Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Renee's POV

My alarm started blaring and my eyes shot open. They still felt heavy from sleep so I rubbed them. I checked the time and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Lacy!" I yelled. "We're going to be late!"

Lacy fell out of bed and immediately started tugging on a pair of shoes. I grabbed a brush and started to madly brush through my hair.

We rushed around putting on clothes, applying makeup, and occasionally stuffing a granola bar down our throats. I gently took my collage down from my billboard and tugged on my shoulder bag, the one that looked like a piano. "Let's go!" Lacy shouted and we ran out of there.

We raced over the field and across the campus. I cast a longing look at the coffee shop, where a bunch of students in no hurry at all were drinking coffee or playing games. But I continued on.

We managed to crash into class two minutes before it started. Everyone else was already there, and staring at us. I blushed. "S-Sorry that we're late," I stammered.

"Faulty alarm," Lacy put in. We sat down in our seats, putting our projects on our desks. Our teacher, Professor Romeo, began to teach.


"Now before you go, class," Professor Romeo said loudly, seconds before the bell rang. "Your collages are due today, and I need them now. If you don't have it, you get an automatic F. Understood?" We nodded.

The bell rang, and I stayed in my seat as everyone else rushed ahead to turn their collages in. I found it easier to wait instead of compete against others that were much faster than me to get there first.

When the tide finally subsided, I got up and carefully balanced my collage in my arms. I approached Professor Romeo's desk, and she smiled up at me. "Ah, another job well done, Renee," she said approvingly as she took it from me. I smiled back.

Professor Romeo was my favorite teacher, although she could be a little strict at times. She understood photography like nobody else. She was an excellent teacher.

"Thank you, Professor Romeo," I said respectively and turned to leave.

"Wait, Renee," she said, and I looked back. "I have something to tell you," she said, and my heart quickened in my chest. Was something wrong? Did I fail? Would I have to repeat this class? Did I accidentally smudge my collage?

I looked at her nervously, and she chuckled at my expression. "Calm down, Renee," she said. "You're panting like a dog." I realized that my breathing was heavy, and I tried controlling it. I got nervous easily.

"Don't worry," Professor Romeo said kindly. "It's nothing bad. Actually, it's something quite wonderful."

That perked me up. "Really? What is it?" I asked.

"I know what you're going to ask," she said. "Yes, it does involve photography."

I grinned. "What is it?" I asked again.

She smiled. "I might have bragged about a couple of my students at a few outings I went to," she said. "Particularly, you. You're an excellent photographer, Renee." I blushed like before and thanked her again.

"One of my friends knows someone from... I think it's Teen Tiger? Yeah, that magazine. Apparently, they are looking for a new paparazzi crew. My friend told them about me, and I told them about you, so...."

My breath caught in my throat. This was kind of confusing, but exciting. Was I actually....

"And so they decided to hire you," Professor Romeo said proudly.

I stared at her for a moment in shock. "Really?" I finally squeaked out.

She smiled and nodded. "You start working in three days," she said. "Looks like you won't need to look for a summer job anymore."

"Wow!" I gasped. "That is so awesome! Thank you so much, Professor Romeo!"

She laughed. "You're welcome, Renee," she said. "If I were you, I'd start packing and practicing. You've got a big job ahead of you!"


"This is so amazing!" I squealed to Lacy in our dorm. "I can't believe I got hired by Teen Tiger! Can you believe it? Me, of all people!"

She nodded, but didn't respond. She didn't look very happy. I frowned, and stopped packing. "What's wrong, Lace?" I asked.

She looked at me a little guiltily. "I've never seen you so happy before," she said. "And I know I should feel happy for you, and I do. But... it's just...." She sniffed. "I don't want you to go!" she finally cried.

I softened. "Aw, Lacy," I said, sitting next to her comfortingly. "I won't be gone forever. I'll be back for next year, and I'll visit as often as I can. And when I return, I'll be the same old me."

She sniffled again and grabbed me unexpectedly in a large hug. "I'll still miss you," she said, complaining now more than crying.

I smiled. "I'll miss you too," I said. "Now help me pack!" She got up reluctantly and started throwing things into my suitcase.

"I'll be visiting my family tomorrow," I continued. "Then I'll have to find my own apartment. The day after that, off to work for me!"

"You sound much too cheerful," Lacy pouted and I flicked her forehead. "Of course I do, silly," I giggled. "And unless you start talking suicide nothing you can do can stop that."

For a moment more we packed in silence. I didn't own very many things, but I think we were moving slowly on purpose.

"You better tell all of those hot celebrity guys about me," Lacy finally smirked.

I shot her a look. "Lace...." I said in a warning tone.

"Rainy...." she said in the same tone, mocking me. "You better!"

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt it," I huffed. "I'll probably be so far back I won't get a single picture."

My heart fell to my stomach when I thought that. Of course that's what would happen! I was only a newbie after all. All of the professionals would be up front, and I'd be in the back, capturing pics of the backs of people's heads....

"What was I thinking?" I blurted out in a loud voice, making Lacy jump. "I'll only be in the sidelines. I won't get any pictures at all! I'm so stupid!" I plopped down on my bed and buried my face in my hands. I was so foolish to think that this would actually go my way....

I felt the bed sag next to me and an arm wrap around my shoulders. "You don't really believe that, do you, Renee?" Lacy asked. I moaned in reply. "Oh, man up!" she scolded, nudging me. "I'm sure you'll do fine. They wouldn't hire you if they thought you were useless! Geez, be real." I looked up slowly. Some of Lacy's words were making sense....

I blushed. "I guess you're right," I mumbled, embarrassed at my stress-flash.

Lacy grinned. "I know I am," she smirked. But then she frowned. "But I'm serious, get me some celebrity phone numbers," she said.

I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes up to the ceiling. "Lacy, we talked about this," I said, sounding like a tired mother.

"I know," she chirped. "But who knows, maybe a special someone will come along. A girl can dream, right?"

I snorted. Right, a girl could dream, and that's all she could do. A special someone? She must be nuts....

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