete started, putting shots in front of Briana and Kara as they settled onto the stools.

"You can say that again," Kara replied, a big grin on her face. "I made two hundred in tips tonight. Gotta love twenty-five cent wings."

Kara worked the front of the house, not the back, so her view of Wednesday was a lot different than Briana's. As a waitress, Kara got to turn on her charm and flirt with the customers, one of her favorite pastimes, thus reaping the rewards of a busy Wednesday night.

The view from the back of the house was a lot different. During shift, Briana cooked all of the orders, so she spent her evenings covered in grease, ketchup, and everything else she spilled while making the food.

Her job was nowhere near as glamorous or profitable as Kara's, but she didn't think she could ever be a waitress. Just the thought of making a mistake and having a customer yell at her or something was enough to keep her in the back.

She didn't mind being a short-order cook though; she figured it was giving her experience that would only help her once she finally gained the courage and the funds to apply for culinary school.

She and Kara toasted each other's amber colored glasses, then Pete's, before downing the shot.

"Holy shit," Briana exclaimed, as the whiskey burned its way down her throat.

"Oops. Sorry, Bree. I forgot you don't like whiskey." Pete chuckled, not looking a single bit sorry as he took out a bottle of the vodka she preferred, and poured them each another shot.

They took the shots and then separated to start cleaning. Briana and Kara were having a party of sorts at their apartment after work, so they wanted to finish up quicker than usual.

Once the stainless steel of the fryer gleamed and the floors were scrubbed down, Briana took one last look around the kitchen and deemed it spotless.

She went out to see if Kara, Pete, or any of the others needed her help getting their side work done.

Kara was just finishing up rolling her silverware and Pete was turning off the radio when she walked up.

"You guys ready?" Briana asked.

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