♦19♦ - Big Step

Start from the beginning

"How much help do you think a man would receive for being molested? In a world where women get harassed more? By men?" Painfully true. I could see the hurt beaming behind his eyes.

"I am one person, but I will be your help," I reassuringly told him, making him nod. "I'll become a model."

He tilted his head slightly, forcing a small smile. "Just to make clear, you will hardly model, to calm you. This is mainly a step up for me. I will just be your critic. It is candid: you will try on the clothes I typically would, I would work with the stylists to judge what you wore and if it becomes a seller or not, but most importantly - I will protect you. I am never going to let what happened to me happen to you. I would not let that happen to anyone."

Mikaela was imperfectly perfect. He had flaws, but a good mindset. He had a facade, but he was kind underneath it all. He wasn't a whore at all, no matter how many times he'd suddenly began to flirt with me. He was just lonely. The boy probably didn't even remember the purpose of love at this point after all of the horrid nights he'd been through.

After we exchanged a nod, he stood, making his way over to get me to my feet as well. I gazed up at him, uncovering more of the boy caked in secrecy. Mika had a life behind all of this. He had feelings, emotions, plans, wishes - a whole story. But I knew he was never going to pursue them in his profession. He had the money, but no supporters. Even if I was just one, I supported him. One day, I'd tell him that.

I got on my tiptoes, timidly pressing my lips to his although I was heavily passionate. I was devoted to the boy far too much. Luckily, he kissed me back, gently pulling me into a slight embrace all the meanwhile. I cupped my hands around his soft face, brushing my thumb over his smooth, silken lip.

"Let's go get 'em, boss."


Once again, the brave Mikaela and I were back on the soliciting quest to fight for something else. This time, I had to pull myself together and argue alongside with him. Not only was he fighting for his position, but mine as well, and I wasn't going to let him fight alone. I had to be mature and fight for myself.

"He has been more than a help to me" he would tell his boss, and then I'd have to muster up some details about how well of a travel agent I'd been or something, but no matter what self-promotion I had to do, I could not mention my interference with Mika's molestation. That would show I was against his contract. To be successful, I had to coexist with it - even if I didn't like the damned thing.

Unfortunately, his boss was more denying to him than he was my request to become a Jeunesse Doll. And I could see how that would happen. People adored him as a Doll. Seeing him as something else would be the greatest departure in their modeling nest. Or should I say "toy box?"

Mika hadn't even brought up this point up to me, but he told his boss that he would still model. He'd obtain two professions. Did this mean I could keep my position as well and be a Doll? It was like we were never going to change our original stances but still do it at the same time.

He knew exactly what he was doing...

"Mikaela, I suggest probation..." he told him, Mika slightly tensing up next to me. "Until I figure this out."

Hearing those words was like waiting in line behind the gates of heaven for granted permission.

"And Yuichiro," now his boss looked over at me. I swallowed nervously. "I am not your boss, but I am behind your plan. Well, then again, since you work for Mikaela, I can see how you may still tend to him. Go for it. Speak with the designers. Never knew you had it in you."

Well, fifty percent of the plan took successful advancement. But this was the worst position ever. If I got my new profession and Mika didn't, I'd lose him.

"Please also consider Mikaela, too," I choked out, Mika giving me an apprehensive look. He kicked me in the shin, earning a wince from me. "Please! Pretty please, he'd be the best critic in this incorp--"

A hand was locked over my mouth and I was being dragged out of my chair. I couldn't help but smile, even Mika's boss laughing as Mika hauled me away.

"Thank you, boss," he finally said, but not as enlightened as he hoped he'd come out of here. After we were well out of his office, he let me go, at what point I pulled him into a hug. "Yuu, would you--"

"Please," I whispered, digging my fingers into his pudgy sides. "Please get this job."

He took a deep breath, gently combing his fingers through my hair. "I am hoping, too. Meanwhile, we must prepare you for your next big step."

I looked up at him nervously, my arms still seat-belting him. "What's that?"

He gave me a gentle half smile. "Becoming a model."


Okay, that day was eventful, but I'm lazy to explain it all, so I laid on my hotel bed with my butt aimed high in the air as I face-planted into my pillow and waited to fall asleep. I couldn't, though. I couldn't stop thinking of Mika. Mika. I even liked his name.

You ever just see something so adorable that you get aggressive? That was kind of me with him. He was so cute and smelled so good, and his hair was so fluffy. He was like a real-life angel from a video game who just happened to wind up in my life, which felt so freakin' cool. I needed to stop having crushes on video game characters, but now that I had him, it kind of didn't feel so ridiculous anymore.

I unlocked my phone, finding his PIN and began to send him some messages. Well, I sent a bunch of emoticons like cows and pigs and chickens until he replied with ellipsis.

"Hiiiii" I sent to him, fussing around in my sheets as I waited for a reply.

"Hi, Yuichiro." He replied about a minute later, making an excited expression cross my face.

Then I sent a dancing monkey with a banana emoticon to him, snorting in laughter as I imagined his response.

It took him a minute to reply. "...You are a rare new species of volatility."

I smiled, yet confused at his large vocabulary. I also yearned to comfort him. "Hey, so are you feeling alright about today?"

"Nervous." He replied almost immediately. I felt bad, sending a hugging emoticon. "What are these?!" He asked me, making me erupt in laughter.

"Mika, you are so adorable." I felt odd after I sent it, but I didn't regret it. I didn't really know how I felt towards Mika, but I guess really did like him. It felt weird, considering I only had a microscopic phenomenon of nerdy girlfriends who clearly were not supermodels. Some were good, some bad. Mika's case felt special, in an odd way. "I like you." I messaged him, smiling lightly to myself.

I didn't really mind who I liked. As long as they were nice and were willing to play video games with me. Mika was probably never going to give into that with me, but that was okay. I liked him as a person. I couldn't resist saving him, too. He was too precious to be hurt, and he yearned for a helping hand, so of course I wanted to help him. I also thought he was really awesome. He was a supermodel for goodness sake! With a badass French posse and fans everywhere.

Mika, I envy you.

It took him awhile to respond, which made me nervous, but after an apprehensive moment, he sent "...♥" Maybe he took all that time to look for his emoticon.

I felt my heart race slightly, typing in "Don't stress too much about it. I'm too leeched to you to leave you alone for good... Goodnight, Mika!"

I actually did not want to wish him a goodnight just yet, but I was too drowned in excitement. Whoops.

"Same to you... I do not want my assistant sleep-deprived... Goodnight."

I rolled around in my sheets again excitedly before locking my phone and attempted to turn in for the night. This whole thing was new to me, so I couldn't exactly express my excitement...

About a minute later, my phone buzzed again as he sent me an emoticon of a zebra dancing under a disco.


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