~ The Trophy Men

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~ The Trophy Men

"Get up!" I throw my pillow at the mop of blue hair that never ceases to irk me. If I could, I would hit his face, but he has that and the rest of his body buried under a mountain of covers. 

A groan emerges from the lifeless bundle, then silence.

"Don't make me have to say it twice," I narrow my eyes, crossing over to his side. I stare at the glittering blue that always manages to distract me, blinking annoyingly when it almost blinds me with its light. 

He turns slightly, and I can now see his forehead and abnormally long eyelashes. Jealousy sears through me as I gaze at the portion of his face revealed. Isn't the girl supposed to be the pretty one?

On a whim, I reach towards him and punch the bundle as hard as I can. There are wretched moans as the man emerges like a butterfly from a cocoon, holding his arm in indignation.

"You could have just used a pillow," he scoffs, though still spellbound under sleep. He leans his back against the headboard, watching me. I feel almost uncomfortable under his endless, measuring stare.

"Time to get up," I state, shooting him a frightful glare when he makes no move. 

"And why, exactly, is it time to get up?" he probes. I suddenly feel doubtful.

"Are we not going to school today?" I ask shakily.

He laughs heartily, sparking elation in even my heart. "No, Mona," he corrects dreamily, "today is Saturday." 

I melt into a puddle on the hardwood floor.

"Are you serious?" I squeak, backing away from his form. He reaches out quickly to grab my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"I'll forgive you," he says, his words slurred, "for a kiss." His strong hand forces me closer, elevating my heart rate until it’s about to burst. 

"Xavier!" I exclaim. He still seems to be half-asleep, yet smiling all the while. 

Fright mounts as he gives a final yank, my lips inches from his. I have to stop him, but how?

With no other alternative, I punch him in the chest as hard as I can, his grip temporarily loosening. Using that opening, I tug away, running into the hallway as fast as I can. 

Touching my heart, I wish for it to slow down... so I can breathe.

It is all a mystery. Why is Xavier making my chest pound so hard? Even a glimpse or a simple touch is spiking my heart. But it isn't love, I'm sure.

It can't be.

I try to block these suspicious thoughts from my mind, taking off down the narrow hallway like a bullet. It seems to continue on endlessly, door after door appearing until my burst of speed sputters and dies. Now I am hot and sweaty for a different reason.

It must be that "fake" love that sparks between two mates. The savage desire coursing through my blood is rampant, affecting my thinking. I can't give in to it, for then I will find myself under Xavier's intoxicating spell. It is the first time in my life that I am actually afraid of... loving someone.

Well, these past few days have introduced many firsts, so I suppose I should get used to it.

I finally wind up in a dark room. I straggle along the walls, hoping to find a switch of some kind. After a little searching, I finally bump into a strange, inanimate object. 

Light blinds me as it floods through the room, the lamp shining like the sun. 

I take in the granite countertops, the stainless steel appliances, the gigantic refrigerator, and luxurious oven with awe. It is so big, almost as huge as their movie room, and spacious. I rush to a small door with anticipation, and fling it open to reveal a stockroom of every ingredient I could ever need or want. It is big also, with a cooled section dedicated especially to meat. I knew their kitchen would be magnificent, but this exceeds all expectations.

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