Chapter 1

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"Kelly! Kelly, are you home?" I yelled, bursting through the front door. "Kell!"

"What?" Kelly came running down the stairs in a towel. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm more than okay! I got the promotion! I get to travel to the race this weekend and work with Kasey!" I jumped with excitement.

"Oh my god! Are you serious? You've been waiting for this for months!" She came to the bottom of the stairs and hugged me tight.

"I can't believe this! This is my dream job." I felt light headed, " I need to sit." I sat on the bottom step and took some deep breaths.

"You okay, Mace?" Kelly asked, a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, I think I forgot to breathe after I got the news." I lightly chuckled.

"Are you up to celebrate tonight?"

"Hell yes! I need a drink." We both laughed.

"Good! Now go get ready and we'll leave in 20."

"Sounds good!"

It's been a year since I moved to North Carolina and pursued a job in NASCAR. And now, I get to travel and be a PR for Kasey Kahne! Even though it's only for a month, since his regular PR is on maternity leave. This was still the best decision I could have ever made for myself. I have friends now, friends! Something I didn't have back in my old town. This was a brand new life and I wouldn't trade any of it. This promotion was going to change my life in a big way. I could feel it.

"Babes, you ready?" Kelly yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" Going out with Kelly meant that I probably wouldn't remember anything in the morning, but tomorrow was an important day. I couldn't mess this up.


"Ugh, what time is it?" I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and then it hit me. A pounding headache. I was hungover and I had a taxi coming to pick me up in three hours.

I threw on a robe and made my way downstairs. Kelly was nowhere to be found which meant she went home with some random guy. That girl, I swear.

I found some aspirin and pour myself a big glass of water. Popped two pills and downed half the water. Hoping to feel better soon.

I packed my bag and left a note on the fridge for Kelly. I waited outside in the fresh air for my ride to arrive.

The taxi finally showed up, only ten minutes late, I might add. The driver got out and put my bags in the trunk and off I was to Richmond.


"Miss Jones, here's your parking and hot passes. Please park in the designated area." A red-haired lady told me.

"Thanks!" My hands were shaking when I took my passes from her. I don't know why I was nervous. I've been around Kasey, even partied with him. His girlfriend, Mindy, is how I got into this job in the first place. So it wasn't like I was walking in blind.

I pulled my rental into a lot behind the garage. After I put the car in park, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "You got this!" A nice little pep talk always did the work. I grabbed my bag and off I went.


Ten minutes left in final practice. Kasey had a decent run going. All the Hendrick cars did, including the rookie, Chase Elliott. I knew of him but didn't know him. He was new to the team, running a few Cup races to get ready to take over the 24 after Jeff Gordon retires. I'll admit, I did a little research on him but that was only in preparation in case I needed to work with him one weekend.

"Hey, Mace, what's next?" Kasey asked, walking up to me.

I pulled out my folder, "Um, you have a Chevy appearance at 1:30 with Chase..." I didn't notice that the first time. One time, Kelly and I searched Chase on Google. Just for the giggles and it turned out that he was actually really cute. I was nervous to see him in person.

"Everything okay?"

"All good. Do you wanna change or?" I pointed to his firesuit.

"No, I'm good. Gotta get back in the car anyway."

I rode the golf cart over to the Chevy Stage with Kasey. It wasn't that bad of a ride considering I've never been on one before. Kasey sat beside me, scrolling on his phone.


"Yeah," he chuckled, "you know? You should get a one now that you're big time."

"Me? Big time? I hardly doubt that, it's only my first day." I laughed.

"Make one! I'll be your first follower." He shot me a huge smile.

"Aw, well ain't that sweet of you. I'll think about it."

We pulled up to the stage and tons of people were already there.

"So many people," I mumbled to no one in particular.

"Don't worry, you get use to it after a while." Kasey nudge my shoulder before walking ahead. Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get use to this.

I walked behind Kasey as he made his way through a small part of the crowd. Signing a few autographs as he went. He had thirty minutes before qualifying so this appearance would only be about 10-15 minutes, giving him just enough time to get back inside the track.

We patiently waited behind the stage for Chase. He was late. And if he's late, he's going to make Kasey late.

"Kasey, I don't think we can wait for Chase any longer." I whispered to him.

"I think you're right."

"Okay, I'm going to go tell the host you're ready." He gave me a thumbs up and I called over the guy hosting the Chevy Stage. "Kasey, can't wait for Chase... Can we get him up on the stage?" The guy nodded and waved for Kasey to come up and get ready.

"Race fans! Make some noise for Kasey Kahne!" The crowd erupted in cheers. Mostly women, but there was a good amount of men in there as well.

I stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at Kasey effortlessly answers fan questions. He was a pro. I was so intrigued by how well he handled himself that I didn't notice a pair of hands on my waist, moving me the side.

"Excuse me," a deep southern accent hit me like a ton of bricks. I turned around to a huge smile and beautiful brown eyes. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him.

"Oh, I, I'm sorry," it was him. Chase Elliott.

Even though I was standing on the second step, he was still taller then me. His cheeks flushed a deep red and he was out of breath.

"Did you run here?" I held back a laugh.

"I had too. The golf cart broke down and I really didn't want to miss this appearance."

"Hey, ladies! I think Chase is finally here!" The host announced, "c'mon up, Chase!" Chase took a deep breath and pulled himself together.

"Here, take this!" I handed him my cold bottle of water, "you need it more than I do."

"Thanks!" He gave me a shy smile, "I'll remember this."

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