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Louis' painful cries could be heard all throughout the halls of hells kingdom. His desperate wails for freedom and begging prayers went unanswered. He'd only been help captive three hours, but over all it felt longer. He missed his mother dearly and could not bring himself to hate her for she has caused. Just longing to be back in her arms, reassuring him it would all be okay.

Louis stayed in the room and cradled himself in a far distant corner. When Harry first saw him, after coming back from handling business, he laughed. The sinister chuckles filling the spacious bedroom. Louis dreaded being a prisoner more with each passing minute, knowing his sentence was for eternity. This didn't seem in anyway fair to Louis that he'd have to suffer the rest of his life in hell as the Devils pawn. It was his mother decision after all, something he had to pay for with his life. While she would be emotionally bruised. She could move on with her life, if she ever found the strength to forgive herself.

A foreign thought slipped into Louis' mind. He could easily end it all, there was a balcony up top. He could throw himself over the rail, and meet his death or whatever awaited him at the bottom. But where would that lead him? Probably an even worse fate, living in the eternal flames of hells lake. An uneven breathe left his quivering lips and he closed his eyes, trying to find a peaceful place somewhere in his mind. A place that wasn't here, in the devils home, and where he could collect his thoughts.

Louis sighed, stood from the corner and made his way to the staircase. Taking one-step at a time, the metal blistering beneath his feet he reached the top. Louis pushed the balcony door open and a rush of heat blew in. He'd probably faint if wasn't for the fact that his body had became strangely used to the inhuman heat.

He stepped up onto the metal rail and looked down. The fire below blazed high, but flowed similar to a river, it twisted fast against the castle walls, but didn't seem to cause any damage. Louis looked down in wonder and crystal clear he could see the flaming rivers contents.

Bodies. Eyes hallow, empty sockets, no limbs, and mouths wide-open presenting rows of razor sharp fangs. Demons. Those cries reminded Louis of the sound he'd heard on his arrival here. Their fate was eternal, no way for these once humans to get a second chance at life. He could be with them, suffering for eternity, but anything would be better.

Louis started to cry again, surprised he had more tears in his system. His emotions look over, the sobs causing his body to shake violently. If he couldn't even manage a few hours how did he expect to survive an eternity. A rumbling sound emerged and Louis was startled to see two gargoyles turn their head to him.

"You shouldn't be up here." The one to his right warned him. It's face looking in disappointment. 

Louis leaped back nearly losing his balance, a hand clutching his beating chest. With wide eyes Louis looked at the gargoyle, it's stone body crafted so carefully even the crinkles by its eyes had mass details.

"Yes, yes, yes. You shouldn't be here." The left one repeated agreeing with its companion.

"I'm losing my mind." Louis cried looking in between the two gargoyles.

One Locked eyes with Louis and snicker, and evil gleam shinning in its eyes. He didn't have much time to react. His wrist was gripped in a burning palm and sharp teeth snapped in his face.

"Stop, stop!" Louis cried trying his best to get free, but nothing proved affective.

"Get off of me, let go!" He cried out again, hoping maybe one of the guards posted outside the door would come to his rescue.
Someone busted though the balcony door, but it wasn't someone he was expecting. The demon let out a streaking sound and fell back into its fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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