Chapter 7

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~Aaron's P.O.V. ~

"I'm going to get you anyways... Even if you're taken; I always get what I want." I smirked. She went silent after I said that. She made a bunch of random expressions to the floor. She grinned and scowled and glared at the innocent floor tiles. I was about to ask what she was doing when she said something almost inaudible; I could barely make out my name. "What about me?" I winked at her cute embarrassed face. "Did you hear that?" she asked. "Your fantasy about me?" "IT WASN'T A FANTASY!!!" she snapped. "Sure, babe." I chuckled. "You better stop messing with me." "And why is that?" "You don't know what I'm capable of." She smirked. "What is that exactly?" I challenged pushing her against the wall, my hands on her waist. "I don't think you're ready for me to show you yet..." she said putting her free arm around my neck. "I think I'm plenty ready..." I whispered. My lips were now just a few millimeters away from hers. A weird feeling pulsed through me. Making me feel on fire and tingly when I looked at her eyes. I was going to lean in when a thought crossed my mind.

Would she really kiss me? She was- What the...?? Didn't she hate me completely? I thought she wanted to kill me!! And... and now she was flirting back?? AND I WAS FALLING FOR HER ACT?!? "Oh no, you don't." She said pushing me away. "I need a ride home, not a make-out session..." she said with a straight face. "I'll drive you." I smirked. "Alright." She smiled a sweet smile and walked toward the parking lot. "What the heck?" I mumbled to myself. What's wrong with her? She got all... all.... Well just plain out attractive out of nowhere!? Then she gives me a random heated moment. And walks away? I feel like an idiot. A hot idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. I went after Heather. I wanted to see everything she could do. And besides I would follow that chest anywhere. I could just picture on the roof of my car, me on top of her. Wonder how she likes it... Probably hard...or not... but I'm about to find out.... WAIT WHAT THE FUDGE!?!? DID I JUST FANTISIZE ABOUT HER?? GROSS AARON!!

~Heather's P.O.V. ~

I waited by his car as I watched Aaron shake his head as if to clear up his mind. HA!! So it was working!!! I'm amazing!! I was just about to break out into a super-amazingly-fabtabulous- happy-dance. But I realized I would look like a moron. "Hurry up, Aaron!!" I called. "It's hot outside!!" I wasn't about to let him take his sweet time walking to the car while I would burn down to a crisp. I mean I didn't mind the whole burning part... it was just that if I turn into a crisp, a bird would eat me, the bird would get sick for eating a human, then it will be eaten by a cat, then the cat would get sick for eating the bird, eventually the cat would die. The cat's owner a sweet old lady would cry for her beloved kitty, and it would all be my fault!! Therefore Aaron had to run the rest of the way before I dragged him by the hair. "I'm coming..." he smirked as he jogged over.

The ride to the car was filled with random flirts and lustful glances from Aaron. I gave him directions to my place. Soon we pulled into my drive way. "So, will I get your number?" Aaron asked in that smooth voice of his. "Sure." We exchanged digits and I left the vehicle. "Try not to dream of me." He teased just before I closed the car. "Ditto..." I winked at slammed the door. He honked before speeding off to his own house. It was then that I realized it. I'M HOME.... My father needed to have a conversation with me... I was dreading it. I sighed. Better sooner than later, I guess. Then, I noticed the guy at my door, pacing. He walked side to side looking frustrated. His golden hair was unruly but he still runs his hands through it out of irritation, and worry. Who is- OH! MASE!

~Heather's P.O.V. ~

"MASE?!" I yelled playfully (I wasn't really mad; more than worried). "WHERE WERE YOU?? Because you DIDN'T show up, I had to take a ride with AARON!!!" he was looking at me now he seemed near tears, but relieved. What was wrong with him... maybe rough day? "Heather! I texted you a whole bunch of times telling you I would be really late since I had detention." He said while rushing to where I was standing.

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