Chapter 11.

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*Meryl's POV*

I pick my bag and pay the driver. I breath before inserting the key into the look. I don't want to see him.

I open the door and turn on the hall lights. Everything is dull and sad... It doesn't look like my home.

I drag my bag trying to do the less noise as possible. I walk to my room. I put all my stuff over the bed and I come back to the hall. I look in every room, also in the garage, living room, Don's study, kitchen and garden. There isn't any car so I decide to get confortable.

I go to my bedroom, I take clean underwear, my brown nightgown and my blue bathrobe. I get into the bathroom and I unbuttoned my trousers and take them off, I stay a few seconds looking myself in the mirror. I'm beautiful, radiant. What does Serena have?.

- Youth, and good hands.- I laugh.

The bathtub is full of water and some salts. I tie my hair and slowly get into the bath.

The temperature is ideal, I relax the whole body. I'm really tired so I fall asleep.

- Meryl! Meryl!. Are you at home?.- Don shouts.


I get out of the bath and put my bathrobe. He's in the bedroom. We are standing in front of each other for about 5 minutes. Saying nothing, without any movement.

Don steps forwards and kneels in front of me.

- Meryl, please, forgive me. I've already forgiven you. I have never been angry at all. It's all my fault. I'm... I'm so sorry. You're the first woman in my life followed by our three daughters and my mum. Look at you, you're gorgeous honey, I'm so stupid.- he says about to mourn.

- Don, come here.- I hug him.- we all make mistakes but It really hurts. You know I hate Serena, she is all I'm not, pretty, young, sexy. I need time to think.

- Take all the time you want.- he says.- Do you want to talk?.

- What about a drink?.

We go down stairs, Don serves two glasses of wine. We sit in front of each other. It's so awkward.

- The children hate me Don.

- They don't hate you. They are hurt because we made something wrong.- he corrects me.

- They haven't treated you as badly as me. You don't know how hard it's to hear your daughters calling you bitch.- I shout.

- Meryl keep calm.

- What should I do?. Should I pretend nothing is happening?. Donald please, we have cuckolded each other and our children know it.

- I know, all of this is shit.

- You don't know anything. You cheated on me with a young slut. It's horrible for a woman of my age, my youth and my zest for life are dissapearing.- Don hugs me.- I love you, and I won't throw out years of marriage for an error of both. We deserve a second chance, but first I have some time and an open relationship.

- I agree but... What do you mean with an open relationship?.- he asks perplexed.

- We live together being the perfect couple with the perfect life, but we can hang out with other people, just for a time.- I say softly.

- I'm not going to hang out with anyone, but if you want to do it...

I aproach to him and stroke his face.

- Thank you.- I say.

He's trying to kiss me but I quickly turn away and give him a sad smile.

I go to my bedroom, I spend hours and hours awake. I miss Pierce, I miss my children. I take my mobile. I have two messages and some losts calls.

'Meryl, I hope everything is ok. Goodnight and dream with me, I love you.

- Pierce xX.'

Ohh he's so cute. I look like a teenager with her first love. I read the second one.

'Mommy, are you at home yet?. You don't take the phone. Love you.

- Henry.'

I look my lost calls and I have four of Henry. My girls didn't call me, a tear is falling through my cheek. I decide to answer to Henry.

'Hey little man, sorry I was bussy talking with your father. I'm ok, a little tired. I went to bed early. Kisses for your sisters and specially for you.

- Your mum<3.'

I press Send and fall asleep.

This is a really short chapter, I'm sorry. Hope you like it.

- Claudia :3

It didn't finish after Mamma Mia!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora