~Chapter 14 - Ana~

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I didn't know what to think or feel about Elena at the moment. I was in total shock. I think she was too, judging by her own reaction, but she just stood there with her hand over her heart. People were watching her unsure of what she would do. Was she a loose cannon? Would she explode at any moment?

Elena's face had turned ashen and looked like she going to be sick. "Oh my god, what have I done?" She collapsed in her chair.

The table shook; glasses clinked together as they'd fallen over and rolled to the floor, breaking into thousands of shards. The silverware followed, as they hit the title floor moment later.

I'd always know you were a bitch, Elena, but for you to go that far to keep them apart. That was selfish, spiteful, deceitful, and reprehensible, there was no way that Christian or even Sarah for that matter, would ever, in any life time, trust you again. You can't take what you want and forget about consequences, and there will be consequences.

Elena needed to be punished, but how could I do that? Scare her? That would be selfish and spiteful, but nothing less than she'd deserved. What could I do?

I slowly moved over to her and stood next to her. I glanced at the other diners, but they'd returned to their meals. I knelt next to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Elena glanced up, looking around.

"Elena..." I whispered into her ear.

"What?" Her voice was low and shaking. "Ana?" She said as if everything had come together.


I felt a familiar pull, it was Sarah; she was calling out to me. She was in danger. I will be there Sarah. Please, hang on.

Standing up, Elena had stumbled away from me, nearly falling to the floor. She tried to get out of there as fast as she could. I have never seen her move so fast before. I don't think that she will be bothering Christian or Sarah again.

Christian...his poor heart was broken in a million little pieces. I could literally feel the pain he was in. I followed the pain back to the penthouse. It was all around him in the air. I'd only ever seen him like that when he thought I was leaving him and the other at my funeral.

Kneeling down in front of him, I placed my right hand on his left. He froze a moment in surprise, but he knew my touch. I knew he knew it was me. He looked directly at me, but I did not show myself to him.

"Ana?" Christian cried out. "Oh Ana...My Ana...She's gone. What do I do?" His voice cracked with sadness. "I lost her."

The mask had slipped away, and I could see it in his eyes, Christian felt helpless. I decided I needed to make myself corporeal to help him get through it all and get her back.

Closing my eyes, I felt my molecules change, rearrange, and form into my physical body. When my transformation was complete, I opened my eyes. Gray eyes were staring at me in disbelief.

"Ana...is that really you?" An astonished Christian asked me.

"Yes, Christian, it's me."

Reaching out to me, Christian cupped my face. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. His hands were soft and gentle. I couldn't help but feel the electricity coursing through us. It felt strange, yet familiar. I didn't want to leave his touch, but we had to find Sarah. I pulled away from him regrettably.

"Ana?" Christian looked sad and hurt.

Oh don't give me that look. You knew I was going to pull away.

"We have to find Sarah."

"Why? She doesn't want to talk to me."

I rolled my eyes at him. When have I ever known him to give up like that?

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

The mask came back and dominate Christian was in charged. If looks could kill, I know I would be dead, but since I was, it was moot at the moment.

"Oh for Christ sakes, Christian, I'm dead." I rolled my eyes again. "Sarah is in trouble. I can feel it. She's calling out to me. We've got to go find her."

Looking at me skeptically, Christian asked me seriously, "What do you mean she's calling out to you? Have you two been in communication?" The hurt in his eyes was so palpable, it broke my heart. Could we not get into this now? "Why?" He seemed to fit the pieces together, but were they the right pieces?

"Christian, you can hate me later, but Sarah needs our help."

Christian nodded realizing that that conversation wasn't important. Finding Sarah was. "Right." He ran a hand through his hand and then placed his hands on his hip. "Tell me what you can, where she's at, who has her?"

So many questions.

"I can sense her. I just need to follow her cries like I followed yours." I reached out to Sarah again, but I did not get a sense of who had her. "I don't know who has her, not yet."

The buzzing on Christian's phone started going on, and we both looked at it like it had three heads or something. Was it Sarah? No, that didn't seem as likely with me feeling her helpless and scared. Was it the police? We wouldn't know if he let go unanswered. 

As I glanced at him, I knew that Christian was afraid. It was like the whole situation had transported him back four years ago when Hyde took me, but we didn't get our happy ending like we were supposed to. He can have that with Sarah.

"Answer your damn phone!"

Slowly, Christian reached for the phone hands shaking, and glanced at the screen. I could tell it was a text message, but it was not a number I recognized. I was not sure that Christian did either.

Hesitantly, Christian opened the message, and a picture came into a view. The caption read MINE, and it was a picture of Sarah. She was tied to a bed with red filament rope like the kind that Christian used on me and gagged with a black ball gag. She looked so very much frightened. Big fat tears had streamed down her delicate face.

"It's Hyde..."

The pieces started fitting together.

"What?" Christian snapped out of it. "What? Hyde did this?"

"Think about it. He called you while you were away and now he sends you this picture. He wants to get under your skin."

"That fucker!" Christian threw his phone across the room. It shattered. "I'm going to kill him."


"No Ana!" Christian voice was hard. "He took you away from me and now he took Sarah away. He has to pay."

"Do you know how god damn stupid that is?"

"Trust me."

I trusted him more than he knew.

"Taylor!" Christian bellowed. "Is he going to see you?" He looked me.

"No. Only you and Sarah."

Taylor was there in a record time. "Sir!"

"I need your help."

"Anything, sir."

"Come on, we'll discuss this in my office." Christian motioned for Taylor head to the office first and then he turned towards me and mouthed 'find her now.'

"I will!"

I felt myself disappear into thin air.  "Here I come, Sarah." 

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