Chapter 1 the two way reflection

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure she hates me now." She said crying in her hands. I couldn't help but smile tenderly at her.

"Luna.P it's not your fault that your mother was taken, Shadow Damion is just a bad person who's wanted mommy for the longest time and was never able to get her." I explained. "W-why dose he want mommy what's so specail about mommy that she of all people had to be taken."

She was speaking like an adult a sad one. I put my arm around her for comfort. "You'll understand when your older.

Ok?" she didn't answer, she just kept crying, I knew one thing that will make her feel better in fact it will definitly put her to sleep so I can begin the mission to get Solenia back.

I gently pulled Luna.P on my lap rubbed her back in circles and hummed Solenia's Favourite/ lulaby for Luna.P it was Fireflies by owl city. As I hummed the tune she slowly stopped crying and by the time I finished the last line of the song she had fallen asleep.

Its funny the song is about being too tierd to fall asleep but for Luna.P it's the opisite. I carefully got up and carried my sleeping princess to her room for a well deserved nap.

I was about to leave until she grabbed the fabric of my cape. She still had her eyes closed which was wierd. "Daddy promise my that you'll do all you can to get mommy back." She said with a slur.

I smiled at her. "Of course little one I promise I will do all I can." I said. "Good." She said as she drifted off to sleep and let go of my cape.

I looked back one more time to see that she was in a deep sleep. Once I closed the door I got my game face on. (Guys can you hear me?!) (Damion? We felt Luna.P was in destress and sad and we can't get in touch with Solenia!) Amy was the first one to reply.

(Yeah it's beacause she's been taken by Shadow Damion through a mirror!) (A mirror?!) they all said at the same time. (I'll explain everything when I get to the meeting hall I'll see you all there.) I said walking down the hall. (Will do!) Danny said signing off.

(Mom you there?) I asked (I'm here and I heard everything I'm on my way!) she instantly responded. It was good to know that almost everyone was ontop of things. I passed the mirror where it all happened I felt a whole bunch of left over energy there. I ran past it and the rest of the way.

I opened the door's to the meeting hall to see everyone waiting there already. "Ok guys here's what's going on." I explained everything.

"Oh poor Luna.P." Caleb said. "Yeah the poor dear shouldn't blame herself." Cassidy added. "I know and I made a promise to her that I will do everything I can to get her back!" "Well let's start with what we know." Cage said.

"Well we don't really know anything, I mean I'm having trouble believing that she was pulled through a mirror!" Danny said. "Hold on you said pulled through a mirror." His mom repeated. "Yeah why mom do you know something?" he asked. "Actually I do."

She made a book apper in front of her. "She was taken to the mirror realm." She said. "The wha-?" Vira said.

"The mirror realm it's the exact opisite of our realm like say we had his table on the left over there it would be one the right, this room is white the one over there would be black." "Oh I get it." Vira said more clearly.

"Yeah it's funny because the mirrors are usually supossed to have one way reflections but when there is a planitary alignment the mirror becomes a two way reflection resulting it to be a portal." My eyes widened one word stuck out from her whole explanation. 'Alignment.'

"Alignment" I said without thinking. Everyone looked at me. "Alignment that's what SD mean't by come the next planet Alignment, he was saying that the portal's will open so it will able him to come through and go back without any problems."

"Well that's kind of impossible only a selected few can have the power of the mirrors which is wierd because I've never heard of someone having half of the ability's." My mom said. "Half?" Amy questioned.

"Yeah half he can made mirrors a two way reflection where he can see people through them and they can see and talk to him, but he is only supposed to have full powers,

like he was supposed to be able to open the mirror portals without the Alignment, your allowed to made fake reflections of yourself and your allowed to control glass." "Really you could control glass!"Caleb said with excitement.

"Yeah but the only way SD could have it if he was born with it so that means...." they all looked at me. "What?!" I asked. "Damion you have the power of the mirrors." It made sense how else could he have gotten that power.

"Don't be rediculous I don't have that power and if I did I would have known about it already." "That's true but mirror power stays well hidden within a person and only comes out when it's needed, like a reflection!" my mom explained.

"Ok well what we waiting for! Let's go!" I said walking out of the room. (Does he know?) Amy said telepathically. (I thought you were going to tell him.) Danny said. (Danny your his best friends you tell him) (I'll tell him I'm his mother he need's to hear it from me.)

(By all means) they all said. My mom came out of the room behind me no one else was following. "Damion sweetheart slow down I need to talk to you about the mirror." I stopped and turned to listen although I was desperate to get started on training.

"What is it mom?" "Uh there is a little conciquence to going through mirrors." "Oh?" "I'm pretty sure by now the mirror portal is closed." "Ok we can just open it again with my mirror power right?" I asked with hope.

"Not exactly....Uh how do I put this, you can't open the portal again for about two more years." After I heard that my heart dropped and shatered into a million pieces.

The Crystal Heir vol.1 Broken reflectionWhere stories live. Discover now