Chapter 1

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Louis' POV

I ran through the woods loving the way the wind went through my fur. I sped through ponds and bushes letting my inner wolf come out. I rarely can let him out since I always have to look after my 4 sisters and my mum. I don't usually get some time alone to myself so I always take advantage when I do.

My best mate, Niall, is always following me everywhere. He is 3 years younger than me so I have to look after him. Right now, he was at the waterpark with my sisters and mum. I told them that I wanted to stay home. They knew my love for the woods so they let me. We live very far away from other people because it would be ashame to have to kill anybody because they see things they shouldn't.

I was running through a small pond when I smelled something strange. I stopped running and looked around. I saw someone far away and I rushed over behind a few trees so they couldn't see me. I squinted my eyes to see better. The person was in fact a boy who looked around 19. His skin was so white and had very full, red lips. He had curly hair that looked so soft and amazing. Who was this guy?

My eyes furrowed when he suddenly crouched down in a defensive position. He was looking at something through the bushes apparently, but I couldn't see anything. He suddenly leaped up behind the bushes and I heard a whine from an animal. My ears went flat in horror when I realized that the sound was coming from a deer.

My stomach flipped when I heard something behind me. I whirled around on all fours and looked. The boy had mysteriously ran right behind me. One of his eyebrows were arched and he had something red dripping from his lips.

Shit, was this boy a vampire?

He smirked at me and walked closer. I growled and showed my teeth. I backed away everytime he took a step. I was cornered against a tree when he crouched down infront of me. He was on his knees and he reached out a hand and started scratching my head. I was still growling but not as loud and threatening.

"Will you change back into a human, love?"

My eyes widened. How did he know I was a werewolf? I whined alittle because I wasn't as strong as a human. I was vulnerable. He just kept on petting me and smiling.

"I won't hurt you. I bet you're too beautiful for me to ever hurt you."

I whined alittle and then nodded. He scooted back but was still way too close for my liking. I sighed and started morphing into my human form. I stood up on my two legs now and looked at the ground. I looked up at the tree behind me and reached up for the shorts I knew I put there. I put a set of shorts in every few trees. Never know when I might need them.

I looked back but I didn't look at him. I didn't want to. I was standing infront of him in just shorts and I felt so vulnerable. He could easily grab me and drink me dry.

I flinched when he walked up to me and caressed my cheek. He ran his thumb over my eye letting me know to look at him. I sighed and looked up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw how beautiful his eyes were. They were green but his pupils were gold. He was smiling at me and my stomach flipped when I saw his dimples. This boy was perfect.

He leaned down, which I was mad about because he was so tall and I was so short, and kissed my forehead. I could feel my whole face turning red from this small action. I closed my eyes and starting leaning my forehead towards his lips.

I gasped when suddenly his lips were on my neck kissing lightly. If he decided to sink his fangs in, I would be dead in minutes and I couldn't do a thing about it. He wrapped his arms around my waist, which only made things worse. If anyone was to see us, they couldn't help me. If they tried, he could easily break my bones and all it would take was a simple squeeze. My life was in his hands.

He started biting lightly on my neck. He bit, sucked, and licked on a spot on my neck making me whimper. What was he doing?

He suddenly stopped and leaned back up so he was looking in my eyes. I looked at him with scared eyes which made him frown. He used both of his hands to caress my face. He leaned in close to where his lips were lightly brushing my forehead.

"You're my werewolf forever now. I claim you."

He then disappeared.

I gasped at his words.

I'm his.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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