How on Earth does this work?

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Okay, so here’s how it works.

I’ve written a list. There are 46 scenarios or objects. What you have to do is use this as a guideline. Write a book – it has to include the scenarios. Each bullet point on the list is a chapter. Yes, there is 46 chapters you have to write.

However, if you love your book so, so much, and you want to write more, then be my guest! Be sure to think of some scenarios for the remaining chapters.

Example: If the list says ‘2) Guinea pig’ then you’d write the chapter how you want, but you must include a guinea pig. Include it how you want – it’s your choice.

Make it any genre, any plot, but it has to include the things on the list!

Here are some top tips for the challenge;

·         Be as original as possible! If I request an animal, don’t do a normal animal. For top points, do a monkey! Have a monkey parading around the house if you so desire!

·         Make it noticeable. If you just briefly mention ‘she was watching a documentary’ then I won’t be impressed. If she is watching a monkey documentary, say something like ‘she watched as the monkey shared a banana with another monkey.’ But try to be more interesting than that example.

·         Feel free to highlight in bold the item or scenario if you so desire, if you don’t think it’s obvious.

·         You could mention my challenge at the start of your book. Or not! Make the readers confused!

And remember – Please, please tell me if you’re going to accept the challenge! I want to read it! Feel free to post down there. Or drop me a message!

I will be posting about your work here. I’ll include a quote from your work, and I’ll dedicate a chapter so it’s easy to find you. That way everyone will know about it. :)

To make this chapter easy to read, I’m going to post the list in the next chapter.

The Fourty-Six-Chapter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now