Chapter 4

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~Jin's POV~
I ended up falling asleep next to Jungkook while cuddling him, I had a dream about Ki Nari that I hadn't had in a long time.

"Oppa!" Ki Nari smiled at me with her smile that could blind anyone.

I went up to her and hugged her, "I'm here for you... Always..." Is what I said to her but has now been made a lie.

I opened my eyes into reality to find Jungkook not laying beside me. It was only 4 pm right now, I took a thirty minute nap, where was he?

Jungkook then bursted into the room in a suit and tie. I blushed a bit at the sight, "What's that for?" I asked him.

"Remember that part time job I put in a resume for at that art shop? They called me in wanting an interview!" Jungkook showed his adorable bunny smile.

"That's wonderful! Make sure you get a schedule where you have time for your son... And me~" I smirked making him blush.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just a part time job." He said, about to walk out of the room, but I stopped him.

"Make sure you show them you're a good artist too." I kissed him on the lips for like 10 seconds and parted ways.

He smiled, "I will..." He was about to walk off but then he turned around, his smile faded, "Oh... Also... I'm your lover not that dead girl. So stop thinking about her cuz I know you are." And with that he left the house leaving me speechless.

"Who's that dead girl?" I heard Do Hun's voice. I looked around the corner and saw him.

"Were you listening?" I looked at him sternly while he nodded.

"That dead girl is no one. Ok? I'm your eomma and Jungkook is your appa. And Kookie is your puppy." I said picking up Do Hun and the dog.

He giggled and kissed my cheek, "Good! Don't let me go to the bad people's house again." Do Hun said shaking his head.

"Bad people?"

Do Hun nodded, "Yeah, grandma and grandpa!" My eyes widened.

"What did they do??"

"They hit me when I said I wanted to go back and when I started crying!" He shouted, tears welling up in his eyes probably from the memories.

Now Do Hun was experiencing what Jungkook did almost his whole life and I know very well Jungkook didn't want that even for a second.

A knock was heard at the door and I placed Do Hun down, "Don't say that to appa, you won't ever go there again." I gave him a smile and opened the front door.

There she was... Min Jee.

"Hey Min Jee." I gave her a slight smile. It's not like we lost contact after high school, we've just been busy.

"Hey... I hear you and Jungkook are getting married. Is that correct?" She asked and I nodded.

"That's great that you found someone, I'm sorry we haven't talked in a while... But I'd love to catch up." Min Jee said.

"No... I wanna ask something first."

"What is it Oppa?" She tilted her head.

"Who told you about Jungkook and I?" I asked firmly.

"Jungkook's parents."

"Ahh... Is that the reason why you have the same haircut and is even dressed the same as Ki Nari used to? Even though I know you hated her style but still loved her." I told her, catching onto what she was trying to do.

She rolled her eyes, "Oppa, I'm a friend. I've got a girlfriend, I'm not trying to hook up with you plus people change."

"Really? So you like this style now?"

"No. Jungkook's parents told me to wear this when I came here, I just shrugged and followed along." Min Jee was wearing a black and white long sleeve stripped shirt and black tight jeans.

That was Ki Nari's style. Wearing black. Which is like the total opposite of me, but hey, opposites attract.

Thing is, Min Jee is like me and loves the color pink.

She hates wearing an outfit without a hint of pink or purple in it.

But she's just wearing black... Just like how Ki Nari used to.

"You do know why they told you to wear this, right?" I asked her.

She thought about it and then her eyes widened, "Omg Oppa, I'm terribly sorry! I forgot! I thought you were over unnie! I mean you should be..."

"I am... But memories hurt." I told her. "I'm sorry, but can you leave me alone for a little bit, I'll call you later if you want me to." She nodded and I shutted the door.

"Eomma! Can I go to my friend's house next door?" Do Hun gave me puppy eyes so I walked him over there and dropped him off. Turns out he'll be spending the night there.

Great, Jungkook is still at the interview not answering my texts, Do Hun is at his friends, and Kookie is being a lazy dog sleeping.

I tried calling the others because of how bored I and sad I was but they were busy with dates. Well except for Namjoon who was in New Zealand.

"Oppa, should I buy this?" Ki Nari pointed at an all black dress that would look amazing on her.

"I think I should add some pink to it." I joked around.

"Shut up. I swear you're gay." She rolled her eyes, laughed and went up to the counter to buy it.

I could feel a tear roll down my cheek as I remembered the memory. I'm glad I have Jungkook now so why am I so sad?

About two hours later, Jungkook walked through the door.

"Hey babe, did you get the job?" I asked him.

He stared at me almost evilly, "No, I didn't."

"What? Why not?"

"Go ask those dumb managers." He hiccuped after saying that.

"Jungkook..." I glared at him and gave him a tone.


"Are you drunk? Mister, you know you aren't allowed around that stuff at that at all! I don't care if you're legal, I won't allow it! I don't care if you just got rejected by a job you really wanted. I'm here for you! I can help you out!" I shouted at him.

"Shut uppp! You're my boyfriend, not my mother!" He rolled his eyes.

"You know your mother wouldn't care." Saying that had shut him up. His eyes started to water and he started to cry.

I know he was having his little drunken fit, it was funny so I laughed. He doesn't care about his mom anyway.

He started to whine, "I'm sorry Jinnnnn!" As he stumbled to hug me.

I snickered and took him to our bedroom... And did some fun things with him so he could shut up whining and I could get my mind off Ki Nari.


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