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I feel like I'm slipping through my fingers. Like when a child tries to hold sand in their cupped hands and it slowly slips through. As soon as I got the ground, I will become dust. I will be burnt paper that can never be turned back. I'll break like a fragile bowl that was made by someone special to you. You can never replace it and it can never go back the way it was. Pieces of it get chipped off and lost. And I'll try to fix myself, but no glue can fix this break. I'm falling into an oblivion, an optical illusion. Everytime I think I've hit rock bottom, I and back at the top, falling once again. And I feel as if I'm losing my mind, as I watch myself slip through my fingers. And as part of me slips away and flows out into the deep ocean of forgotten pieces of souls and personalities, I realize that if I don't find a bucket soon, I won't have the right sand to build my sand castle with. The sand castle that holds my most precious thoughts and feelings; but yet also has my most insignificant one's. The sand castle that has my hazel eyes and brown hair. My facial features decorate the top half of the castle, while my skin color is the main walls that hold it together and make up the exterior. The inside, though, holds much more. It has sand grains that, when looked closely at, represent my every thought, feeling, and memory ever. It has everything that makes up the personality of a human, my dreams and aspirations. But, if you look at my personality, you can see it slowly slipping away. Off into the ocean, where it becomes just sand.
Sorry this was a little scattered.

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