The rodeo

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Ashley's P.O.V

It was the day of the rodeo and I stayed the night at Shelby's because she was taking Danny so she could do barrels. I had both my horses and I was ready. We had woke up at 4:39 a.m so that we could be extra ready. I went to the barn loft and woke Jake up. He sat up and kissed me. We headed down to the barn and started loading all the tack and hay up. Then we put the horses protective boots on so that they wouldn't hurt themselves. We finished about two hours later because we fed all the other horses and Shelby went in side to get her truck keys because she got her lisiense early. We loaded all of them up including Bell because Jake was going to be roping with me. It was a two hour drive and I would up. Falling asleep on Jake who woke me up when we got there. I got out and got our stall numbers and paid our entry fees and went back to the trailer to get my horses. I walked Flash and blue Jean by Jake and Bell. We got to the barn and put our horses up. I went to the trailer to change into my rodeo clothes, because the rodeo was starting in an hour and I had to warm blue Jean up so we could rope first. I was in the middle of doing my hair when someone knocked on the door. It was Jake he walked in and sat down. I finished my hair and did some make up. I turned around and looked at him he had a omg she's hot look.
"May I help you" I asked
"I don't know what uuuuhhhhh means."
" you l.. l.. look hot."
"Ain't I always."
" well yes any ways I got to get ready so bye."
After that I left to go get blue jean. I grabbed her and took her back to the trailer. I was about done when Jake came over with bell. He tacked up fast so we could walk to the warm up ring together. We got to the ring and man there was alot of people there. I hopped on Blue Jean and walked a couple of laps then trotted then loped then went the other way. I had finished just in time. The rodeo was starting. They called our name and I called it we ran a 3.3 setting the arena record. 8 more teams went then they announced the winner. We won!!!!!
I went back to the trailer unsaddled Blue Jean and grabbed flash I threw my pink barrel saddle on him and trotted him back to the arena. When I got there barrel racing was starting I was going 3rd. Makayla my enemy went first then Jamie her best friend ran 2nd they tied with a 18.9. I knew I could beat them. They called my name and I flew around the barrels breaking the arena record with a 13.0 wow that's my best time yet. Me and Flash trotted back to the trailer so I could unsaddled him I hurried. I left his bridle on so I could ride him back bareback. Just as I got back they called my name for fist place I took a victory lap and everyone cheered as loud as they could. Shelby placed 2nd on Danny with a 13.9 run. We got.our prize money and left.

~~~Jake P.O.V ~~~

We left the rodeo a couple hours after we finished. As soon as we made it home I unloaded bell and ran to take a shower. There was a knock on my door." I'm in the shower!! " I yelled
"Oh. Ok. Come back later."
"Ok." I knew it was Ashley because it was her voice. Her buetiful amazing voice. I snapped out of my dream and finished with my shower. I went back to my bed in only my boxers. I was shocked when I saw Ashley sitting on my bed. I sat by her and layed down. She layed down beside me. She turned on her side to face me. I turned and faced her. She closed the space and kissed me.
" thank you for being my Bf and roping partner." She said
"My pleasure I wouldn't trade this for the world."
"This is why I love you so much."
"I love you to."
"We have about 2 hours till the party what do ya wanna do?"
"Let's go ride 2 of the other horses"
"Well I'm taking Flash"
" Could I take blue Jean?"
" ya."
" ok thanks"
I stood up and pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt and yelled " race ya down there!!!!" But before I knew it I was on the floor and she was out the door. By time I got up and down there she had both of them out of their stalls. She handed me the lead rope for Bluejean and took flash to the trailer cause her saddle was there still.

~~Ashley P.O.V~~
He yelled " race ya down there" so I pushed him down and ran down the steps. I ran to flash clipped his lead on then ran and grabbed blue jean and had them out when Jake finally came down. I handed him the lead rope to Bluejean and went to saddle flash. I hurried knowing to him it would be a race so I quickly saddled flash and jumped on. I rode in the barn and there he was on her. Buut he forgot her over reach boots. " you forgot your over reach boots!" We yelled at the same time. I jumped down in did mine from my saddle and put them on him. And he put his on Bluejean. I hurried and jumped back on beating him by seconds. "I beat you ha-ha." I taunted "No i won" he protested "Whatever" so i took off galloping across the open field that used to be closedd off but wasnt anymore. he caught up to me when i came to the creek cause flash refused to cross it so i had to stop and wait for Jake to cross first. only to find out Blujean didt want to either. so i turned around and went for another trail that was by it. we took that trail up for alittle then cut back to the origanal trail. we rode for an hour and a half. we had to hurry bak so i could take a shower. and get ready for the party. i ran up to the house where shelby wass waiting for me. i rn past her jumped in the shower and quickly got clean. i jumped out and grabbed my miss me jeans and my favorite t-shirt that said pretty in pink Dangerous in camo and grabbedd my rodeo jacket that my dad had gotten me earlier in the season and ran back down to the trucks i had my keys in my truck. i jumped in and waited for shelby and Jake only to see that shelby had her horse saddled and both of our horses were saddled i climbed out of my truck and walked over to them. " you do know the party starts in 20 minutes we cant go for a ride." i asked.
" ya." shelby replied. " so then what are you doing?" " we are riding there its just down the road only about a 10 minute ride." she replied. " ok" so i jumped on flash and we trotted down the driveway.

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