They said goodbye and left the house. Now, all I need to do is find a way to get to school without having to ride with Jason. I could use my bike, but there are rogues out there and I wouldn't want to get killed. I would call Dean but I don't have his number. Lily is probably too in love to care.

I sighed and marched off into the kitchen. I might as well eat. I sit down on the stool and ignore Jason's stare.

"Morning," He greets.

"Morning," I mumbled and eat the food on the plate.

"I'm having a friend drive us to school, okay?"

"What happened to your car?" I mumble again.

"Dad's car broke down so he's borrowing mine," He said, seemingly annoyed at me for no reason. Now why the hell is he so annoyed all of the sudden? I'm the one who should be annoyed!

"Okay," I say. I really could care less about who will be driving us to school. At least, that he'll be too distracted talking to his friend rather than me.

"He's going to be having breakfast with us too."

I put my fork down. Oh, so that's what this whole breakfast was for? He didn't do it to make me cheer up but for his friend? I knew I shouldn't keep my hopes up too high.

I felt tears threatening to come out again. He would care more about his friends than me.

I got off the stool suddenly and started to walk to the bathroom. I really hate my emotions sometimes.

"Grace?" He calls my name while I march to the bathroom.

I got inside and locked the door. I slumped down against the door and buried my face with my hands. I was overthinking again and I knew it, but it didn't matter. I was hurt. I was hurt at how everybody was treating me. I tried my best not to cry because then, I would look like a mess and we were about to leave soon.

So I sucked up the feeling and flushed the toilet to make it seem like I was actually doing something in the bathroom.

When I got out, I was accompanied by a familiar smell and when I got inside the kitchen, my whole body became tense. Ryder was sitting there on the stool, eating some breakfast.

Jason was looking at me with concern and let out a breath of relief when he saw that I was alright.

I decided to finish breakfast and cautiously move towards Ryder. I threw a glare at him to make it seem like I wasn't affected hormonally by his presence. He stared back in nondescript.

I couldn't eat next to him so I moved my plate and milk to the table instead of the counter where the stools were.

'You know, this could be the perfect time to brush up along him,' my wolf purrs.

'Oh shut it, I'm still mad at how he treated us.'

'Your grudge won't last too long, though. I know you Grace.'

'Obviously,' I say in sarcasm. 'You are me after all.'

I decided to cut off the little debate in my head with my wolf and eat my breakfast.

I glanced at Jason to see what he was doing when I finished my breakfast. I sighed when I saw that he left, probably to go to his room and change. Now, I'm left here with my mate who doesn't even know I'm his mate.

"I'm sorry," I hear Ryder apologize when I put my plate in the dishwasher.

I looked at him in surprise. He doesn't look like the one who would apologize. Suddenly, I understood why Jason had Ryder come over. He probably asked him to so I could forgive him easier than I would with Ryder. Well, I could be right. There's only one way to find out.

The Next Alpha King (No longer updating 2021)Where stories live. Discover now