14.Merry Christmas Jc...

Start from the beginning

"she's going to be home on Christmas..." I tried to evade his full question but the look he gave me made my resole crumble.

"but not Christmas eve... or any other night of the holiday vacation" I looked away ashamed but he moved so he was looking at me head on.

"its okay.... I get it..." he thought for a moment before smiling up at me.

"do you want to come over my house Christmas eve... my parents are having some business partners over so I was going to stay in my room or the game room the whole time anyway."  the blush that I loved so much deepened in shade and I smiled at his nervousness...

"if its okay with your aunt and uncle I'd love that." he nodded and smiled at the same time.

"yah! we can both be lonely on Christmas eve together!" he and punched a fist in the air in over exaggerated excitement causing us both to laugh... and get some weird looks but who cares.

suddenly Christmas vacation didn't seem so bleak after all...


Christmas eve was finally here and I was taking a slow walk to Jc's house....breathing in the chilled winter air I studied my surroundings...

He really did live in a beautiful neighborhood... the large houses where all decorated for the fast approaching holiday, covered in festive lights and wreaths. Many of them had there Christmas trees in the front window and each emitted a soft light that made everything around it seem to glow.

With a final look around I let out a soft sigh off content, finally reaching my destination. shortly after I knocked Jc's aunt opened the door with a festive smile. she urgently pulled me out of the cold air and into the warm house.

"kian, come in, come in! merry Christmas! I'm so happy you were able to come!" I laughed as she fussed over my hair and started listing off the various things we were having for dinner.

Since I had been coming to Jc's house so often, I had gotten to know his aunt very well. Even though we just meet a just few short weeks ago she treated me as if I was her son. I think she liked that I was hanging out with Jc so much which made me truly relived.... I'm not sure what I would have done if she hadn't approved of me... but on the contrary she seemed to want me to be there as much as possible, asking me to stay for dinner and even welcoming me to use one of the guest rooms to spent the night. 

"Merry Christmas to you to... thank you for letting me come, I know it was unexpected so I appreciate it." I smiled at her nervously but she waved away my thanks

"Really its no big deal... your actually helping me! the more you eat the less leftovers ill have to put away" we both started to laugh but mine was cut short when I felt something land on my back.

"kian! its almost Christmas!" I stumbled a bit but I quickly regained my footing and balanced so that I wouldn't drop the beautiful peace of art that was had its arms around my neck and legs around my waist.

"Jc! I know!" I grabbed onto his thighs and began spinning around in a large circle.

When I finally stopped we were both out of breath from laughing so hard and he hopped of my back. I turned to look at him but ended up openly staring in awe...

Despite the warm temperature of the house he had on a dark red Christmas sweeter that brought out the color in his chocolate brown eyes. His dark jeans fitted perfectly to every beautiful curve he had and it made me want him to jump on my back again so that when I was holding him I could better appreciate how tight they where. He was freshly showered so his hair was still slightly damp but it had been brushed out in a way that made his curls even more prominent.... god I loved his curls... they might be my favorite part about him. I just wanted to reach out and run my fingers through them... he was so perfect.

"what are you staring at!?" he laughed bringing me out of my daze and tried to mess up my hair.

"you..." his cheeks turned the same shade of red as his sweater and I couldn't stop the smirk that played at my lips when he looked away flustered

"well hope you enjoyed the view... now do you want to head down to the game room before dinner?" he played with a string on his wrist and I smiled.

"yah sure... and don't worry the view was fantastic" he bit his lip and looked at the floor before we both hurried to the stairs.

Jc called it a 'game room' I called it a portal to heaven. The entire basement of the gigantic house had been transformed into a complete paradise. one half of the room was dedicated to an amazing home theater, complete with a gigantic TV, reclining leather chairs and a small popcorn machine... the other half contained things for entertainment including, a pool table, air hockey table and a basketball arcade came.

I smiled when I reached the bottom stair because I realized that the entire room, much like the rest of the house, was decorated for Christmas. lights bordered the perimeter of the room and garland was rapped around the legs of the gaming tables. stockings were placed on front of the stone fireplace, which was lit and it gave the large room a warm, welcoming feel.

"so what do you want to do?" Jc leaned against the wall casually as I looked around happily.

"uh- I don't know... wanna play pool?" I shrugged and gestured to the table. he looked at me shocked for a moment before breaking into a wide smile.

"kian it never ceases to amaze me how you can read my mind" he pushed himself off the wall and we laughed as we walked towards the pool table.

two games in and we were tied... it was my last chance. one good move and I would win, one bad move and Jc would get the chance to steal the victory. taking my time I slowly lined up my shot, taking time to aim. I was drawing back my stick to hit when I felt a chin find its place one my shoulder, butterflies coursed threw me and my hand slipped causing me to make a sloppy shot, opposite the direction I had wanted to go.

"hey! that's cheating!" I turned around to face Jc and saw he wore a smug smile.

"what do you mean?" he asked innocently and I glared at him

"you distracted me..." I mumbled, blushing.

"did I?" he raised an eyebrow and I just rolled my eyes

"whatever just go" he smiled happily and started planning out his move... but I wasn't done yet.

He quickly aimed his shot and was about to make his hit when I snuck up behind him. as soon as he felt my presence he tensed and I inwardly laughed... it was funny at how at times he could be so confident and at others be so shy... I placed my chin on his shoulder and he completely froze.

"see? its distracting isn't it" he nodded weakly but I didn't stop...

I nuzzled my nose into the sensitive spot behind his ear and he shivered a little under my touch... did I always have this affect on him?... my lips lightly brushed his earlobe and he leaned his head into the touch. slowly I turned him around so that we were facing each other and he looked up at me through his long lashes.

I couldn't take it anymore...

"merry Christmas Jc" I whispered.

He opened his mouth to respond and captured his lips in a soft kiss...

I hope you all enjoyed that... sorry this is up so late, it was finished a long time ago but me, okay, yes me... I deleted the chapter, annoying as shit. so I'm writing this again its like deja vu all over again.... (if any of you understood that reference I love you)

But any ways yes I did delete it and I refuse to give you shit work so I re-wrote it... Your welcome (;
*Part two of this will be out very soon*

But...other than that... I'm out

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