Kieth looked at me funny. "What?" I asked boredly.

"You're eating here??" he asked with 'IM VERY CONFUSED' all but written on his face.

"" What's wrong with eating in my own home. On my own kitchen table? Honestly, geez....

You know what he means...                  GREAT! YOU AGAIN.

HEY! I'm trying to help here!!!              Ughhhh...

FINE! SCREW YOU!                                Why am i actually feeling guilty for being mean to... well, me.

Cause you luuuuhhhv meh!                   SHUT UP!

"What?" I ask annoyed. Kieth was looking at me like I had a tail and 3 heads.

"You NEVER eat here... Ever...?" He gave me a DUH-look.

"So?" I took another spoon full of Lucky Charms. MARSH-MELLOWS... YUMMY.

"Nothing." he grabbed himself a bowl and  we ate in silence.    Fine... ignore me....

I felt like we were bonding. I had never been this peaceful with him. Maybe it was time to forget the past. i did miss my brother... a lot. DARN I SOUND LIKE A CHICK!!! WHAT THE...?

Well he was your best friend for a while.... when you were shy...                      SHUT UP


...Fourth...                          UGHH

Well anyways yeah... we were really close. Until her.... No... no thoughts of the Girl.  Just enjoy the peace with you brother. I took a deep breath.

"Hey um... can u pass the milk...?" I asked him very awkwardly. This was the first time in a long time I had said anything to him without sarcasm.

"Yeah..." i saw a hint of a smile when I grabbed it. Baby-steps right?? I finished my second bowl and headed for school.... Weird morning right?? OH AND i gave a ride to my brother! Who, just so you know, doesn't own a car. Even with the bucket of money just being waited to be used. We wnt seperate ways as soon as we entered the building.

So.... Awkward.

I spotted my locker... OH EHM GEE! ITS VENI!!! YAYYYY!!!! (Yeah... i wish i was that happy to see her...)

"Hey..." Notice my Great lack of enthusiasm??

"Have you seen Mason, Ash?" she asks not even glancing in my direction. Yeah... sureee. SHE COMPLETELY FORGOT MY NAME. (See my sarcasm?)

"What no hello?" i asked not metioning the name thing.

"I didn't see him by his locker...?" and she walked away.

UMMMMM.....BYE!?!?!?!?!?!?!                 Rude.

~Heather's P.O.V. ~

I looked over at Mason to see him starring at the road ahead. As I looked out the window my mind went to this morning....

I had woken up to Mason's moving around. I'd opened my eyes just in time to see him close the door to go downstairs. Daily routine? Usually I would get dressed while he ate and then we switched and we went to school. I'm not sure why I had felt disappointed; why I'd expected the routine to change. I don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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