"We found cars," Liv says. "Will you take care of it, dearest brother?" She doesn't wait for an answer and flounces back to the group. Josh follows her with his eyes.

"Don't even think about it," I growl. "She's taken." My statement is supported when Liv sits down next to Connor, draping both arms around his shoulders, and he grins at her. "Let's get this settled, shall we?" I pay and he hands me the keys.

"Enjoy your stay in Colorado," Josh says. I thank him and head back to the group.

"Are we all set?" Liv asks, back in her normal accent. I toss the keys at her. "Lovely. Come on, let's figure out who's going in which car." She stands up and takes Connor's hand, pulling him up with her. "You're coming with me."

"I never said that," Connor says. "I didn't agree to anything."

"Aww, that hurts!" Liv says. She makes her way outside, grabbing her suitcase at the door. Connor follows, teasing her.

"I'm almost jealous of her," Kat says. "But then I remember that I have Thomas and I feel much better. Lets go before they do something stupid." We head outside and pile into cars. Liv drives one and Alli drives the other. Brad and Tris go with Alli, and Kat, Connor and I go with Liv. Liv starts the car and starts towards Vail, Alli's car following.

Liv's POV

I pull up in front of the house I rented for the weekend. Everyone piles out of the cars and heads inside. I stay behind a few minutes in the car, then get out. I take off my heels, leaving them on the hood of the car, and wade into the waist-high grasses. I close my eyes and let the wind ruffle my clothes and hair. I still when I hear a rustling in the grass, my eyes popping open. I see Connor next to me in my peripheral vision.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" he asks.

"I have to get away sometimes," I say.

"Is it something you want to talk about? Or do you want me to go?" I look at him.

"I really just want a hug," I say. He pulls me close and I bury my face in his neck.

"It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine," he says in a soft voice. "And if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." I pull back slightly, my face about six inches from his.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"You're welcome," he whispers back. His gaze flickers to my lips and back up to my eyes.

"Go for it," I say. He kisses me, light but passionate, our lips moving in sync. I pull back, my eyes still closed. When I open them, I see a smile playing on Connor's lips. I smile, and reach up to play with his hair.

"You're beautiful," he says.

"Thanks, but no," I say. "I'm not."

"I think I know beauty when I see it. And you are beautiful." He tucks a stray hair behind my ear. I kiss him once more before taking his hand. We walk back, hand in hand, in companionable silence until we reach the end of the field. I stop short just at the edge.

"So what does this make us?" I ask.

"We can be whatever you want us to be," Connor says.

"You are so sweet," I say. "What do you want?"

"I want to see you every day and know you're mine," he says.

"Done," I say. His face lights up and he kisses me again, clutching me close. I give in and tangle my fingers in his hair. He picks me up slightly, my bare feet just brushing the ground beneath me. He sets me down and I pull back. "We should go inside and unpack. I need to get ingredients for dinner later."

"Oh, okay," he says, and takes my hand. I grab my heels and suitcase and go inside to find everyone sitting in the living room.

"So there are 4 rooms," I say. "Three have two beds and one is the master bedroom."

"We know," says Tristan. "We already picked rooms."

"I guess I'll go see what's left then," I say, and make my way upstairs.

I make my way down the hallway and see suitcases on the beds of the first three rooms, which means the master bedroom was left for me. I open the doors to a large room with cherry furniture and a bay window overlooking the front of the house. I unpack a little, put my heels back on, grab my phone and head back downstairs. I grab the keys before I walk into the living room.

"Any requests for dinner?" I ask.

"No, not really," says Kat. "Choose whatever."

"Alright," I say. I'll be back in an hour or so. Bye!" I walk out and get in the car. I turn on the radio and drive to a grocery store in the Village.

Connor's POV

The moment Liv leaves the room, Brad runs to the window. He comes back and says, "She's gone." Everyone crowds around me.

"What happened?" Kat asks. "Wait wait wait, I wanna guess. You kissed Liv!" I smile at the memory.

"Oh my God, he totally did!" exclaims Alli.

"Well done, mate," James says.

"So how'd you do it?" asks Kat.

"Well, as you know, I went out to find her after she didn't come inside. She was standing in the field outside and said that she wanted to get away from everything. I hugged her and told her everything would be fine. She thanked me and I kissed her," I say.

"I know that's not all, if the look on your face says anything," Tristan says.

"There's no point in lying. We saw out the window," says Brad.

"And, when we got to the edge of the field, she asked what we were. I told her, she agreed, and I kissed her again before we came inside," I say.

"What exactly did you say?" Alli asks.

"That I wanted to see her every day and be able to call her mine," I say.

"I'm surprised she didn't correct you," Kat says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She's the person who told us that no one is ever anybody else's because no one can really own anyone else," Alli says. "She told us that when we first started dating our boyfriends. That, and if anything happened to call her right away. She's scary sometimes."

"She gave our boyfriends her famous 'What Happens When You Date My Friends' speech," says Kat. "They wouldn't go near her for a week after that." They laugh.

"That bad?" Tris asks.

"What can we say? It's effective," they say at the same time.

"Wow," James says.

"So you really kissed Liv?" Kat asks. I nod with a smile. "That's so adorable!"

"Enough of this mushy talk," Brad says. "Let's play a game." We search the house.

"I found Monopoly!" Alli announces. We collect in the front room and start playing. What feels like ten minutes later, but is probably more, Liv walks back in with bags in her arms.

"Who's winning?" she asks.

"Alli," Brad says. Liv laughs.

"You bought that property, didn't you?" she asks. Alli nods. "Nice." She laughs. "Will someone please help me put these in the kitchen?" I stand and take bags from her, setting them down in the kitchen.

"I think Alli's cheating," I say. Liv laughs.

"She's not. She just likes certain properties," Liv says.

"So when's dinner?" I ask.

"Soon," she says, and herds me out of the kitchen. I sit down and play again, half paying attention and half replaying the memories of kissing Liv in my mind.

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