Chapter 02

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Grocery Store...

As I walked through the aisle I had saw this male creature. He looks so familiar, I just don't remember where I saw him before. As I picked up the seasons I needed the same man stood next to me. I glimpsed at him so I could find out where I knew him from. While I studied his face, he realized that I was staring at him. He welcomed me with a warm smile which caused me to blush. But why? I belong to Roc. Maybe I lost feelings for him. I smiled back at him. He said "Hi beautiful" which caused me to smile again. I managed to stutter out "H- Hello". He chuckled and said " My name is Rayan. May I ask what's yours?" "My name is Yn." "Well Yn, you're very beautiful. I have to go but, may I have your number so we can keep in touch?"

I smiled and again stuttered out "S-Sure." I gave him my phone so he could put his number in there. "Password?" he said. I grabbed the phone and entered my password. I handed the phone back to him. We exchanged hugs and then he left. I'm not a creep or nothing but he smells hella good and so does his hair. I looked in my contacts list to see him under "Ray2wice". I smiled to myself and headed to go check out my groceries. Then, I headed home.

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