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breastplates I imagine

as ample metal discs

each of the two, slotted behind my bosom

protecting my inside and me

residing still, to deflect those seedy rich ones

whose slit eyes snide smiles, flats and fats perch

buttressing of my hot tissues for those nipples pert

(my mind kept solely, yes, yes, yes)

and yet they suggest I dance

with flicks of long nailed dirt fingers, so

I'll gyrate her

but my own sway veils my essence

I'll dance her empty

but my own will moves through

and as soon as their gold is down

I will cash in my plates worth

sunday service here doesn't quite cut it

tough and sturdy earns, says goes to say...

(who are the needs who need more, and more? and more? i heard greed is one of the worst sins, but is the richest organisation)

crisp mornings will always suit me finer than them

head high and ploughing. i'll be forever going home to me

to me and my own

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