Chapter 1: The Begining

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"Wha-what's going on". I open my eyes only to see the moon light coming through the glass door. I hear metallic walking behind me so I turn around. As soon as I turn around it goes quiet. Just before I turn back a golden robot sprints at me faster than I can blink and.....

I open my eyes to whiteness. I hear the screaming of happiness from children. Looking around, I remember that I'm at Fredbears. "How did I fall asleep at Fredbears", I think to myself. "It's far too loud and exciting". I get out of the booth to get some pizza, as I'm walking I meet up with my friend Jeo. "Hey, how was you nap?", he says sarcastically. "Great thanks". "When you're done with your pizza, do you wanna go over to Fredbear and SpringBonnie for a bit?" "Heck yes. I've been waiting all school year to come here and I'm not leaving till I see them".

We get our pizza and sit down. Paying too much attention to the animatronics I spill my pizza on my shirt. My friend laughs his ass off, "I didn't know you loved them that much!". "Haha" I say in sarcastically towards Jeo. I wasn't able to clean the stain off my shirt but that didn't stop me from having fun. We spend some time looking at the animatronics, laughing, having fun. We leave just before it closes. It was so late that I got home and went strait to bed excited for the next day.

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