Chapter 1-A little bit of saving

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Jason's p.o.v~

"Bye."I hung up on another slut that just called.I'm kind of getting sick of her,but until I find another I will have to wait.I saw a crowd in the middle of the hallway which is unusual because I am usually the one kicking somebody's ass.

Pushing past all of the people,I saw a big guy on top of the guy that I bully.
Hell no!Only I can pick on him."Get off of him."I glared at the fucktard that thought like an idiot.He let go of Justin.I had put Justin in much worse situations,but seeing him in all blood and tears by someone else made my blood boil.

Remy backed away as slow as possible.Keeping my hard glare on him I went to go pick up Justin off the floor.Of course he flinched before I even touched him.He was scared of me.I love the fact that I have so much power over people,and that probably won't change.

I said absolutely nothing while I carried him to the men's restroom."What happened?"He remained silence which angered me."Why did he do that to you?!"I raised my voice and spoke as if he were an alien.I sat him on the sink.

More tears welled up in his eyes.His body shook,harshly."H-he just c-came up to me!"He wailed,dragging out me."Did you do anything to him?"I questioned.He shook his head.My eyes didn't leave his.I know my Justin.When he says that he did not do anything,that means I have to go beat someone's ass.

Grabbing a paper towel,I wet it with warm water and put it up to the blood that was coming out of his nose."J-Jason?"He stuttered.I raised a brow."I appreciate you helping,bu-"

"You're not going to class right now."I growled in anger.Why would he want to be in the same room as the guy that just beat him up?He is used to me but not to Remy.That guy may not be as tough as me,but he will not lay a finger on Justin.

"Has he ever hit you before?"I ask,getting some ideas that maybe Remy had hit him once,but never told me.

"No."He rubbed his swollen eyes,tiring.
He looks drained.

Looks like he just sold his soul to the devil.He looked down making a weird noise.Not too weird though.It kind of worried me.What if he is dangerously hurt?

His face turned red as he lifted his head up,and began coughing up a storm.Then I had realized that he was trying to hold back a cough.His coughing became much more violent and scary,so I picked him up as he wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my torso.

Rubbing his back,I heard the bathroom knob rattling."Ugh!I have to take a piss!"That familiar voice yelled.Making my way to the door with a coughing Justin in my arms,I unlocked it.

It was Ryder.He is my brother.Not blood related.I watched him rush to the nearest stall,making me chuckle.What the hell is wrong with him?He is always waiting until he really has to go.

Justin was still coughing.Instead of staying in the bathroom rubbing his back I took him in the hallway to get him some water.Before I even put my hand on the knob,I put Justin down on his feet.

"Go get some water and come right back,understand?"He nodded while covering his mouth with his arm,
jogging out."What's wrong with him?"Ryder asked,washing his hands.


It was all I had to say and someone would understand exactly what was going on."Oh shit."He replied.I wish I could just kill him at this moment.I should have already done something about it.Like the good boy Justin is,he came back in with an exhausted look on his face.

His little button nose was red,his eyes were swollen,his hair was a little bit messed up,and his lips were sore."Bye,bro."Ryder says,exiting the bathroom.

I had noticed that Justin has come to school with bruises all over his body.I know that it is definitely someone from his family.It makes me feel kind of protective of him.I want to protect him when someone is hurting the one that I had my hands on first.

I was thinking of him moving in with me.That way he could get hurt less."W-when am I going back to class?"He asks for the second time.

"Fuck you.If you want to get back to Remy then go ahead."I spat.Then,something escaped my lips that I wish I could take back.

"I hope he kills you."

Justin's P.O.V~

I hope he kills you.

It was like I had been seriously shot.It made me want to cry,but I did not.Not until I got to the front of the school.I had ran out of the school.I did not want to die,because my parents told me that I would be the one to go to hell.

I definitely want to go to heaven.But,I might not get to go.My bottom lip trembled.How could Jason say that to me and expect me to cope with that?What if they really do kill me?I can not leave my sister behind.Not with my dad,because he beats her.My mom hurts her sometimes too.

I sat on the steps.

How much longer am I allowed to live,God?

I questioned him as I stated up at the blue sky.I know I will miss the sky when I die.Even though I will be leaving it.I will miss my sister,I will miss everything.

Tears left my right eye while I listed off things I would miss in my head."Jason!"I wailed out over and over again.I wanted to be saved,and he is the only one that can do that for me.I have no one.I am around him more than anyone else in my life.

Who else do I have to call for?

"Jason."I whispered.I continued to cry wether someone heard me or not.I wouldn't care who it was.It could be Remy and I would not give a flying fuck.I curled up into a ball to make me feel a little safer.Well,it makes me feel a lot safer.

"Jason,come save me!"I cried to myself.A hand was felt on my shoulder making me flinch."Stop it!"I demanded,hoping that this person would leave me alone."Go away,or Jason will beat you to death.Just like he beat me."I sniffled.

"My heart hurts."I cried out for the millionth time today."It hurts so bad."

The muscular hands picked me up.That's when I knew it was Jason."I am so sorry about what I said to you."I wrapped my body around him.I did not like him,but he is the only thing that is going to keep me alive.

"Shh.You will be okay."His voice was still cold,but it was naturally like that.At least he was trying to use a calm voice.I love this Jason.I wish he were more like this.He comes off as this cold-hearted asshole,but he is a big softie.He looks absolutely gorgeous.No wonder all of the girls like him.

"Listen,Justin.I don't want you to go home."Jason says,patting my back.

"I want you to come to my house.It is a lot safer,there."I had no idea what to say.My bully was asking me to live with him.It may be a lot safer,but I can't leave my sister behind."I can't."I said.

He looked so disappointed.

"Why is that?"His voice was no longer calm.He sounded offended and confused."B-because I am not leaving my sister and dog there."

"You can bring them."He offered.I smiled small."I-I guess so."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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