• Chapter 2 •

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The cafeteria is even worse than the hallways. It's like everyone literally turns into an animal and let's loose. It's like the watering hole. The place where everyone turns into their "true self." It's ridiculous how much people keep inside themselves and to a couple people. It's like people are always wearing masks and we never truly know who they are until they take it off or get it snatched off by other people. It sucks.

A lot of drama happens in the cafeteria. People talk gossip, spread rumors, and, inevitably, get hurt. Badly. And that is the exact reason as to why I eat in the library. If the library is closed, I end up eating in the farthest bathroom from the cafeteria.

As I was heading towards the library I thought to myself, Maybe today won't be a bad day. Sure it may have gotten a bad start but I can make it better. I haven't gotten to be the regular punching bag. But of course, I was wrong. Like always. While I think, I like to keep my head down and not track my body movements because all of my attention is on what I'm thinking.

As if it was inevitable, I bumped in to the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Calum Hood himself. He was with his jock friends, as always. As I bumped into him, I dropped my lunch and landed with a splat. Shit shit shit shit shit, I thought as I looked down at feet. I knew I was screwed considering how I haven't gotten beaten up today and I was having a good day so far. I guess not anymore.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here. Looks like some klutz dropped his lunch on the floor. Aren't you going to pick it up, faggot?" Calum remarked.

"Doesn't it take a faggot to know a faggot?" I retorted. Immediately regretting what I had said, I took the scowl off my face, but kept my ground.

"What the fućk do you think you're up to, Clifford? Are you trying to start something?" he shouted in my face, pushing me up against the lockers by the collar of my shirt.

"I'm not trying to start anything here, I'm only here to tell the truth," I smirked at him. With that, I landed on the floor, clutching my head in my hands. I kept hearing a bell ring in my ears from hitting my head against the locker. Or maybe it wasn't all in my head, maybe I did hear a bell.

I see feet starting to gather around in a semi-circle and realize the bell for 8th period just rang. Ashton is going to off on me. I pick my head up to see Calum crouching over me, hands balled up in a fist. He grabs my collar and pulls me close to his face. Close enough that I can see the outline of his pupils enlarging with anger.

"Last time was a warning, Clifford. This one isn't," he growled. Calum put both his hands on my collar and pushed me down to the ground. Hard. I begun to hear the chants saying, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT."

Dear God, please don't let me die. Please help me pull through this, I plead in my head. I keep hearing the chants, the yells, the whimpers coming from my mouth as Calum repeatedly kicks my gut. I start coughing from all the wind getting knocked out of me. I feel a warm liquid start coming down my face. I can barley see from Calum punching me in the face. I try to scream but nothing comes out, only pain in my guts.

Calum picks me up by my collar again, and pushes me against another set of lockers. I feel a sharp pain in my lower regions & guts and instinctively duck down. I see out of my one good eye and see phones and cameras out and recording. With the little energy I had, I lifted up arm and flipped off the camera.

I finally feel my body hit the ground. I don't move a muscle, waiting for the next blow, only to have someone drag me onto their lap and pour cold water onto my face. I opened my eyes the slightest bit. I couldn't open my eyes more than 2 centimeters. I lift my face up to see who it is.

"MIKE! MIKE! C'mon buddy, don't pass out. I know you've done this before, stay awake."

I look even father back and see that my head is on Ashton's lap. I relax the slightest bit and ease my tense muscles. I hear struggling sounds and realize that someone is holding back Calum. I pick my head up and see him trying to get back at me. A teacher is standing in front of him, telling him to calm down and go to the office.

He finally stops struggling and he composes himself and walks off. Once he walks off, I see someone talking to the teacher that told Calum to walk off. When he turns around, I see piercing blue eyes and a tall blond quiff.

As I lay back down, I see Luke looking back at me. He begins to walk away when he turns back around and strides over to me. He crouches down next to my face and says the two simplest words, "I'm sorry."

Goddamn it Luke; it wasn't your fault. But mind putting your mutt on a leash the rest of the school year please?

Luke picks himself up and walks off. And just like he appeared, he disappeared.


(a/n: I just want to say I'm really sorry!!! There really is no excuse to why i haven't updated in a month, but I just want to quickly note that italicized words are thoughts from the person's POV. And bold words are either an a/n or a memory, depending on what the chapter is about. I'll try to give you guys quick a/n note. Just remember that for the rest of the story please and thank you ☺️ )


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