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So how do you Melanie?

Let me tell you what the album is about.

First we are introduce to the character, Cry Baby ( cry baby)

Then we see her family and there problems ( dollhouse)

She then witnesses her mom killing her husband and his mistress (sippy cup)

She meets a boy and falls in love ( carousal)

She realizes his true colors and leaves him ( alphabet boy)

She meets a different boy, and almost spills out her feelings to him, so she leaves him to avoid being shut down ( soap)

She meets ANOTHER boy and thinks he's the one, she's ready to move faster not afraid to fall ( training wheels)

She invites her crush, training wheel boy, and her friends to her party. They never showed up. ( pity party)

She gets kidnapped and I think she was raped. ( tag, you're it)

She poison and kills her kidnapper ( milk and cookies)

She finds a boy and doesn't care if he is single or not ( pacify her) ( no I didn't post it, I didn't really like it)

She realizes she's crazy and doesn't care. She's done being Alice and is ready to be the mad hatter.( mad hatter)

Dam, Melanie, you dark as fuck.

Mkay let me know what you think of the songs and the hidden story behind them

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