Noi was walking to the house now, "date with Takenaga." Repeatedly and thinking about how she is do something when they are just going to the library, "Ahhhh!" the gang from earlier runs her over. "Stupid jerks. Aren't they from yesterday?" then Sunako comes dashing right, "Hey Sunako...ahhh!" she ran so fast Noi flew into a trash can. "Oww." "Noi are you okay?" rouge walks up to her, helping her up. "Yeah thanks. What are doing here?" "I was getting some things for dinner. Why were you in a trash can?" she explained what happened, "I see lets go follow them." Rouge says. "Okay they went this way." They run to the area Sunako went to.

"So that's the reason you came back without her." The boss said. "Well you see..." boss punched him the face before he finish. "Don't give that crap! What the..." the boss looked to see Hiroshi on the henchmen leg, "Ahhh get it off. Get it off!" "Stop playing arou..." Hiroshi landed in his mouth. "Ahhh burn it." Having a lighter on, Sunako came in, "Hiroshi!" "You're here. Did you come to see me?" She went past him and the crap out of everyone, "If you don't stop that or your creepy doll gets it." The henchmen say. Sunako hesitates walks up a little closer, but surrenders with a bow. "What's wrong with this girl?!"

Noi and Sunako were behind the window looking, hearing everything that happened, "We have go get the guys." Noi says. "You go get the guys, I'll stay here." "I can't leave you here." "I'll be fine just go. Go!" Noi left her and go to the mansion.

Rouge Pov

I wait until Noi is far away from the hideout. I open the door, "Sunako!" "Who are you?! What business do have with the lily of my heart?" the boss said. 'Lily of his heart?' the boss said. "She's my cousin, why." "Really then you can my hostage. After her men!" they came at me, but I kicked him the face. "How did she do that?" more come towards, "Don't get in my way." I punch one of them in the face. "Boss, look at the girl. She has a familiar fighting stance and face. Doesn't she look like someone right?" One-man of the henchmen asks. "You're right she looks like him." I am too busy fighting to hear what's going on till, "Hey men stop fighting." They all stop fighting, "hey girly, do you know anyone named Rei?" I stood still. "How do you know that name?" "I heard he was in jail but released a few months ago." Jail? I can't believe that. I let my guard down, "tie her up." They tie me up against the wall. I didn't move a single at all, 'was he really in jail? But for what?'

At home

Noi Pov

"It's awful! There were so many delinquents, Sunako by herself, Hiroshi kidnapped, Rouge..." "Calm down here is some water." Takenaga offers. "Thank you." I pour the water on me, "Next time try drinking." "By the way, why are so dressed up today Noi?" Kyohei asks. I blushed, I couldn't talk but stutter. "That's not important! The gang boss has Sunako and Rouge hostage!" "Wait Rouge is there too. Why?" Yuki asks in worry. "We were both there..." "You didn't stay by her?!" "I said we needed you guys but she says she will be fine." "You should've brought her anyway!" Yuki yelling. "Yuki calm down! We'll get them back." Ranmaru said. "They will be alright. They both fight like men anyway." Kyohei said laughing, but Noi slapped him. "You seem to forget Sunako and Rouge are girls. If you don't do something then I will!" I run at the house to hideout for Sunako and Rouge.


Third Pov

"So what's you are hobbies? Your favorite food?" gang boss asks Sunako. "Mine is Mont Blanc. Don't worry, it will be over when I kick Kyohei butt when comes. Oh do like flowers Sunako? Here some for you, and some more, and more." Sunako is practically buried in flowers. "Sunako, Rouge, are you okay?" Noi comes in. "Is this...her funeral!" the boys freak out. "Who are you? Another rescue party?" "Another? Wait where's Rouge?" they look around to see her in a dark corner. "Let go of them right now." "Gladly, when Takano fights me in a battle." "But he is not coming." Noi looks down. "Then you will be my hostages." They tie them up next to Sunako and Rouge.

