"Bloody hell! What did you do!?"

     "Wow! That's deeper that I thought! That's gonna leave a brilliant scar!"


     "Calm down old man! Don't have an aneurism. I hopped over the fence a kilometer or so back, and I snagged my hand." I said with a shrug, "It's not a big deal."

     "By God girl!" Officer Mower said exhasperated, "This is going to get infected if we don't do something!"

     Officer Mowery reached his hand into the breast pocket of his uniform and pulled out his hankercheif. Then proceded to dab my hand with it.

     "OW!" I screamed as I tried to free my wrist from Officer Mowery's iron grasp.

     "Hold still!"

     "God that hurts!"

     I struggled to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over.

     "I bet it does, but it wouldn't be so bad if you just HELD STILL!"

     I squeezed my eyes closed, bit my lower lip, and clentched my now apple free hand. Officer Mowery quickly wiped the blood away from my cut hand. And, realizing that I really did need stitches, escorted my to the police cruiser.

     "Where are you taking me?"

     "I can't properly attend to your wound," he hesitated.


     I heard my voice shake and suddenly I felt sick as I asked.

     "And I am taking you to the hospital."


     "Flare," he started in a calming voice, "I know you don't like hospitals, but you have to go."

     "No I don't, can't you just get some needle and thread? Then we would both be happy. You can give me stiches, and I don't have to go to the hospital!" I said with a hopeful smile.

     "No Flare, we can't do that."

     "Why not!?"

     "I can't give you stiches! You have to go see a doctor!"

     I crossed my arms and pouted. I sat in the back seat of the police crusier in silence and watched as we slowly approtched the hospital. Officer Mowery put the car in park and turned around to face me.


     "No garuntees." I muttered under my breath.


     He opened his door and walked around to the back pasenger door. He opend it and held out his hand. I narrowed my eyes at his hand and growled.

     "I can get out just fine!"

     Officer Mowery took a step back with his hands up in a defensive position. I placed my left foot on the ground and pulled my body out of the car, smacking my head on the door frame.

     "Are you alright?" Officer Mowery asked, as he tried not to laugh.


     I rubbed my forehead as we walked through the automatic glass doors, into a room with uncomfortable wooden chairs, and had the lingering oder of lysol. A chill ran down my spine, and I shivered. Officer Mowery looked at me, and raised his eyebrows.

     "Cold chill," I pointed out.


     I went and sat down on one of the chairs while Officer Mowery went to get the forms that he needed to fill out from the reseptionist. I detest hospitals. Everything about them makes me sick; the smell, the white starile walls and floors, and even the thought of people dying in rooms that I could be in. I siged and started shaking my leg impatiently.

     "What?" he asked.

     "I just want to leave."


Hey everyone!

Just wanted you to know that I am going to do something differant with this book's chapters. There are going to be multiple parts per chapter, and that is only because Wattpad deleted like an hour's worth of work on this story, and people have already started to read it. So I hope you enjoy this story and don't forget to check out my other story "Surviving the System"! :)

Thanks so much,


FlareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora