chapter 2

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"hello darling" I heard the man say. "It is time to get working"

I didn't move or speak.

"We can do this the hard or easy way." He said, his voice getting more serious."

I still didn't do anything.

"hard it is." He said and walked out my cell slamming the door behind him.

Hours later he came back with what looked like a heated whip.

" Are you ready to speak?" He said but I still did nothing.

He got out his whip and whacked me in the rib. I fell to my back trying to hide my tears. he cracked his whip another time, this time on my leg. I cried out pain but I would not follow his orders. He yanked me up by the neck and got his knife. he pushed it against the skin of my neck.

"If you do not cooperate I will KILL you" he said and put back his knife in his pocket it.

He grabbed my bloody shirt and lead my out the cell door. We walked down a long narrow hall into a dark room. We walked through and opened another door that led outside. I squinted at the sunlight. I could barely see a thing. We were in a large fenced off area that was full of dirt. He threw a shovel at me.

"dig" he said "6 feet down 5 feet wide, you will get no food or rest until you are done. "

so I did the only thing I could do, I dug. It was the middle of the day and the sun was burning my body. I had blisters on my hands and sunburns. I thought about relaxing in a cool bath but all that did was slow me down.

About 2/3 of the way through I was thirsty and hungry and I was really hot. I would do anything for a drink of water. I was filthy but there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't yell for help, I couldn't call anybody, heck, nobody probably even knew I was missing. All I could do was dig. Then finally I got to my last scoop and I fell to the ground. it was almost night and I could not move. The man came outside with a gallon of water.

"all yours" he said. I grabbed the jug and gulped it down and poured the remaining water on myself.

John led me into the shower.

"want to take a shower?" He asked

"I am not taking one in front of you" I said

"well then, let's go back to your cell." He said.

I looked at my filthy body

" wait, I will." I said

I turned around and took my clothes off. I ran into the shower facing the wall. I scrubbed hair and body then rinsed off. I got out then wrapped the towel around me.

"can i have clothes?" I asked.

He grinned and gave me a half shirt and underwear

"That's it! " I yelled at him

" I could never miss out on that" he gestured toward my whole body. I slapped him I'm the face but that didn't stop him from smiling.

I quickly put on the clothes he gave me and wrapped my towel around myself. He led my back to my cell and before I stepped in he yanked my towel off and smiled.

"Goodnight" he said and chained my wrists back up to the wall.

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