Chapter 17

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I wake up and I look out the window to see the night sky and clouds also a few stars poking out of the sky it is a truly beautiful thing. I look over to see joe fast asleep beside me and a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth. Well that's attractive.

It is about an hour and we are going to land. "Joe? Joe? JOE?!" I yell into his ear "oh fuc- fudge nuggets" he puts his hand to my chest "I almost shit myself why would you do that I'm already scared cause of Caspar" he says

I roll my eyes and look out the window as we land and I can see the city lights glow. We get out of the plane hand in hand walking out to find Kate standing there next to her car waiting for us well me she didn't know joe would be tagging along.

Joe grabs my bags and his and puts them into the trunk as I hugged Kate. "How are you?" I asked "well my parents died and there funeral is tomorrow so...?" She looks down trying not to cry "oh I'm sorry I-" I didn't know what to say so I just hugged her.

I climbed into the back of the car and joe did so as well "so how long have you guys been together?" We looked at each other not sure of what we should say "uh three weeks" Joe said timidly.

We sat in silence as we pulled up to the home I half kinda grew up in lets just say it was the only place I could call home.

Kate took us into the house and showed me to my old room which luckily had a double bed and all my stupid stuff that I had as a smaller, younger more annoying girl was in boxes cause that would be awkward.

We put our things on my floor and walked back downstairs and joe being joe has to poop so he goes into the ensuite. As I walk around this house memories of them are all over the walls and all through this house. As I walk into their old room I burst into tears they are all I knew and the closest thing I had to parents and now they are gone.

Short chapter but I'm lazy so.... I'm also reading adopted by Ashton Irwin by layla1273 . Stay sassy xx.

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