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Brooklyn ran her fingers through her long brown hair with a sigh. This essay was absolutely killing her. She had been studying for more than three hours and was about ready to rip her damned textbook to shreds and never pick up the pieces. But, she simply couldn't do that. (Maybe because she is not strong enough, or because she'd immediately feel the aching need to pick up the pieces of paper. Or maybe just because she was absolutely determined on acing latin.)  Finally, after writing a few more lines, she put down her dull pencil and got up to stretch her short legs. She was glad that it was Friday, and that she had more time to work on this essay that wasn't even due for three weeks. Her eyes looked especially tired tonight, and her disheveled makeup proving that her day has been no less than productive. Her hands fell to her sides as she stared at herself in the mirror hanging on the back of her door. She looked closely at the white long sleeved lace shirt that clung fashionably (but still modestly) against her olive skin. Her hazel eyes traveled down her torso and her gaze fell upon her black pencil skirt. Brooklyn had never really liked the way she looked in skirts, but hey, they were professional and when you're looking for an internship and finishing your last year in high school, whats a little professionalism gonna hurt? Her white tennis shoes and white ankle lacey socks had been bothering her all day, and she mentally kicked herself for getting so lost in work when she got home to have taken them off the second she could have. Finally her gaze wandered back to her slim face, she had never really had a problem with how she looked until her freshman year of high school. All the other girls were very skinny and their thighs didn't touch where Brooklyn's did. She tried her best not to let the other girls get to her as she grew older, but by sophomore year, she had started skipping meals, and she lost all the weight like it was magic. She shook her head slightly, as if to clear the thought from her buzzing mind. Turning from the mirror, she pulled her clothes off and crawled into bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep.

Michael's night was only just beginning as Brooklyns was ending, he had a party too attend and a friend to fuck. There was nothing stopping him. It wasn't until 11:37pm that he and his ... friend, rolled up to the party in the crowded, sketchy neighborhood. Michael stepped out of the car and smirked as he walked around to the other side and opened the for for Olivia. "So mikey, how long until we leave here and head to your place for some fun?" olivia purred. "Trust me Liv, not long. I say we'll be out of here by two sharp."

They weren't.

By the time four rolled around, michael and olivia were absolutely and utterly smashed. the minute they got to the car, that were all over each other. Just as Michael was going to start the car, the party host, who happened to be one pf michaels best friends, ran to the car and knocked on the door. "h-hey a-shton, buddy, what is up my m-man!" michaels words were slurred as he giggled and looked at ashton with adoring eyes. "Mike, you can't drive like this man, why don't you and olivia stay in my guest room tonight, yeah? Michael shook his stubborn head. "N-No thanks, mate. We'll be just fine at my place. See you sunday at L-Lukes!" He hiccuped, already closing the window and starting to drive. As the car drove further from his sight, Ashton prayed for nothing to happen to his friend and Olivia, but he had a feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen. And like magic, he was right. Michael and Olivia zoomed across the road, nearing michaels home, Olivias hand was already in Michael's skinny jeans and her panties long since had been discarded. About a mile from Michales house, a police officer sat in his car. Its nights like this that Boston's finest despise; Friday nights. Officer Bracks sat waiting to go home, nothing had happened tonight to cause him to need to really work, but he was still exhausted nonetheless. Just as he was going to pull out of the parking spot, a car flew past him, going at least 70 in a 30 mile zone. With a sigh, Officer Bracks turned on his lights and sped after the car. Michaels face was flushed, a gentle moan coming from his throat as Olivia's hand was pulled out of his pants. "Fuck, Michael stop the car." Michael groaned and his eyes flicked to the car speeding behind them and his head pounded from the lights flashing around them. Slowly his gaze found Olivia, "what do I do?" she shook her head, "Just start by stopping the car!" And he did.

Officer Bracks boots clicked against the ground as he walked to Michaels car. His flashlight knocked against Michaels window and it rolled down, revealing an unamused, and clearly intoxicated Michael clifford. "Sir, have you been drinking this evening?"

Hey i'm kaylee & i really love michael clifford and your face. i'm gonna try to update this every day but knowing me ill fuck that up lmao follow me on twitter if ya wanna talk or some shit idk its @\ cloudydaycal okay well i love u xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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