Chapter 3: Getting Noticed

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{A:N// quick note, Banter from carls and cal}


Carly's P.O.V

I impatiently waited for detention to be over, I had double detention as suspected as I was late for math class and forgot my book. I sighed, as me and a lad named Josh was left here. I recieved a few glances from the teacher from time to time, why do we need to be punished for little things like this? It's so ridiculous.

The clock struck 5pm.

"Leave you fools, don't get in this mess again." The subsitute teacher said, I picked up my bag and quickly walked out of the room, my parents will be furious.

I walked over to the bus stop to get a quicker way home, the bus is normally a few minutes late so I'm probably on time. I took out my phone and messaged Dy.

Me : finally on my wayy homeeeee

Dy:* : aha lmao gtg homework

Me: homework ? U never do ur homework

Dy:* : its drama hw

Me: ah okay bai

The bus pulled up as I sent the last text, the doors opened and the smell of the driver's sweat woffed in, I gagged and stepped onto the bus, seeing a few people on the bus eating and drinking alcohol. Ew.

I handed the driver the ticket money and smiled then turned to look at the available seats. I went to the nearest of the driver's so I know that I am safe. I took out my phone once again, seeing two Twitter notifications. I opened up the app and read my notifications.

Calum fucking Hood favorited my tweet and replied to me!! Oh my fucking god!! I didn't think he would ever be able to see my tweet! Not with my luck, anyway.

I screamed, not realising that I was still on the bus, I looked up and grinned a little of embarassment at the passengers who were staring at me as if I was on drugs, well I'm not on any illegal drugs, maybe love drugs though..

I read his reply.

@Calum5SOS: @fxck_carly hope u enjoy our show gorgeous <3 thankyou for ur support!!xx

@fxck_carly: @Calum5SOS i love you !! Xxxx

I smiled at myself like a dork.

I'm so fucking happy oh my!!

The bus stopped, I snapped my head up, my stop, I quickly stood up grabbing my stuff and skipped off the bus, thanking the driver.

I skipped up to my driveway getting several stares from people and opened my door. Still smiling widely, I stepped in the house slamming the door and throwing my bag to the floor, sliding down the door, my parents staring at me the whole time. "Okay, what's up with her?" My mum laughed, "That dorky band probably.." My dad mumbled, not paying much attention as he was reading the newspaper again.

"He noticed me!!" I giggled, my mum stood up and walked over to me and knelt down to my height. "Who noticed you honey?" My mum asked, obviously trying not to burst into fits of laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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