Not So Good Awakenings

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Hermione's POV
The third task is in three days and Emma still isn't up. We've gone to Dumbledore and he still has no idea what happened. No one has really been focused on work or eating lately. We've either been up in the hospital wing or helping Harry with the third task.

"Come on. Try again." I groaned at Harry. We were practicing some basic spells he may need for the task.

"Stupify!" Harry yelled. Ron flew b and onto the cushions we had on the floor. Harry sighed and shook his head. "Let's go. I'm done for the day."

"Alright. I suppose you're right." I said. I flicked my wand towards the cushions and they flew back into the closet they belonged in. We went to our common room and found Ginny talking with Dean and Seamus.

"Hey." Ginny said as she saw us. "Where were you guys?"

"Practicing spells." Ron said rubbing his throbbing shoulder. I chuckled at the sight and sat down in a chair. I looked into a far corner and saw George and Harper snogging. Did I mention that they're together now? Guess not. McGonagall walked in and looked at us.

"She's awake." She said. I jumped out of my chair and ran up to her.

"What!?" I asked in surprise. A small smile appeared on her face.

"Emma. She's awake." She repeated. I smiled and ran towards the hospital wing. Emma was sitting up in the bed talking to Madame Pomfrey.

"I don't think it would be good for you to go to the third task tomorrow." Pomfrey said with a hint of caution in her voice.

"But, Madame Pomfrey!" Emma said. "I'm fine! I'm awake! It's not like it's going to happen again!"

"I said you are not to go." Madame Pomfrey hissed through clenched teeth.

"I don't think that will be necessary, Poppy." I heard a familiar voice say. I spun around and saw Dumbledore standing in the doorway with his hands behind his back. He swiftly moved towards the bed. "I feel that she is perfectly fine to go."

A wave of rage passed the nurses face. She stormed to her office and slammed the door. I heard foot steps come from behind me. I turned around again and saw Harry, Ron, Ginny, Julie, Laney, Tony, Jake, Jessica, Cedric, and........ The twins? Emma looked at all of us. Her smile faded when she saw George.

Emma's POV
Once I saw George, my smile immediately faded. Hermione, Ginny, Laney, and Julie all ran over to me and embraced me in a huge hug.

"I just woke up. Unless you want me to pass out, I suggest you let go now." I said. They all let go and I let out a gasp. The twins stayed in the door way awkwardly. I then heard someone running down the hall way. Pretty soon, Harper was clinging to George's arm whispering in his ear.

The tears stung behind my eyes but I fought the urge to let them fall. I turned back to Laney, Julie, Hermione, and Ginmy who were all looking at me with sad smiles.

"You'll win him over eventually." Julie said pulling me into a hug. I nodded ask closed my eyes. She pulled away and beamed at me. "Food?"

"Food." I said. They all smiled and let me get out of bed. I went back to my dorm with Hermione and Funny to get cleaned up and dressed. I threw on a tank top and a leather jacket with a pair of jeans.

We walked down to the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Half of the Hall was staring at me but I ignored it. I piled food into my plate, getting some smirks from my friends.

"So, how'd you all hold up with out me?" I asked. They all laughed and shook their heads.

"I cried myself to sleep every night." Laney said sarcastically. I grinned at her and took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"And the twins?" I asked. They all looked at me very surprised. "More Fred than George, I mean." Everyone looked at Katie who was blushing and grinned at her. "You mean-?" I asked looking at Angelina. She nodded and smiled even longer. I looked at Katie with wide eyes. "No shit! How long have you two been dating?"

"About three weeks." Katie said sheepishly. I smiled and tilted my head at her. "Be invited me to come to the Burrow over the summer, but my family and I are going to Paris over break." I gave her a sad look but then perked up. I remembered I was going to the Burrow over the holidays and that was going to be a bit fun. More awkward than fun, but still.

"Actually, another person is staying with us for the first week of break." Ron said. I raised my head and looked at him with curious eyes. I heard multiple kicks hitting his shin from under the table. He grunted but stayed silent.

"Who, Ron?" I asked. He looked at me with sad eyes and hesitated before answering.

"Harper." He said. I soon felt a huge pit in my stomach. He invited Harper? Out of all the people in the entire wizarding world, he chose that bitch. I tossed my napkin onto my plate and stood up.

"I'm not hungry." I said before walking away. I could hear Ginny and Hermione following me. They were smart and didn't say anything. I let the silent tears fall and wiped them away. I got to Gryffindor tower and walked up to my dorm. I flopped down onto my bed and cried into my pillow. I heard the door creak open and looked back at it. Katie, Angelina, Laney, Julie, Hermione, and Ginny were standing there. "Hey." I said with a shaky voice. They all came over and gave me a gentle hug.

"Is she alright!?" I heard Ron's voice yell from the common room. I laughed and sat up more.

"Yeah, Ronnie!" I yelled. "I'm fine!"

George's POV

"How stupid can you be to invite Harper to stay with us over the summer?" My twin asked for about the one hundredth time today. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "honestly, mate. You know that her and Em don't get along already, but to break up with one of them and then date the other? And then to go and invite them both to our home over the holidays? You, my dear brother, have a death wish." I glared at him. He shrugged and took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"It's not my fault that Emma decided to go around kissing that Diggory guy. And for the record, Ron and Ginny invited her, not me." I protested. Fred raised an eyebrow at me.

"So, even if you were still dating her, and Ron and Ginny hadn't asked her, would you have?"He asked. I looked at him then down at my food.

"I mean- I don't know. Probably. Mum would go crazy if I didn't. I can hear her now, 'George Fabian Weasley! how dare you not invite that sweet, darling girlfriend of yours to stay with us over the summer! i am completely ashamed! I will not accept the fact that I have not raised a gentle man!'. I mean can you imagine that Howler?" I asked. Fred shook his head and chuckled.

"You made a mistake letting her go, mate." He pointed out. I sighed.

"I know."

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEGA PLOT TWIST COMING TO MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, how are your lives? Sorry i haven't posted since before Halloween. That seems soooooooooo far awayyyyyyyyyyyy. I hope you guys like this chapter. i'm still like 'OH. MY. GODRICK. GRYFFINDOR. YOU.STILL. LOVE. HER.' and I wrote it! If you guys are TMI fans, check out my fandom account on Instagram: mundane.fools

Just to let you guys know, I might not be updating very much because I'm going out of town, but I'll do the best I can.


Love ya Psycho Babies!


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