• Chapter 3 •

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I turned back and saw Brooklyn looking at me with that glare that everyone hates. The glare a mom gives you when she knows you've done something wrong. God, I hate it when she stares at me like that. Either I did something to upset her or I didn't do something that she asked me to do.

I walked over to her and hugged her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Lukey, I thought we agreed on wearing pink today," she said in her annoyingly high voice.

"I'm sorry, I was in a rush this morning. I didn't realize today we were supposed to wear pink today." I didn't mean one word. I wasn't in any rush this morning. I woke up at 6:30AM, took a shower, ate breakfast and was ready by 7:30.

"Ok Lukey. Just remember for next Wednesday, alright?" she asked in an innocent tone.

"I promise." Hahaha, I'm using that same excuse, yet she doesn't notice. And won't notice for the next week or the week after because she's just that stupid.

I kiss her cheek just to emphasize the fact that I "love" her. She kissed my cheek back and walked off. I walk to class and take my seat in the back. I see Michael slink in and take his seat next to Ashton. I see Ash talk to Michael for a couple of minutes.

I don't really pay attention when other people talk because there's really no point in me thinking what other people think. The next time I looked over, Michael had his head down on the desk and eyes closed while Ashton kept reading his book.

I've always felt bad for Mike. Always has to deal with Calum. Ever since high school started, Calum has had .. this grudge against Michael. I only know because the first day of high school, Calum and I became best friends. I was the one, and still am, that breaks up the fights. Every single day and I never know when it's gonna happened. The chance Calum gets to slip away from my eyesight, he will. And he does. There have been days where he doesn't get to, but those are rare. Incredibly rare.

I always wonder what happened to those two guys. I remember the day I first moved here. It was half a year before high school. I remember it was bitter cold, almost like needles piercing your skin. I had came from Australia so I never experienced the winter breezes. I was one those new kids that come during the middle of the school year and kids were running around getting everything ready for the end of 8th grade.

Those few 6 or 5 months went by fast. Faster than I could remember. I recall seeing Michael, Calum, and Ashton hanging out so much, it was like they were inseparable. One time, Michael showed up late to class with a big bruise on his face. I didn't see Calum around after that. I don't ever remember seeing the 3 musketeers together after Calum was gone. To this day, Calum has never talked about it and never wanted to talk about it. Maybe it just never came up.

I hear the bell for second period ring and walk out. I turn a corner here and there and walk in to class. I take my usual seat in the back and drown myself in my thoughts all over again.

Suddenly, I hear a huge growl and my hand flies out of my pocket as soon as I feel an aching sensation in my stomach. I realize I only had a small bowl of cereal at 7. I check the clock above the teacher's desk. 9:24 it reads. It's almost been 2 hours and 30 mins since I've eaten. New record.

"Luke, is something wrong?"

I snap my head towards the voice and see it's only the teacher. I respond, "No, Mr. Quin. I'm just checking the time."

He nods his head and goes back to work. My stomach continues to growl as I continue to rub. I try and concentrate on my thoughts while everyone else is focused on their schoolwork. As I drown myself in my thoughts once again, I make a mental note to start carrying snacks in my bag.


I throw my trash in the bin and walk back to the table Brooklyn was sitting at. I quietly sit next to Calum. I start to play with the sleeves of my jacket and I look down at my hands. I realize that I'm bored and I'm starting to get a major migraine. All this noise in the lunchroom ..... I never thought it would bother me. Probably because I'm always talking with Calum. But Calum's with this new girl he found for himself. Brooklyn is off in the bathroom gossiping.

I stand up and walk out of the lunch room. As I walk down the hall towards the library, to get some peace and quiet, I hear chants, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT." I begin to worry, but then realize that I'm walking down the sophomore wing. Might as well make some fun out of this. I keep walking until I reach the bundle of 16-year-olds. I then grasp the fact that these kids aren't kids. They're seniors.

As I shove my way through the crowd, many, many, many phones are pulled out and recording videos to post all over the internet. I finally reach the front and I see Calum kicking Michael in the gut, over and over. He picks Michael up and pushed him against the lockers.

I stand there and watch. I can't take my eyes off of Michael's red, bloody and blotchy face. I don't think he realizes that he's crying. I can't stand to see him like that. It hurts me. I decide to step in before it gets worse.

Calum kneed Mike in the balls. It definitely got worse. I ran out from the crowd, grabbed Calum by the collar from behind, tugged him off of Mike, and held him back in time for Ash to get Michael. Mr. Quinn had been alerted by a kid and brought to the fight. He helped me hold back Calum from getting another swing at Mike. Mr. Quinn sent Cal to the office and went to go see Mike.

"Calum, chill. You got some good punches in, now cool it, before I knee you in the balls," I say trying to get Calum to cool down. He looks at me, huffs in frustration, and walks away.

I turn around and walk over to Michael and Ash. I crouch down and look him in his good eye and I don't know what to say. I want to say that he's welcome to sit with me anytime and that we could be friends and that I'll take care of Calum's anger issues.

But instead I say, "I'm sorry." And I walk away.


writer, out ✌🏼️)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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