4. How to bring the love of Allaah in oneself?

Start from the beginning

* Favouring Allaah over one's desires, especially when the desires are intense. There are two indicators of this in the slave: One is when he does what pleases Allaah, even if it entails doing what he dislikes, and the other is when he hates what Allaah hates, even if this entails shunning something he loves. One should struggle against himself in this matter in order to reach the exalted rank of love. Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "Allaah tests the slave by making him crave to fulfil his desires in order that he may then struggle and sacrifice to overcome this for the sake of his beloved (i.e., Allaah) which then becomes a means preventing him from following his desires." One only gives up something that he desires for something that is more desirable or dearer to him.

Why are the righteous higher in rank than the angels? The answer is because the angels do not have any desires, nor do they follow their lusts; they are by their nature obedient to Allaah; they praise and glorify Him, never becoming burdened or tired by it; but as for man, he has to struggle against his lusts and desires which may divert him and make him give up his mentioning and obedience of Allaah. So, when man disobeys himself and resists his desires, he becomes better and higher in rank than the angels. It is for the very same reason that some women of this world are superior to those of Paradise - due to their voluntary sacrifice and struggle.

*Thinking about the kindness and bounties of Allaah. People by their nature love those who are kind to them and hate those who are evil or cause them harm. It is an undeniable fact that there is none kinder than Allaah; this is proved by the fact that the slave of Allaah alternates from one favour of Allaah to another - for the entire duration of his life. Being able to breathe is just one example of His great favours, but man does not give it its due importance; some people have calculated how many breaths man makes in a single day and found that it is an average of twenty four thousand! If this is only one favour, then what about all the other favours of Allaah?

Allaah says:

وإن تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها

which means: "...And if you should count the favour [i.e., blessings] of Allaah, you could not enumerate them..." [Ibraaheem: 34] This is not to mention the harm that Allaah protects man from, as He says:

له معقبات من بين يديه ومن خلفه يحفظونه من أمر الله

which means: "For him [i.e., each person] are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allaah..." [Ar-Ra'd: 11] Allaah grants His favours despite the shortcomings of man. Allaah tolerates man's evil and provides for him regardless of that; indeed it is enough that Allaah provides for those who attribute a son to Him.

* Having a heart that acknowledges and is attentive of the names and attributes of Allaah, as well as knowing their implications. One who knows the names and attributes of Allaah and their implications will undoubtedly love Allaah and it is only the devout that have such knowledge - these are the people who truly love Allaah. The more one learns about the qualities and attributes of Allaah, the more Allaah becomes glorified in his heart, which in turn leads to him increasing in his love for Allaah.

Nobody could ever thank Allaah or praise Him appropriately. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was the most knowledgeable of Allaah; he also loved Allaah the most - more than all of mankind - yet one of his supplications was: "I am not capable of enumerating Your praise - You are as You have praised Yourself." If the slave was to ponder upon just one of the attributes of Allaah, it would cause him to totally and comprehensively love Allaah; if this is the case then how would it be if he were to ponder upon all His names and attributes? Moreover, man's knowledge of Allaah consists only of what he knows via the texts from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, so how much more would man love Allaah if he were to see him in Paradise? People's love of Allaah differs according to how much knowledge they have of Him; and this is why the scholars love Allaah the most - because they are, of course, the most knowledgeable of Him. This love is materialised by believing in and affirming these names and attributes as mentioned in the Islaamic texts, not negating them, not altering their meaning, not resembling them to any of Allaah's creation and not negating their meanings.

* Humbling oneself before Allaah and acknowledging one's dire need of Him. Submitting to Allaah and admitting one's guilt to Him makes one worthy of the support of Allaah. The hearts that love Allaah the most are those that are the most humble and submissive before Allaah, because this is the essence of servitude.

*Calling upon Allaah during the times which He descends, in a way which befits His Majesty, and reciting His words during such times, as well as repenting to Him and asking His forgiveness and pardon. Allaah says:

تتجافى جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم خوفاً وطمعاً ومما رزقناهم ينفقون

which means: "Their sides part [i.e., they arise] from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend." [As- Sajdah: 16]

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