"Why did we get capture by a gang boss?" Yuki said. "There is no way we can fight them." "The only people that can is Kyohei, Sunako and Rouge." Ranmaru said. "Have you noticed that Rouge hasn't moved since we been here." Noi said, "Did she get beat up?" "No way, she much stronger than that." Yuki defended her, "But I wonder what's wrong with her? She looks so lifeless." "What are you pests mumbling about?" one of the henchmen go up to them. "We aren't mumbling." Noi says. "If want someone to talk to, then what about me?" trying to flirty. "I have no reason to talk to an ugly person like you." "Oh yeah." About to touch her then Takenaga pushed him out the way, "don't you dare touch Noi! I won't you lay a finger on her." The henchmen knees him the stomach. "Takenaga!" he grabs his hair, "not the hair." "It must to have a pretty face, too bad I have to smash." He aims his fist, instead Kyohei kicks him away. "Kyohei!" "Well things look at of hand here." He says. "Well it looks you made Takano. I've been waiting and to hear you're living in sin with the lily of my heart." 'Lily?' Ranmaru thought. 'Sin?' Yuki thought. "I'll murder you! Let's go outside." "Fine."

Everybody is outside waiting for the fight. "After him!" they all charge at him but Kyohei fights him like it's nothing. "How can you guys be so weak to pretty boy like him?" "Takano, did you forget your girlfriend is over here?" one the henchmen held up Sunako. "What are you doing, don't you dare her my lily." "Then what's the point of them as a hostage?" without knowing a pipe hits Kyohei in the back of the head. The gang boss has his turn fighting Kyohei. "I'm the gang boss also known as the bear killer..." "Kyohei!" "Leave him alone." "I would gladly if he admits defeat." Kyohei stands up wounds all overs his bonds. "You seem to care for the girl don't you?" "Well she is girl. More or less." "You can't the hero here pretty boy." He punches the crap out of him; making Sunako snapped and ran towards him by the neck and slams him to the ground, beating the crap out of him. "Get him good!" Noi said. She tosses him in the air. "No way!" he slams into his henchmen, "I'm the gang boss known as the bear killer. I forgot something, lilies are poisonous." They faint.

Kyohei and Sunako were standing next to each other then Kyohei collapses on Sunako. "Sunako!" "Kyohei!" "Noi after all this, do you still think she is a girl." Kyohei passes out afterwards then Sunako has a massive nosebleed making her pass out. "Have you guys seen rouge?" Noi asks. They look around to find her leaned against a wall. "Rouge!" "Is she okay?" "She's unconscious." "Wake up Rouge!" Yuki shakes her. He hugs her tightly, "Come on lets go home." He lifts her up and walks with rest.

"That's was cool how Kyohei beat up those guys! Maybe we call him boss?" Yuki said. "It would seem so." Ranmaru said. "Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?" "I just think is sweet how a guy protects the one he cares for." "Won't let a finger on Noi you be Meany." "Shut up!" "They are funny right Rouge?" Yuki asks but no response. "Rouge?" Yuki looks behind, but she is silent. "Hey Rouge." They look at her but she still isn't talking. "Is she okay?" "She must been still unconscious." "I guess she is still tired from the fight." "If we put her to bed she will feel better. Don't worry Yuki she will be fine." "You're right. Feel better soon Rouge."

Rouge Pov


I walk to gang boss to find more information. He was still passed out from earlier. I kick him, to see he is moving. "Hey wake up." He looks ups with shock, "what are you doing here?" "I need more information about that name you mention before." "Why should I tell you?" I pull my katana, swing down towards his head making him flinch, but I stop. "Now will tell me." "Fine, the guy name is Rei. I don't know his last name but he is the toughest guy I have ever fought and everyone is terrified of him. I heard he was in jail but was released a few days after he was in. that's all I know." I can't believe this. It's not can't be. I feel light head. I go back to a wall then black out.

Flashback ends

I wake up in my bed. I look to see its night time. 'Is he really a criminal? Is that why he's been missing all this time.' I start to cry thinking such a horrible thing. 'Please tell me it's not you Rei. Please.' More tears come out, next thing a cry myself to sleep.

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