Dancing time

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Maya's POV

The prom was at eight. Josh would drive her to NYU and they could have some fun until ten. Cory wanted them to be home before ten so they can spend some time with the family. The only problem;
Maya didn't have a dress. So Riley and she went out to buy one. But. They were seventeen year old girls. They couldn't just go out and buy a dress. They needed to go out, to find a couple of dresses, to pick the perfect and to buy some accessories too. Which took some time.

So Riley and Maya were in the "finding the perfect dress" part. They had three choices. The first dress black. It was short and sleeveless. The other was a red one, the colour of fire. It was tight with short sleeves. But they ended up buying the third one.

The third one was also short. It was black at first but the colour ended soon, under her breasts. Then a white fabric flew around her. At the back, the dress ended in a black bow.

Maya immediately bought it.

They girls bought some accessories as well and then returned home. The had lunch with Topanga. Cory was out with Josh and Aggie for some 'men time'.

When they were done they went to Riley's bedroom. They just talked a bit when Riley's phone rang. She looked who was it and smiled.

-It's Lucas, she said.

-Huckleberry! Put it on speaker!

Riley answered the phone and put it on speaker.


-Hey Riley! I'm Lucas !, a friendly voice said.



-How's Texas? ,Riley gave it a shot.

-Oh it's great. You should come with us next here. I hate being so far from you.

Riley blushed.

-Farkle ate a bull. ,Lucas changed the topic.

Maya and Riley burst out laughing.


When they ended the call, Riley dicided to make Maya's hair. She curled it so the girl's natural curls looked a little less messy. She also made her make up. Nothing much. Eyeliner mostly.

At the end Riley gave her permission to look at the mirror. Maya was frozen. She looked beautiful. Beautiful. Her eyes were intense and her dress was amazing. It hugged her curves and made her look even better than she really did.

She turned to Riley.

-Riles, I don't know what to say! Thank you so much.

The blonde hugged her best friend grateful.

Finally, Josh returned and Maya went to the living room. She was nervous to see Josh. He didn't see this as a date, and she tried to do the same but she didn't really make it.

Josh was wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt. His shoes were black, with the 'Nike brand' being white. He looked cool. That was exactly what he wanted to look like. Like he cared what he wore, but not too much. Like he cared what the girls thought of him but not too much.

His hair were hidden under a black beanie. All this black and white made his eyes look like they were shining black coals that could set you on fire. And those eyes were studying Maya carefully.

He seemed surprised at first. His mouth was slightly open and he looked amazed. He managed to close it and smile at the girl in front of him.

-Not bad Hart, he said.

Maya tried not to blush.

-Same to you, Matthews.

Cory, who was looking at Maya and Josh, smiled.

-Thank you Maya! ,he said.

Everyone looked at him but he just shrugged and left the room. Topanga gave them an apologizing look and followed her husband.

Riley also left, after taking Aggie by the hand, and leading him out of the room.

So it was just Maya and Josh now.

-Wanna go? ,Josh asked.

Maya shrugged.


None of them moved though. Josh smiled, with only half of his mouth. He gave her a hesitant look and then offered his hand.
Maya took it gladly.

Josh led her out of the Mathews's house and to a jeep. He opened the door for her and she got in. He got in too and started the car.

No one talked at first but the silence wasn't awkward. When he finally talked his words were as sweet as sugar.

-You really are beautiful.

Maya blushed. She was suddenly happy that Josh was staring in front of him, on the road.

-Thanks. ,she murmured quietly.

Silence again. And then he parked the car outside of a park. Maya raised an eyebrow.

-We're there?

Josh laughed nervously. Maya hadn't noticed before but his hand was shaking. Literally shaking.

-No, of course not. I just had to stop.

The blonde frowned.

-What's wrong Josh?

-Nothing... I was just thinking too much and I couldn't really focus on the road. You don't want to get involved in an accident, do you?

-No... Well what are you thinking about?, Maya asked.

Josh looked directly at her.

-You mostly., he answered.

Maya froze. She was distracting him. That didn't seem fair or possible.

-W-What can I do about it?, she asked nervously.

Josh smiled and started the car. The engine made a loud sound and the boy started the car.

They remained silent for the rest of the trip. When they were there, Josh left the car and opened Maya's door.

She smiled at him shyly as he helped her off. They entered the building.


Josh's POV

The building was dark with some neon blue lights around. The room was full with people. Boys with suits and girls with short dresses.

Not that he cared about them.

Maya had left him speechless. Her dress didn't leave enough to imagination but then again, it left too much. It was funny, that feeling Josh has. He did want to see more of her, so much more, right now but he also felt threatened by all these other boys in the room, drunk and their eyes searching for a hot girl. Josh looked at the girl next to him.

-You like it? ,he asked.

-You kidding? Like it? It's... It's amazing.

Josh smiled satisfied and took her hand.

-Come on Maya Hart. Dancing time.

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